
46 Decks, 1,316 Comments, 395 Reputation

Nice glad I could help :)

Posted 24 December 2014 at 02:45 in reply to #523929 on Freyalise Commander


I'll start by saying this, I have a brutally powerful pauper infect deck which I never play because I consider pauper to be a "fun oriented" format and winning on turn 2 or 3 almost feels like I cheated. Somewhat like I consider EDH however many don't see it this way like those who play Derevi, Empyrial Tactician Orb tap down decks. So I will give these suggestions as what I would do to this and why.

Cut Corpse Cur, 4 for a 2/2 is so so. The ability wont actually be that beneficial since your gonna already be winning or close to it.
Cut Pestilent Souleater, B/C he's basically a 3/3 for 5 (which sucks) with an ability you have to pay for.
Cut Phyrexian Juggernaut, since he's to mana costly for having no other ability then infect.
Cut Marsh Viper, once again your paying 4 mana for a 2/2 if it gets threw.
Cut Pit Scorpion, the ratio of 3 for a 1/1 is not good regardless of having infect since everything else has it anyway.
Cut Corrupted Conscience, in theory it's great steal a creature and beat them with it. But the reality of this card is you are depending on your opponent to be able to play something for 5 mana which you can't swing with till the following turn since it doesn't have haste and does have summoning sickness.
Cut Ætherize, who cares take the damage they have to deal 40 you only need to get 10 threw.
Cut Fuel for the Cause, in most scenarios you wont want to keep 4 mana open to counter something just to add one poison counter.
Cut Mana Leak, late game it's useless, and early on you wont want to keep the mana open to play around it. (Infect mentality is, play your creatures, pump your creatures, Win!)
Cut Primal Bellow, 99 card deck 9 forests, how much do you think this will statistically hit for in the first 5 turns?
Cut Æther Snap, it simply works against your commander and if you wanna kill tokens there are better ways. (Ratchet Bomb)
Cut Curse of the Swine, It doesn't remove a blocker or pump your own thing so, Fuck it.
Cut Fade into Antiquity, B/C It doesn't matter that much anyway.
So those are my 13 cuts and why, why you ask 13 B/C you are missing the strongest card for Infect ever printed. Invigorate! Add it!

After all that the best advise I can give is drop all the lands that enter tapped. You don't wanna be slowed down in infect. Add Inkmoth Nexus, Shock lands and Fetch lands. nothing into play tapped. Also drop a land for a Sol Ring, switch Diabolic Tutor for Demonic Tutor, switch Eyeblight's Ending for Abrupt Decay.

Take this all for what it is, Simply my opinions! :) Happy casting!

Posted 24 December 2014 at 02:43 as a comment on Dangerous Poison Path 1VS1 EDH


Personally I would have to agree with drakeraenes on this subject. A great way to have a deck noticed is to search for similar decks then have a bit of a back and forth with the creator, then at that time drop the link. Simply going to a deck saying it's great and then expecting the knowledge of the mass's to parade it around is simply youthful thinking, to say the least. As far as I'm concerned half my decks should have made it to the Hot page along with many many others I've looked at with no more then 2 likes but bottom line that's not the point. It comes down to helping others, the simple act of helping someone else's deck build become stronger will inherently make you a better deck builder and get yours noticed more.

Posted 24 December 2014 at 01:16 in reply to #522716 on econ mtg diminishing return


It is possible to be swinging on turn 3 with 2 5/5 haste creatures and 5 5/3 haste creatures for 35 damage. This is of course very reckless and not advised but it could be done if one wanted and got the correct hand. If Exploration, Crucible, Titania and the Hammer make their way onto the battlefield together it's a relentless attack of creatures every turn.

