
15 Decks, 51 Comments, 9 Reputation

Ok, Ill have to start another deck for the specter. Thanks for that though Ive got something to go on now for a mono blue/dimir deck for the specter.

Posted 17 October 2014 at 23:23 in reply to #511702 on Flying Specter Unblockable Rat


Burning tree emissary into Lighting Mauler is an Explosive turn 2!

Posted 17 October 2014 at 17:17 in reply to #511754 on Budget Decks: Fast & Furious


Lightning Mauler and maybe 1 revenge of the hunted. Kessig wolf run for reach and mama sink for when yr top decking.

Posted 16 October 2014 at 18:03 as a comment on Budget Decks: Fast & Furious


He Jessie thanks for comment. However why no for the spectre? Between this the mono U and the Dimir deck I was hoping to get something playable purely because I wanted to play specter.

My idea here is prowlers helm to get specter through ( or anyone into Ink-eyes). Rogue gloves here for draw as well.

Posted 16 October 2014 at 15:37 in reply to #511702 on Flying Specter Unblockable Rat


Hi Jessie, thanks for the comment on this and the other deck. To answer your query form the other deck, the orchard is to help play there creatures, and I am keeping it modern.

Ive been busy so the ideas for this deck are coming slowly lol. As per bouncing stuff I was thinking of void snare, unsummon and I quite like cyclonic rift so I might go that way.

If you don't mind can you take a look at my 3rd attempt, this is Mono black with loads of removal spells and a good number of creatures. Still a work in progress.

Posted 16 October 2014 at 09:38 in reply to #511447 on Basic Dimir


Just here to say its nice to see a sleeper agent deck i remember the fun combos and deck ideas some friends and I came up with when we discovered that card. When I got back into MTG when RTR dropped and I saw stab wound that made me think of sleeper agent as well, nice to see that in this deck also.

Posted 15 October 2014 at 23:34 as a comment on Sleeper Agent's Act of Treason


Northy ive been watching and liking your decks I really like the G/W lifegain deck you did and the B/W exalted one.
This is nice id definitely squeeze in lightning strike if possible and sorry to say I gotta be suspicious of a green/red deck not running a playset of ghor-clan rampager. However id put it down to you trying to be a bit original.

Posted 15 October 2014 at 22:51 as a comment on Budget Decks: Fast & Furious


This is my 1st draft Dimir deck.

I wanted to make a deck around nightveil Specter, and I was aiming for mono blue control but I have never played blue control l so I've been struggling, for the moment I've gone Dimir and picked out 4 ofs of the obvious cards from the Dimir control suite.

Help is greatly appreciated and I'm open for the deck to go through various changes to take it from 1st draft to something playable for FNM.

Posted 15 October 2014 at 13:20 as a comment on Basic Dimir


I haven't constructed mono blue before so the deck is my 1st draft. I'm hoping some of you here will be up for the challenge of pointing me in the right direction with blue.

Currently the deck is trying to make it hard for my opponent to do much if anything at all.
Get an unblockable specter and play cards from my opponents deck.
An unblockable keeper of secrets for continuous draw.

Im open for any suggestions including going Dimir, also id really like peoples ideas on the most effective counterspell cards and the optimum number to run in a deck.

Posted 10 October 2014 at 12:06 as a comment on U deck challenge/help


Hi ive had a look but honestly im not experienced enough to take it further than you have. I think its really good and you've been doing pretty well with it at FNM. I can only really echo what others have said which is try out prophet of kruphix, maybe drop one of the combos so you can run 3-4 of's like poet master suggested.

The only real original thing I can think of is if you drop fathom mage and/or bond beetle you could run Give//Take you get your draw and counters and you can always pull it from the graveyard and use it over. also you could consider solid 1 drops of young wolf (works well with rapid hybridization) experiment one or cloudfin raptor plenty of ways to trigger evolve with thragtusk coming in and out of the field and master biomancer making everything come in big.

Posted 22 September 2014 at 22:48 as a comment on Evolving Populations.


I noticed the high end value of the deck, well done on making a true high rollers deck for standard.

If u don't mind looking at somethng a bit more moddest I got double strike lifelink going on with a little trample and deathtouch here:

Posted 21 September 2014 at 16:04 in reply to #504941 on Death Touch, Life link right?


yeah thats clear I just understood it one way and never revisited it thanks for clearing that up.

Back to the deck . . . I like it, is there perhaps a better way to get the deathtouch? the bow only gives it to attackers and I see you have vigilance in there it would be nice if your creatures had non conditional deathtouch. I take it Archetype of Finality is to high on the curve.

Posted 21 September 2014 at 01:12 in reply to #504941 on Death Touch, Life link right?


hold on . . . 'death touch doesnt decrease the amount of damage i would do' I never thought of it like that before.

When deathtouch was explained me I was given an example that a 1/1 creature would trade with a 5/5 as 1 damage would be enough to kill it. so from there I always thought of deathouch as 1 damage killing the opposing creature with the rest of the damage going nowhere. But what your saying is the remaining damage is still applied to the other creature the same way combat damage always works.

Posted 21 September 2014 at 00:31 in reply to #504941 on Death Touch, Life link right?


just trying to be constructive btw, I always liked deathouch on trample or deathtouch with 1st strike.

Posted 21 September 2014 at 00:18 in reply to #504941 on Death Touch, Life link right?


Yeah sure deathtouch helps enure you at least trade to nuetral favor, but just to be clear if you block a 2/2 with a 3/3 deathtouch, lifelink creature you realize your gunna get 1 life right? where if you left the deathtouch out youd get 3 life

Posted 21 September 2014 at 00:06 in reply to #504941 on Death Touch, Life link right?


If I understand it correctly deathtouch devalues lifelink.
Your better off going for deathtouch and trample, or doublestrike and Lifelink (and trample(and deathtouch))

Posted 20 September 2014 at 23:59 as a comment on Death Touch, Life link right?


You have too many 1 of's try to run playsets of the best cards and possibly 3/2 of some of the less important but good cards.
4x vampire knighthawk should be a given.
4x rakdos cackler, rakdos shred freak, spike jester, gore house chain-walker are rakdos staples.
3 Exava is good.
Or try more black humans from Theros block such as mogis maruader and run them with Xathrid Necromancer.

You wanna take advantage of the creature removal black gives you such as doom blade &/or murder.

Let me know if that helps.

Posted 29 August 2014 at 19:49 as a comment on rakdos aggro (help please)


Nice deck full pauper can be challenging.

Some random ideas from the top of my head . I would maybe add more Lyev decree, check the mana base even with the guild gates it looks like you need more mountain than plain. Also consider nyx born sheild mate, nyx born rollicker and hopeful eidolon 1 drops that have bestow might give you some versatility.

Posted 17 March 2014 at 23:20 as a comment on Standard Pauper League


A big chunk of that value is from the shock/scry lands and the mutavaults.

Posted 05 March 2014 at 22:15 in reply to #444508 on Master Blaster


Advice to make this better/more consistent is welcome.

Posted 05 March 2014 at 22:09 as a comment on Simic manipulation Final


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