
77 Decks, 56 Comments, 5 Reputation

Hey, thanks for the suggestion! I considered Brimaz, but decided against him. He'd probably fit in well instead of one of the Mangaras, but I'm not too much of a fan. Still, I added a Hero's Blade and Eiganjo Castle.

Posted 26 January 2015 at 21:57 in reply to #531883 on Legendary Gathering


Have you considered Metropolis Sprite, Oona's Prowler and/or Latchkey Faerie?
I'd also suggest Thieves' Fortune, since it's very good for its prowl cost.

Posted 18 January 2015 at 21:45 as a comment on Rogue Ciphers


I highly recommend Wakestone Gargoyle.
He's a little more vulnerable than Rolling Stones, but he affects ALL Defenders, not just Walls. This lets you use other creatures with Defender too, if you need them.

Additionally, Wall of Spears.

Posted 11 January 2015 at 02:13 as a comment on Walls of Destruction


I recommend Wall of Spears. A 2/3 first strike can stop deathtouch threats, which I find absolutely obliterate defender decks.
Perhaps also Wall of Blood, since it can get pretty darn huge with Perimeter Captain?
Consider also Colossus of Akros or Door to Nothingness for win-cons.
Leyline of Vitality, perhaps?

Posted 11 January 2015 at 00:42 as a comment on Budget Decks: Rainbow Guardian


You could probably take steps like replacing Emrakul with Worldspine, etc.

Posted 11 January 2015 at 00:28 in reply to #528258 on Into The Breach! CHARGE!!!


Hey, thanks for the input!
Yeah, the problem with the rootwalla is that it'll only be a 1/1, because I can't activate its ability. Might as well just use my Big Game Hunters instead, no?
My original thought with Gibbering Descent was "Oh, I'll throw it in as a 'maybe it'll come in handy' kinda card", but Necrogen Mists is just better.

As for hand hate, I think Psychotic Episode will be enough for that.

Posted 10 January 2015 at 23:38 in reply to #528320 on It's Madness!


I named it in only a few seconds, but the idea is that Eragon used Brisingr to kill one shade: Durza.
This is a lot more than one shade.

Posted 22 November 2014 at 06:25 in reply to #518558 on Brisingr won't save you now


You mean Crypt Ripper?
I considered him, but tbh I don't like Haste. Plus, he's already a 2/2 for 4, and I'd have to drop more mana into him on that turn to swing properly.
Why do that when I can just use Drifting Shade or Looming Shade?

Posted 22 November 2014 at 03:38 in reply to #518549 on Brisingr won't save you now


Hm? Oh, no, Imaginary Pet doesn't return from the graveyard. Where'd I write that?

Posted 12 October 2014 at 19:01 in reply to #510719 on Budget Tears of Dying Children


The thing about Faerie aggro is that every faerie has evasion. Anything short of Spider tribal just can't handle it. I can just suicidally swing into them without caring for my own life total as long as they don't combo out. That's why Killing Wave and Dismember are so darn good in this deck.
And yeah, I've tested this. As it stands, this build works pretty well. I guess that's because of the rogue synergy.
Tokens are normally easy to deal with, it's just that with elves they can sometimes hit the field as 5/5 or more.
Echoing Truth would be nice, but against non-token tribal decks (like the Knights and Ninjas decks that showed up last year), it's not all that helpful. And there aren't sideboards in tribal.
And what with everyone running Cavern of Souls, counterspells are worthless. Craterhoof is way too common, and almost always guarded by one.

So I decided to use removal as my form of control. The only things I have trouble with are EtB effects, like Frost Titan.

The main reason this deck actually works in tournaments is due to the fact that almost everything is 3/1 or more, and sometimes carries a nasty discard effect.

Posted 20 September 2014 at 21:04 in reply to #504750 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle 2


Funnily enough, what you described here is my Version 1 of this deck, which I entered in my last tribal tournament and it lost immediately.
Notorious Throng was my original inspiration for the deck, but unfortunately it had to be cut. Same with Scion and Spellstutter.
Thing is, Scion is too high mana cost for this deck. That and Spellstutter, even combined, are not a sufficient reason to leave 2~3 mana open for a turn. If there was a 1-drop flying/flash faerie, I'd consider it. Without Bitterblossom, Spellstutter and Thieving Sprite simply don't cut the butter.
With Scion of Oona, Oona's Blackguard is just plain better for this deck. Discard gives me card advantage and puts my opponent at a loss for options.

