
77 Decks, 56 Comments, 5 Reputation

Honestly, since Pili-pala supplies infinite mana of any colour, an expensive mana base doesn't add much to the deck. I could probably just replace the mountains with more islands for a more consistent architect drop.
I did mention in the description that adding duals might be an idea, but I kept this version as a budget since I build most of my decks with tabletop in mind.

Posted 02 December 2015 at 01:10 in reply to #569000 on Grand Banefire


I don't see where you're coming from. It has plenty of removal and defensive spells, on top of palace siege. Land is the standard amount I use in my decks, and this deck doesn't even have any 6cmc+ spells, save Spectral Procession on a technicality.
I find it to be pretty consistent, but maybe that's just me.

Posted 06 October 2015 at 20:28 in reply to #564005 on Blessed Children


Thanks for the suggestions! I mostly originally designed this as an RtR deck, and was keeping to the theme, so I didn't look through all the cards available. Definitely going to replace Divination with See Beyond, as that's far more useful.
As for the garden, at most I'd put that in the sideboard - This deck already has a lot of powerful token generation with Call of the Conclave and Selesnya Charm, and I really don't mind polying a 3/3 into a 15/15, haha.
Now if only there was a way to punish my opponent for playing with rhythm...

Posted 05 October 2015 at 20:25 in reply to #563920 on Wurmsign


Simic Charm's purpose here is mostly the "Permanents you control have hexproof". Since Worldspine is a huge target, as Umoonpuca said, I'm expecting a lot of PtE-type removal to be thrown his way.
On top of that, Simic Charm can also bounce a troublesome first strike-deathtouch creature.

Posted 05 October 2015 at 20:20 in reply to #563900 on Wurmsign


Hey! Thanks for the response. I agree with most of what you said, and I updated the deck to take your advice into account.
My original thought with Stave Off was similar to my thought with it on my Walls-themed deck where I tend to use it offensively. It makes an effective counterspell to enchantments and giant growth-esque spells, but I guess if the intent is defensive, it should be defensive. Heh.
I cut most of the enchantments for removal, but I'm keeping two Gifts in there for now since Cloistered Youth unconditionally drains life if you flip her, so making her a 4/4 flying lifelinker can really make her a threat in the early game with no downside. (Or throwing it on a Blood Bairn for evasion, but Emerge Unscathed could probably handle that now)
Concerning Promise of Bunrei, I decided not to in part due to the fact that the tokens don't have flying, but also in part to the fact that the Avacyn Restored spirit token (White, with flying) is a little boy, and this deck is more about flavor.
And finally, I wanted to keep Pseudamma for purposes of flavor, but there's not really anywhere to fit her in at present, so I threw her in the sideboard for now.

Yeah, I've been running this deck for two iterations now, blood bairn's been here since the first. Saccing soon-to-be dead things to Blood Bairn is definitely fun, and that was my thought adding Palace Siege.

Thanks again!

Posted 19 July 2015 at 16:05 in reply to #556594 on Blessed Children


The only real reason to use Freed from the Real here is to set up unlimited mana with axebane, really. With the ramp this deck has, I can get the door out incredibly quickly as it is -- Even outspeeding ramp elves w/ Ezuri and Craterhoof, as I tested yesterday.
If I wanted hexproof, I could use Asceticism or the like. I feel like one or two of those might be an idea, maybe.

Posted 10 March 2015 at 01:02 in reply to #540424 on Chromatic Void


True, but I'd rather keep the cheapness of naturalize. Naturalize is only there to eliminate a Platinum Angel or the like -- something that nullifies Door to Nothingness.

Posted 10 March 2015 at 00:57 in reply to #540423 on Chromatic Void


Problem with Freed from the Real is that it costs blue mana, which Overgrown Battlement and Vine Trellis don't supply. Additionally, an infinite mana combo isn't really too helpful without an arbitrary draw engine. I'd run out of steam very fast if I don't have a door in hand.
Umbral Mantle, on the other hand, could be useful in a number of other decks I've built. Thanks for that suggestion.

Posted 09 March 2015 at 21:40 in reply to #540424 on Chromatic Void


I've already got naturalize. If Mortal's Resolve scried, I'd consider it. And once again, naturalize.

Posted 09 March 2015 at 21:38 in reply to #540423 on Chromatic Void


Yeah, I'm aware of how good Bitterblossom would be here. If it were closer to maybe $10, I might consider it, but it's not. :x

Posted 27 February 2015 at 16:41 in reply to #538641 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle


Oh, nice idea.
I threw the Fling in because with the Fungus sliver, I'm gonna have a whole bunch of huge defenders. Might as well end the game by flinging a 10/12 at 'em, right?

Still, I guess it seems a little unnecessary when I'll have 10 of them. Not like anything's gonna get past that, hah.

Posted 23 February 2015 at 02:21 in reply to #537725 on Pyrohydras


This deck wasn't really built strategically.
I did adapt this into my actual semicompetitive Faerie deck, found here:

This deck was just built to illustrate the green side of Faeries.

Posted 20 February 2015 at 01:46 in reply to #536973 on Faeries of the Forest


It certainly seems powerful, but I'd prefer as much being instant speed as possible since most of my faeries have Flash. Oona's really the only exception to that and that's because her ability can be used at end of turn.

Posted 19 February 2015 at 02:50 in reply to #536766 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle


True, although one of the elf decks I faced last year just used Revenge of the Hunted instead of removal. It'd be difficult to spellstutter something like that, y'know?

Posted 19 February 2015 at 00:56 in reply to #536766 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle


Since the rule for tribal is to have 1/3 of your deck be the same creature type, there's not too many decks focused on removal. Nameless Inversion is a common one, and Dismember crops up a lot.
Still, I'll change it up and see how it goes.
I think 22 lands will be sufficient.

Posted 18 February 2015 at 23:05 in reply to #536766 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle


I actually find my landbase is fairly okay, most of the time. I might switch the mizziums with some land, though.
And about the spellstutters, I'm only running two because they're useless in my local tribal metagame.
Literally every other deck worth mentioning runs a playset of Cavern of Souls. Those two are in there to stop noncreature spells.

Posted 18 February 2015 at 22:30 in reply to #536766 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle


How's about Death Frenzy or another wipe like that? With Stalwart Shield-Bearers, you can just shrug it off on your side. A board wipe might be a very good idea considering defenders generally have no way to deal with common deathtouch creatures, save Fog Bank, which dies to almost any removal.
An Agent of the Fates or Royal Assassin could very easily undo your entire deck, especially if you don't have a Putrefy in hand, or they're running 4x.

Posted 15 February 2015 at 22:39 as a comment on Budget Decks: Rainbow Guardian


Ahh, thing is, this is my actual deck and there's no way I can afford something like that.
Else I'd be running Mistbind Clique.

Posted 13 February 2015 at 03:46 in reply to #535614 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle


I can still overload it for the +0/+1, but yeah, you're right.
I'll probably drop 2 or 3 of them for something else... Ah, but what?

Posted 13 February 2015 at 01:51 in reply to #535614 on Dancing in the Faerie Circle


How's about something like Blasphemous Act?
Blasphemous Act on Stuffy with a Dictate of the Twin Gods out would be easily lethal, and they wouldn't even see it coming.

Heck, any of these might be something to consider:
Anger of the Gods
Chain Reaction

Posted 01 February 2015 at 20:49 as a comment on So much Untapped power


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