
105 Decks, 648 Comments, 77 Reputation

I'm curious as of what you win with? 14 creatures where as only 6 are biggies.. then again I guess you have plenty of control instead.. Interesting :)

Posted 07 December 2011 at 11:41 as a comment on A Stripper With A Heart of Silver?


Love the challenge but, wouldn't it be nice to have something more that deals damage? How about
Warstorm Surge?

Posted 07 December 2011 at 11:39 as a comment on Heartless Artifacts deck


This isn't one of those human decks that aim to win 4-5th turn, I am building it to grow and win around round 6-8. The Cleaver is in there for the life-gain, sure the daggers are swifter damage, but I don't mind being a bit slower and getting the life gain from the cleaver.

I have been thinking of switching the Hamlet Captains for Mirrans but then I have no 2-drop.. (Also my cash fund is running low for this month ;) )

Posted 07 December 2011 at 09:00 in reply to #219856 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Engine is there to weaken enemy creatures as well as boost my own.

Adaptive is there to make my humans bigger (I haven't gotten mayor's yet)

Cleaver is there for life-gain (and because who doesn't like a nice cleavage? ;P )

Posted 07 December 2011 at 08:16 in reply to #219829 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Yeah I'm keeping it Standard, but nice suggestion otherwise :D

Posted 07 December 2011 at 08:13 in reply to #219816 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Haha man, I ment in the program cockatrice, you don't have to have the card cockatrice in =P Are you just pulling my leg now? =P

Posted 07 December 2011 at 08:10 in reply to #219680 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Haha, well keep around 100$ average? :) And stay standard legal =P

Posted 06 December 2011 at 20:41 as a comment on W/G Humans [Input please]


I was just thinking the same, why not make this standard? It's a nice build :)

Posted 06 December 2011 at 15:49 as a comment on UR Runechanter


Btw, why Disentomb instead of Morbid Plundering?

Posted 06 December 2011 at 15:47 in reply to #219626 on Suicide (Std)


Awesome! I love these slow agonizing decks :D

I have a similar one but B/R, check it you if you like :)

Posted 06 December 2011 at 15:46 as a comment on Suicide (Std)


Nice deck, I'd remove the Mortarpods tho, they don't seem to bring anything to this deck.. maybe get 2 Elspeth in?

Posted 06 December 2011 at 14:49 as a comment on She had so many friends... (Geist-Honored Monk)


It plays out very well right now on cockatrice. I'm still missing some of the cards to play the real deck but I'll proxy it and try it out with some friends soon.

The reason I have an engine instead of a clasp is that I noticed that I can't really spend the mana for the proliferate on the clasp that early in the game anyways, I use the mana too much on creatures at that point. But later on, around 6 mana+ it's no problem using the proliferate, so I figured I might as well use an engine instead :)

If you have Cockatrice or something similar we could play some evening if you like, most of the time I spend here on MTG Vault is when I'm at work, like now ;)

IT-support is slow some days, then I have lots of time to figure out fun decks ^^

Posted 06 December 2011 at 12:27 in reply to #219318 on W/G Humans [Input please]


I just can't find room for the daggers.. maybe if I remove the hamlet captains, as they serve the same purpose really..?

Posted 06 December 2011 at 08:06 in reply to #219318 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Played 6 matches yesterday with this deck on Cockatrice, it went very well :D

won 5 out of 6, four of them by 2-0 :D
The one I lost was due to mana-dry.. just bad luck ><

Round 2 Travel prep and round three Gambit is very very nice :D

Thank's again Vito for helping me out, I don't seem to need Bonehoard really, nor Fumes, so If I could get 2 more cards in.. I'm thinking butchers cleaver for some lifelink, what do you think?

Posted 05 December 2011 at 08:20 as a comment on W/G Humans [Input please]


Why not, it seems to work pretty well. Sure if someone uses a removal on the token its gone, but then how did it differ from any other mass-removal? (except it cost me 2 more mana and it cost my opponent a removal card?)

Posted 05 December 2011 at 08:15 in reply to #219174 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Man thanks a lot, you're a star. It helps so much having someone to bounce ideas with. I'm trying the deck right now in Cockatrice :D

Posted 04 December 2011 at 18:25 in reply to #219159 on W/G Humans [Input please]


OK, so I've gotten Most of the cards Vito suggested in, don't have any Mirrans yet, becasue I just can't afford everything at once, but I might get them in there later.

I also took your advice with Tezzerets Gambit and got it in there, sure it will cost me 2 lives but for 2 cards and proliferate it's well worth it. (also that mean's i'll always have it as a 3-drop)

I took out Plaguemaw beast for now, my idea was to use them sort of defensibly, just blockers that can sacrifice a creature that would die anyway from whatever and turn it into a worthy sacrifice ;)

I also got rid of asceticism for now, mainly because I will not have them great beasts to protect anyway.

I have one problem still.. I don't know what to take out to get the Mayor in (or adaptive automation)..

Posted 04 December 2011 at 16:58 as a comment on W/G Humans [Input please]


Wow, thanks A LOT for that in-depth analyse!

I'm actually bidding on some mayor's right now and champions, they seem to be the really pricy ones.

Pilgrim will deffo go in.

Mirran is pretty cool, but the protection from green will hinder him from growing with Travel preparations and Wreath of Geist :/

I'll try to get O-ring and Beast within in there together with Fiend hunter..

Please check back later on and have a look at the changes and see what you think of them. If you have cockatrice or similar I'd love to playtest some :)

Posted 04 December 2011 at 16:44 in reply to #218721 on W/G Humans [Input please]


I have a very similar deck to this lying around gathering dust since the rotation, but it worked pretty well when it was still active.

Posted 02 December 2011 at 14:56 as a comment on ally weenie mill!!


Hm or maybe a pair of Sun titans?

Posted 02 December 2011 at 14:43 in reply to #218742 on Parallel Golems


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