
11 Decks, 4 Comments, 1 Reputation

Good thinking with the damnation..... I like Choice of Damnations also, just not for this deck..... I used to have this deck except for the damnations, exsanguinate, and curse of the pierced heart.... but that curse is AWESOME!! at least for me....

Posted 23 April 2012 at 23:50 as a comment on My NO CREATURE deck


I went and commented on your page, and I changed my insect deck a little bit....

Posted 23 April 2012 at 18:55 as a comment on BUGZ!!!!


You should throw a unwinding clock in this deck..... it untaps all your artifacts every turn!!

Posted 23 April 2012 at 15:30 as a comment on myr


Alright..... 90% of the time, I usually run my decks 20 creatures, 20 spells, and 20 lands..... I have been in my fair amount of tournaments and my decks always put up a fight..... I have faced half a million decks like yours..... token making decks with a bunch of planeswalkers..... I accel at making one color decks, so if you want a hand making your deck a single color deck..... leave me a message and I will help you out...

Posted 23 April 2012 at 03:32 as a comment on Sorin, Lord of Virtue