The decks I'm facing in my local tournaments seldom run removal, instead opting for cards like "Revenge of the Hunted" or simply "Elvish Promenade", which is why I've focused on aggro so heavily. I need to stamp them out before they even reach the point where they can cast that.

As for Vapor Snag, I considered it and decided against it in favor of Sleep. Thing is, Dismember and Peppersmoke take care of the big creatures like Elvish Archdruid, leaving only mana dorks and the like alive. Sure, I could Vapor Snag them, but why would I do that when they can just re-play them for G?
Sleep is a far more effective outlet for my excess mana and has won me games. (Two Sleeps -> Killing Wave, for example)

Killing Wave is in there for metagame purposes - Elf token decks.

Going back to Notorious Throng, I love that card so much but there just isn't room for it in here. At least, not until I can cut the Killing Waves when elf decks become less prevalent.

As it stands, this deck is pretty capable of handling token-based Ezuri, Renegade Leader decks. It has little trouble with anything other than Control, and Mizzium Skin is in there to help with that a little.

Thanks for the suggestions, though. And I'm glad my deck gave you an idea. Favorable Winds has won games before, haha.

Posted 20 September 2014 at 02:22 in reply to #504750 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle 2


While I agree that Bitterblossom is a powerful card, there are two reasons for it not being in here.
The first is, obviously, the cost. I can't afford them. :c
The second is that there isn't space for it here. I've tested with it on Tappedout but I just can't figure out where I would put it.

Posted 19 September 2014 at 06:08 in reply to #504426 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle 2


Perhaps Ranger's Guile instead of Sheltering Word in the sideboard there?
One less mana cost speeds your deck up, even if you're on the defensive.
tbh your spiders have a lot of toughness, so it's your choice. 1 mana might be the difference between Netcaster Spider and a Bile Blighted Netcaster Spider, though.

Posted 17 September 2014 at 06:29 as a comment on Arachnophobia


tbh I think Coat of Arms in this deck is a big error. Tribal decks are most likely going to be fighting other tribal decks - And the last thing you want is an Elf deck pumped by Coat of Arms.

Posted 14 September 2014 at 21:21 in reply to #502944 on Arachnophobia


Hey, thanks! I haven't actually tested this so I don't know how well it works, and to be honest, the budget part was totally coincidental. I'll be copying it over to Tappedout momentarily and running it against some of my other decks, just to see how it does.

Posted 13 September 2014 at 23:48 in reply to #502895 on Budget Tears of Dying Children


My friend runs Revenge of the Hunted in his elf deck to absolutely devastating effect.
Leeching Bite is nice in some situations, but if you're looking for a smashy-smashy card, it's probably not what you want.
Overrun would be a terrifying card in terms of flavor, but once again I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for.
Primal Bellow might be closer to something useful, perhaps?
Tower Above, perhaps?

Posted 13 September 2014 at 02:15 in reply to #502715 on Arachnophobia


I third the Silklash, but yeah... This deck looks pretty good. If only Aspect of Hydra was more spider-themed, it'd be perfect.

Posted 13 September 2014 at 01:40 in reply to #502715 on Arachnophobia


I recommend:
Cloudcrown Oak in case you have to deal with flying enemies. (Read: Faeries)
Alternatively, Gravity Well.
Dauntless Dourbark gets huge without Doran's help and will have trample.
More Timber Protectors. They're freakin' fantastic.
Battlewand Oak and possibly Lignify for an early-game play, if you so choose.
Tree of Redemption and Rhox Faithmender have synergy.
Bar the Door is essentially "All your creatures get +4/+4 until end of turn" at instant speed with Doran.

Posted 07 September 2014 at 21:20 as a comment on Don't do it Doran


Hey, thanks for the suggestions!
Viral Drake:
Pro - Proliferate.
Con - Flying/Infect. I just think that's kind of a cheap move. Yeah, it's GOOD, but I just don't like infect.

Tezzeret's Gambit:
I'll experiment with that. For now, it's going straight in the sideboard. If I wind up liking it enough, I might switch Steady Progress for it.

Fuel for Cause:
If you look at my Faerie deck, you'll notice that blue without counterspells is kinda my specialty. :P
Even so, I'll put it in the sideboard in case I run into a problematic deck.

Posted 02 September 2014 at 20:46 in reply to #499700 on Levels, Levels, Levels


I took out the Volatile Rigs and Phytohydras for Congregation at Dawn and Rampant Growth.
I figured tutors/ramp would be more helpful, and those were the most cost-efficient I could come up with.

Posted 29 August 2014 at 17:09 in reply to #498475 on Go on, swing me.


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