
3 Decks, 11 Comments, 1 Reputation

So....what is the win condition? You have 1 Sorin and 1 Ajani that can deal anything to your opponent, given that they even see play. The annoyance of life gain and minor creature control is alright, but again, how do you win? Are you trying for conceit of your opponent running out of their deck? A solid deck, no matter the colors, but esp blue and mill, would eat this deck up. I would rethink a win condition.

Posted 25 July 2010 at 02:38 as a comment on Enchant Me


Ugh fine, since I am getting similar responses on Essential Magic,I replaced the Seekers w 1 more veteran armorsmith and sowrdsmith...and FYI swordsmith is (2)(w) not just 2 mana.

Posted 25 July 2010 at 02:14 in reply to #75799 on White Wins


Wow, this looks way too familiar. I just played a guy in my area in OH with this deck build. It does work. I hate the damn thing, but it works. Jace 2.0 = win.

Posted 25 July 2010 at 01:57 as a comment on mgmt


Again though, I path, journey, O-Ring, w/e ur Bloodghasts....dead cards. I still say they are faulty and useless. Its your deck though,if you feel it works, but I would not run them. And lol, still hate the Twilight reference, but w/e.

Posted 25 July 2010 at 01:52 in reply to #75807 on Team Edward!


Why only the one copies of cards? If you are running Fauna Shaman run 2 - 4 copies. Plummet is too conditional, sideboard it. Again, 2 - 4 copies of the Leyline. Wolfbriar Elemental is alright, but fast drops = better chances on winning. I'd replace it with 4 copies of Garruk's Companion. A 3/2 with trample for 2 green. This definitely needs to be tweaked.

Posted 25 July 2010 at 01:49 as a comment on mono green type 2


Why does everyone insist upon that useless card? Feast of Blood = THE WORST card ever. It is way too conditional on gameplay. If your opponent is knocking off your vampires with burn, counters, removal, kill spells, then you have a dead card or four in your hand. Replace it with Disfigures, Doom Blades, whatever, but get rid of em. Your mana curve is super high as well, I would try to cut it down. You also need to fix the lands....16 x catacombs, lol. Finally, you get the ***** slap of the day for naming it Team Edward. Twilight and all the tweens that follow it need to go die in a ditch somewhere. lol.

Posted 25 July 2010 at 01:43 as a comment on Team Edward!


I play in an area where the effectiveness of Conqueror's Pledges are meek. In fact,more often than not, they get me killed. I have been hit with a Marsh Casualties and Bloodchief Ascension being online. It is more devastating than helpful. The Days of Judgment again are due to the area. I have to meta game with their use. There is a lot of agro with a lot of fast Jund, Vampire, and Eldrazi decks. Silence is great against Eldrazi decks when I get that extra turn in to hit them before they pop off and same for Jund. Then too, except for Sprouting Thrinax, Days wipe Jund effectively. Akrasan Squire = turn 2 swing for 3. Its very effective. The Glory seekers were for a couple of extra fast drop creatures... I could always replace them, but like a 2/2 for (2).

Posted 25 July 2010 at 01:36 as a comment on White Wins


Nice MBC hand control. After the rotation, are you still going to keep the build and replace the fallen out cards with type II ones? If Scars has something to offer, I would keep the core of the deck together.

Posted 24 July 2010 at 00:01 as a comment on Black mono Discard


Yeah I was running 4but I had to cut out some stuff to make room for a lot of stuff. I could probably cut out 1 tome scour for a 4th erasure again. Its hard to balance this deck and keep it 60 cards. thanks for the comment.

Posted 23 July 2010 at 23:44 in reply to #75556 on Post Rotation Mill


Actually, Its not that bad. Its almost tournament playable. I haven't seen an effective deck yet running those little idols, but you managed to make it work it seems. I would imagine in a multi-player game, this deck causes a lot of headaches.

Posted 23 July 2010 at 22:42 as a comment on Jinxed Idol


Depending on what Scars of Mirrodin brings to the table, this may be a finished deck. If it brings some more effective cards, I will definitely be changing out cards in this deck. Until then, this is the best I can do with the limitations of 1block and 1 edition to stay ahead of the rotation curve.

Posted 23 July 2010 at 22:25 as a comment on Post Rotation Mill
