
2 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

I personally don't know what to think about Talrand's Invocation outside of drafting. A 4 drop for 3 2/2's certainly seems good, but there's the consideration of board wipes and -/- counters that could screw that. Does it work well for you?

I'm on the fence about using red in my talrand deck. It's a white/blue approach (only using white for o-rings and moorland haunt) but I'd appreciate any advice as well.

Posted 25 July 2012 at 20:58 as a comment on Talrand's Fury!


I see what you're going for here with the Primadox allowing you to replay cards with entrance effects, but I don't really see any build up here to a big bomb. Nothing goes over a 6/4 at max and I'm not really picking up a set idea. Loosely though this has potential to wreck people. Then again, I could be completely wrong having not actually PLAYED your deck. I'd suggest adding in something like Blade Splicer and Wolfir Silverheart. My Green/White deck operates off a more token based approach but shares a few traits with yours. Take a look and tell me what you think!

Posted 25 July 2012 at 20:52 as a comment on Standard Green White
