
244 Decks, 576 Comments, 508 Reputation

Stompy is good silly fun, and I think it was exactly what I needed to play after being stuck behind Doomsday for so long...
And Modern is actually pretty fun, but I do despise it as much as enjoy it thanks to the fact that it gouged the prices for things. Really, if you look at it, Modern costs now what Legacy did before.

I had used three Baloths, and a sixteenth land in the original design, with no Tarmogoyfs. It's now my favorite budget deck, because the thing costs less than $50!

Also, means a lot that you enjoy this, as your Stompy stuff is pretty much the best!

Posted 07 June 2014 at 06:18 in reply to #470670 on Chamber the Cartridge


I could have sworn I posted something about why I'd support a second Noxious Revival vs Orzhov Charm, but apparently not... I'll get back to that eventually.

It is indeed like how "Y" is sometimes a vowel, but the way it just simply ignores aggro decks is so great to me.

This is true. I'm probably wanting to play it too much like Pox, and not giving enough attention to the other aspects.

Posted 20 May 2014 at 01:16 in reply to #464393 on ...I also love him.


They made me quit too. This deck is absurd. I switched out Voltaic Key with Master of the Feast, and the Zur package got sooooo much worse.

Posted 20 May 2014 at 01:11 in reply to #466126 on Ah, house rules


Well yeah, Tabernacle does great things against any deck that plays creatures period though. Entomb I'm not entirely sure how you mean to employ in this build.

Kataki is pretty epic, but Dispatch is now a thing :| the Affinity players I know all run three maindeck*grumbling*.

Iso-Pox actually has a spectacular time against it, but more so, Parfait Extraction laughs at it. The Energy Field setup is the best thing since Glacial Chasm, and playing Extraction from behind it means I pretty much automatically win against Affinity if I take out Tezz XD
I don't actually know how I feel about PAL being there. It has a good time against Affinity, especially if you manage to pull off Abrupt Decay on Isochron Scepter, but it has such a dependency on the big Pox effects for kill, that I just can't agree fully.

Posted 14 May 2014 at 08:15 in reply to #464393 on ...I also love him.


This deck handles decently well given a hand that's usable, but to be honest I keeled over hard to Affinity when I play Sure's style of Iso-Seek Extraction. The main survival tools against aggro are Meekstone, Blind Obedience, and Seek. Meekstone with Blind Obedience will outright win you games against Fish if resolved, but against Maverick, or Affinity? Seek recouping your losses is the only way to make it from my experience.

I know I'm not Sure, but I'm bored, and can't fall asleep due to insomnia ._.

Posted 14 May 2014 at 06:50 in reply to #464393 on ...I also love him.


Considering my main Modern deck costs ~2,000USD, nah, he's good. Plus, look at some of Jack's Legacy decks for a sense of what he considers expensive, or hell, anything in Vintage can put somebody through a few semesters at a cheap college.

Posted 11 May 2014 at 08:17 in reply to #463166 on Modern Ritual Gifts


He isn't, but who is once they taste eternal formats? He's responsible for some of the tournament Kuldotha lists sadly/awesomely.

Posted 09 May 2014 at 01:55 in reply to #462659 on A more glorious dawn


It happens from time to time, but oddly enough I think I've seen him make more Standard than Modern 0_o

Posted 09 May 2014 at 01:41 in reply to #462659 on A more glorious dawn


:D They'll hate you you know

:| Yup, that's how it rolls. Like a boulder after Indiana Jones.

Hard-rockin' amigo feels like it should be the name of a band.

Posted 08 May 2014 at 22:33 in reply to #462277 on Thassa's Wizards EDH


Faustus has a load of gems like that, and the story to it is absolutely phenomenal. I'm not religious either, but that story is just so wonderful, and that quote in particular is one of the best.

Path to Exile would be an interesting choice, but even with the mana denial, I still would rather have them draw a land that they know won't last than offer them an escape. It is a very tempting idea though, I might have to try it some time.
One of the big wins about the removal is that none of it targets. It provides a certain psychological edge, and allows me to eat up TNN with ease.

Posted 08 May 2014 at 21:59 in reply to #462559 on leave these frivolous demands


:) That sounds like it was epic, but I can't lie, I'd have gone after Slivers first... I despise them haha.
Shame you didn't get to finish it, but hey, Modern.
Rhystic Study should be in every EDH deck that has blue in the color identity pretty much, it's soooo epic. And no problem!

Azami is nice, and Arcanis is too, but I'd honestly probably just stick with Thassa. The 5/5 indestructible scrying is just too cool to pass up in my opinion.
If you do use one, I'd say Azami, she gets downright absurd.

Chronatog is awesome, and you picking it for this is doubly so. Tangle Wire is just hilariously mean with Chronatog out, it's just going to sit there and make you think about what you did haha.
Thrumming Bird is amazing with stuff that would belong in Stax, but I dunno. It brings a lot of attention if they know what you can do with them.

Posted 08 May 2014 at 21:59 in reply to #462277 on Thassa's Wizards EDH


I just realized I left out the word suns, and it saddens me.
And between the starry nature of the art, and the constellation mechanic I have to agree that it fits.

Posted 08 May 2014 at 21:44 in reply to #462274 on A more glorious dawn


I like it, and I wish I had known about Peel from Reality earlier. It would go along hilariously with Archaeomancer for an over costed Capsize, but Archaeomancer could provide utility beyond that obviously.
Chronatog is just the most hilarious thing in this build ever, I love how many shenanigans it enables randomly!

Posted 07 May 2014 at 18:33 as a comment on Thassa's Wizards EDH


" Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise. A morning filled with four hundred billion, the rising of the milky way. "

Posted 07 May 2014 at 18:20 as a comment on A more glorious dawn


... How did I not think of that? Forget Nighthowler, the super demon is going in!

Posted 04 May 2014 at 20:06 in reply to #461172 on leave these frivolous demands


Well kind of, for all of the non-eternal formats.

Posted 04 May 2014 at 06:15 in reply to #460743 on Not all who meander are lost


Well poo. Well, like I said; I don't think Gemstone Array is bad for EDH, but I do think it would be nice for something better to exist.

Posted 04 May 2014 at 03:44 in reply to #460743 on Not all who meander are lost


I didn't even realize Omanth was in here. I was too distracted by the devil that is Orcish Settlers.

Gemstone Array isn't bad for EDH, but I'd probably prefer seeing a cheaper alternative, even if it only came out as one color, or even colorless.

Posted 04 May 2014 at 02:19 in reply to #460743 on Not all who meander are lost


You know I'm actually a bit surprised by that, I never really would have pictured you as one to enjoy Faustus. I don't know why though, it's one of the most amazing things ever penned.

I know! It's as close to anything has come to feeling like it was printed with this manner of thing in mind.
And then that it can be found with ET?

A fourth Enlightened Tutor would be a bit much, for whatever reason five is a terrible number for me when it comes to tutors outside of combo. And after toying around with the idea of not playing Entomb at all, I can't bring myself to do it. It's just the perfect amount of assurance for whatever reason, I have no maths, or anything of the sort to back it up, just that it fits my playstyle best this way.

Posted 03 May 2014 at 23:25 in reply to #461172 on leave these frivolous demands


I want to say the closest thing to that is Omnath, the giant bag of holding that it is.

I hadn't thought of that... That's the kind of thing that makes me want to play Meddling Mage on Horobi.

Posted 03 May 2014 at 23:08 in reply to #460743 on Not all who meander are lost


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