Posted 24 December 2014 at 00:30 in reply to #524439 on Walking on Fragile Ground


I'm confused by your statement of, "If it were Vintage." Every card ever printed with the exception of the old ante cards and a few others are legal in vintage play. This one happens to be legal in Modern, Legacy and Vintage.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 23:58 in reply to #524288 on Slow Motion Explosion


Well I just created the concept for this today and have not put it together, Yet. So I'm not positive it will have what it takes in the current meta but most of the cards have great synergy, the theory behind everything seems like it could work so I'm excited to test it out.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 23:54 in reply to #524439 on Walking on Fragile Ground


I must have just went threw 20 to 30 sample hands and mulligan'd down to 0 each time. Out of all those I hit Abundance a total of 4 times in hand. That said I love the idea of this deck but feel that it could never be reliable.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 20:56 as a comment on Abundant Vegetation [EDH]


With almost everything in your deck revolving around triggered abilities I think by adding Strionic Resonator you will be positively surprised in how good it can be. You can copy Siege Rhino's enter ability for 12 LP gap!, either of the Exquisite Blood or Sanguine Bond triggers, you could get 4 cards from Blood Scrivener for just 2 life, Obzedat, Ghost Council could potentially deal 4 and gain you 4, or you can have Sun Droplet give you 2 instead. Or you could double the amount of damage you receive from all those lands your running, Wait don't do that one :)
Something to think about man, Happy Casting :)

Posted 23 December 2014 at 20:28 as a comment on Abzan Control


Very true, like I said I was just brainstorming ideas on here.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 18:52 in reply to #524313 on OCC: Wings of Change


It wouldn't slow it down at all in my opinion. The way this deck is now I believe you will be top decking by turn 4 or 5 regardless, so having a few more 3 drops wouldn't hinder you. Not to mention how much value/power you get from Goblin Rabblemaster for 3 mana, Free haste token producer each turn with a Free self pump ability. (These are the main reasons why it has a $15 price tag on it at the moment.)

Posted 23 December 2014 at 18:48 in reply to #524221 on Mono red RUSH WIN!


I completely understand. Wall of Tears could be an alternative in that case. That with + Brave the Sands or High Ground can be fun. Awesome Presence is something along the same lines to consider. Just snowballing fun ideas here Pushkin so take it as that, the deck really doesn't need anything. :)

Posted 23 December 2014 at 15:37 in reply to #524313 on OCC: Wings of Change


Nice deck! a friend of mine runs a very similar build which tends to whoop me more often then not. I would replace the 4 Dragon's Eye Savants with 4 Kor Spiritdancers tho.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 15:06 as a comment on OCC: Wings of Change


Cards that come to mind for this are, Equipoise, Mana Chains, Ghostly Prison.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 06:48 as a comment on Slow Motion Explosion


Nice deck man, I like the splash for black. I would consider running Engineered Explosives and Torpor Orb. Maybe in place of the planeswalkers even tho they both fit very well in this deck, I'm of the opinion that your sideboard should consist of situational cards which benefit greatly in some much ups but useless in most.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 03:12 as a comment on Burny Baby Zoo


True what do you think of adding Trading post?

Posted 23 December 2014 at 02:17 in reply to #524190 on Draw Draw Draw, to your Death


That or replace Foundry Street Denizen with Prophetic Flamespeaker.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 01:13 in reply to #524221 on Mono red RUSH WIN!


It doesn't fall into the cheap thing but hay all you gotta do is delete that 1 deck tag and replace with Goblin. :)

Posted 23 December 2014 at 01:11 in reply to #524221 on Mono red RUSH WIN!


Nice deck, I would cut the Arena Athletes for Goblin Rabblemasters.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 01:09 as a comment on Mono red RUSH WIN!


War and Peace my Friend War and Peace :) As well I've taken the same approach to this as burn. I don't care to much about hurting myself a bit since my opponent will be taking twice or three times the damage as me.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 23:52 in reply to #524190 on Draw Draw Draw, to your Death


I would still cut 1x Hallowed Fountain and 1x Sacred Foundry and +2 Tectonic Edge and -1 plains to +1 Celestial Colonnade.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 15:13 in reply to #523989 on Resto Twin


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