
3 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

or he can just drop throats I just realized that in current meta they are very weak vampires and most of black infectors can be disfigured, only creature you need gftt against is black titan and masacre wurm which are played very rarely

Posted 17 March 2011 at 19:17 in reply to #142907 on Aggro Infect [I think?]


I was playing GB and it's not that good you think. Mono B or Mono G are both better in some aspects (b for more control and g for more aggro and earlier kills). You cant have both so when you mix them you just get not so fast aggro with to little removals to keep card advantage.

Posted 17 March 2011 at 13:49 in reply to #142753 on Infectious


lead the stampede needs ~25-30 creatures in deck to be effective, also you dont have good amount of artifact for glissa to work well

Posted 17 March 2011 at 07:14 as a comment on G/B T2 aggro


wow i like star soul expedition a lot, rly creative idea^^

add one more inkmoth nexus is needed imo, that card is infect mvp

flash eater imp doesnt work well in constructed its a limited bomb, consider replacing it with vatmother

add sideboard

if you need some inspiration check my deck out, it still needs some work and testing but i have a filling i am getting closer to the optimal build


Posted 17 March 2011 at 07:12 as a comment on Infectious


i like mimic vat, dont like black knight in sb, well i dont like your sb at all:D

black zenith is not that good in aggro decks because it hurts your creatuers, you should consider changing it to marsh casualities (it kills most of the creatures in format anyway)

vector asp is just plain bad you should just drop it, consider adding some vatmothers they are realy good

as for removals virulent wound is awesome so many x/1 creatres in meta atm it works wonders^^

check out my black infect ver I think my sideboard is better, mby it can help you
sorry for spamming with my link, but i could realy use soe fresh opinions on it^^

Posted 17 March 2011 at 06:56 as a comment on Aggro Infect [I think?]


Both rats are kind of weak compared to crusader and vatmother. Running them in place of one of my 2 drops would mess up mana curve imho.

Posted 14 March 2011 at 15:57 as a comment on [T2] MB Infect
