
33 Decks, 176 Comments, 0 Reputation

This is a really nicelly run deck!
the only comment really, is add more of your enchantments, spellbinders, and your wizards.
Im nervous just thinking of opposing this deck!

Posted 12 April 2009 at 19:53 as a comment on What's Your's is Mine


I see that you are getting a good grasp of a counter/burn deck. but, classic counter/burn, you shouldnt have that many creatures. I would ditch the Countryside Crusher, Drake Familiar, Coral Eel, Whimwader, Fencer Clique, Ordruun Commando, War-Spike Changeling, Needlepeak Spider, Jaya Ballard, Task Mage, Creature Bond, and Reality Twist. Add more Wee Dragonauts, Vulshock Berserkers, Gelectrodes, some Steamcore Weirds, some Disruptive Pitmages, and a Tibor and Lumia.
and you will want to lose the Snow-Covered Mountain, about 2-3 Mountains, and 2-3 Islands.

Toss out the Frazzle, cuz you have to face an opponent who uses blue.
Replace the Convolute with Counterspell.
Add some Mana Leaks, Shocks, Incinerates, more Lava Axe, more Volcanic Hammer, more Blaze, and maybe even a couple of Put Away.

Posted 12 April 2009 at 18:57 as a comment on Counter and Destroy


Unless youre trying to run a Highlander deck, Please look at the advice at my next comment.

Posted 12 April 2009 at 18:57 as a comment on Counter and Destroy


I noticed that you had swapped out Terror for Soul Reap. Good Idea.
But you may want to get rid of the shriekmaw because it'll be just like Terror. Another would be to get rid of the White. in a zombie deck, there really isnt much use of white mana.
and as for life sacing for a "good" cause with your Night's Whisper, you could benefit from Shepard of Rot. You tap it to have all players lose 1 life for each zombie in play. I would replace the Shriekmaws for it. And to make Korlash to be at his best, you will want to get one or 2 more. That way you could get land out faster.
And another way to get land out faster as well as your better zombies, I would replace the Tidehollow Sculler with 2 or 3 Corpse Harvesters.
and a big that goes perfectly with zombie decks is the Soulless One. Power and Toughness each equal to the number of Zombies in all graveyards and in play
So the zombies dont go to the grave using Corpse Harvester's ability.
any way, please rate my zombie deck, so that you may get some ideas from mine

Posted 12 April 2009 at 14:00 as a comment on Zombies


This deck is cool. I especially that you combined Guildpact's Orzhov Guild with Eventide's W/B deck.
And even more that you kept the same theme in a good control of the size of the deck.

Posted 12 April 2009 at 13:10 as a comment on Death's Grasp


im gonna get rid of Goblin War Drums, but i gotta look at my library to see what i want to swap out for it.

Posted 09 April 2009 at 15:25 as a comment on Chandra Nalaar


It has a good ring to it, a little down side cuz of your spells dealing damage to fliers only and yourself.
a good one to add would be shock, and lava axe. And maybe add a couple creatures with haste
one good one to add would be Viashino Scout. he has haste, and at the end of your turn, he goes back to your hand, even if he dies
have him attack right away, then hide him. and do it each turn
he's saved my but a couple times.
please rate my own Burn deck

Posted 09 April 2009 at 15:24 as a comment on Burn Deck


Looks like fun.
but you may want to add some weaker creatures so that you will have some defenders before you get your angels out. To keep with the theme, you could go with Angellic 'walls. They arent actual angels, but the name fits. Otherwise Id recommend Wall of Shadows. Its a 0/1 wall that has Reduce all combat damage to Wall of Shadows reduce to zero.
And another Angel you might like is Angel of Despair.

Posted 08 April 2009 at 18:06 as a comment on Angel Rush


This is ok. but you should have the Soulless One in there. I'm tired otherwise I would make more suggestions.

Posted 07 April 2009 at 20:36 as a comment on zombie smash


Great choice in a burn deck, but it has risks that you no doubt have seen that. Just gotta make sure your opponent doesnt start gaining the life you took away

Posted 07 April 2009 at 11:37 as a comment on Calcination


this is a good burn deck, plain and simple

Posted 07 April 2009 at 11:33 as a comment on Instant death


Just add another Megrim and Warped Devotion and you will have no problem!

Posted 06 April 2009 at 19:46 as a comment on Megrim Specter


I got nothing bad to say. Just a lot of good.
So I gave you two thumbs up.

Posted 06 April 2009 at 19:42 as a comment on Bad Girls


Youve got a great layout of cards from Lorwyn/Shadowmoor. You found ways to give your creatures Lifelink as well as staying alive.
However, if you have all of this life gaining going on, why do you need Worship?

Posted 06 April 2009 at 19:35 as a comment on A Link To Life


This is an excellent artifact deck. get all those broodstars out early with a bunch of those little artifacts as well, and your opponent has no chance.
Great chance.
Thumbs up!

Posted 06 April 2009 at 11:16 as a comment on Broodstar affinity


I like the layout.
One thing u could add is the skeleton shard. pay 3 or B and tap, bring back an artifact creature from your grave to hand. and then if you have the mycosynth golem out, just pop it into play for free. so you would just need to add 4 Vault of Whispers to benefit the shard. and maybe a couple leadon Myr too.
My last question is why do you only have 50 cards listed in your decks? send me a message through my Cho-Manno deck with comments for that too. I need help shrinking it.


Posted 05 April 2009 at 19:59 as a comment on Chimera


Great assortment of equipments.
But I would add a few Myr Adapters, cuz they get +1/+1 for each equipment attached.
Plus a Loxodon Punisher, cuz he gets +2/+2 for each equipment attached.
And with the Loxodon Warhammer, you shouldnt have to worry about your life too much.

Posted 05 April 2009 at 19:38 as a comment on Equipment Extravaganza


yeah, i agree.
the siege-gang commander would be useless without other goblins to sack. and lesser cost goblins can also be helpful to start it off.

Posted 05 April 2009 at 19:32 as a comment on SUpa BurN


I like how you made this a shadowmoor goblins with alara dragons.
Its quite interesting, but you may want to add a few more black cards, i.e. Wort Boggart Auntie, specifically her cuz you can bring back the goblins you would lose after they were devoured.

Posted 05 April 2009 at 19:27 as a comment on A Dragons Happy Meal


I agree with him.
there is more cards that you can add to this deck even if you want to keep it strictly Red Goblin deck. otherwise add Black to the mix. Check out mine to get a few good ideas. And if you wanna try making a good Goblin deck as well, pretty much add the Pre-con deck in Scourge and the Pre-con deck from Lorwyn. Then get Wort, cuz she's not in the pre-con.


Posted 05 April 2009 at 19:21 as a comment on Goblin Mob deck


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