
13 Decks, 17 Comments, 0 Reputation

Okay, I follow most of this, but how does Gilder Bairn help? You can't use it to finish Helix, due to Helix having shroud, and nothing else in the deck has counters except devoted druid, which dies if you Bairn it.

Posted 31 July 2009 at 03:40 as a comment on Devoted Helixspike


Okay, better answer:

sideboard Wheel of Sun and Moon.

Posted 14 June 2009 at 17:04 as a comment on Overbearing Overbeing


While Traumatize double-cast is really, really brutal, you do know it's not actually a win, though, right? Because the copy of Trauma created by Twincast resolves first, halving their deck, then the actual Traumatize resolves, halving it again, leaving them at 1/4 their previous deck size (probably not many cards, but definitely at least one).

Posted 14 June 2009 at 16:25 as a comment on unrequited dreams


Uhh... Just due to the counterspell? Smc, this is the list of non-standard cards presented:

Urborg Elf
Overgrown Tomb
Glimpse The Unthinkable

...Somehow, I doubt that being standard-compatible was a priority here.

Posted 13 June 2009 at 05:20 as a comment on Milling+Goyfs=Extinction


If you manage to deck out, you've already been so thoroughly controlled that you didn't have much of a chance anyway. :-P

Posted 08 June 2009 at 05:46 as a comment on Overbearing Overbeing


Also, you only have 59 cards. You may want to fix that. :-P

Posted 08 June 2009 at 05:44 as a comment on Discard Dischord


Hm. As much as I love the Bolas (and I do), he's way too slow for pretty much anything ever. You'd honestly be likely to get more use out of a third Blightning (which you should have four of in a discard deck). Consider that with Megrim in play, Blightning is 3 mana for 7 damage.

You probably have enough mana options in land that the obelisk is choking your 3-slot (which already has megrim, jace, and blightning) without providing any real benefit.

Lastly, why keep the Terrors? I really doubt you'll be unable to scrounge the one R for Terminate, which is in most possible ways better.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 05:44 as a comment on Discard Dischord


I know Ghastlord doesn't trigger Megrim, but he's a 4/4 unblockable beater, and additional hand control to boot.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 05:36 as a comment on Discard


I disagree that this deck needs more mana accel, considering that your mana curve is pretty solidly at about zero. I'd consider cutting out DS Colossus. He's just too slow, unless you luck into getting Mycocinth at the right time. And I honestly believe you could cut the Cranial Plating too. I don't know what you'd replace them with (Welding Jar might not be a bad choice, or Paradise Mantle)

The real trick, I suppose, is always mulliganing until you have glimpse of nature. Everything else hinges on that card.

Posted 02 June 2009 at 16:26 as a comment on What just happened???


Dark Depths was written to be rubbed up against Aether Snap. Something to consider.

Posted 02 June 2009 at 04:01 as a comment on Oh No! Its Marit Lage


I personally think you're better off running Hellspark over regular Spark.

I'd take volcanic fallout over pyroclasm, except that your three-drop slot feels a bit inflated. Speaking of which, I'd consider trading two Ashenoor Gougers for two more Hell's Thunder. The flight makes it more likely that you'll get in for damage (and more on the unearth, if you get there), where Gouger can wind up chumped into uselessness (especially against, say, elspeth).

Posted 29 May 2009 at 16:38 as a comment on Standard Red (Tournament Quality)


What you might consider doing, is replacing the infiltrators with something non-hostile. A wall or such. And you should probably run more than one shared fate, so it is likely to come up more often, and in case it gets countered or destroyed (remember that your opponent keeps whatever cards they had in hand and in play, giving them lots of opportunities to nuke it).

Posted 29 May 2009 at 16:27 as a comment on Shared Suicide


You're probably right about needing more return. I think 4 Debtors' is overkill though, because once I've got one in play, it's usually approaching the end of the game anyway.

Posted 28 May 2009 at 16:13 as a comment on Phyrexians


The overall premise, dknight, is to win by way of cards in hand. Overbeing, the -Maros, Empyrial Plate.

As for Final Judgement, the reasoning is that it gets around everything that avoids wrath. Indestructable, Persist, all of it. I might use Hallowed Burial instead.

"Too much" is a dangerous term as regards enchantment destruction, especially in my casual play metagame. Trust me, it's necessary.

Dragonchild, I can see your arguement about "too much control", except that this deck is built for multiplayer, where there is rarely enough control, let alone too much.

The 90 cards is not so much to avoid milling myself as it is too allow myself the extra options. I'll look at some of the cards you've suggested, though. Possible updates coming soon.

Posted 28 May 2009 at 16:11 as a comment on Upheaval


Kaervek's Torch > Ghitu Fire.

Chandra is neat, but overkill.

Fatal attraction is a good idea.

Posted 24 May 2009 at 15:38 as a comment on Repercussion


Also, have we given any thought to Windbrisk Heights? It can play nicely with, say, spectral procession.

Posted 22 May 2009 at 16:40 as a comment on Mono-white Control


Hmm. I'm not sure about the decision to use Figure of Destiny. I feel like he'll get nuked to death too easily to be worth it. If nothing else, I'd cut him down to 2 and run 4 Plumes.

Posted 22 May 2009 at 16:15 as a comment on Mono-white Control
