
46 Decks, 1,316 Comments, 395 Reputation

Who's your commander Derevi, Empyrial Tactician, Rafiq of the Many, Roon of the Hidden Realm or Rubinia Soulsinger?

Posted 14 December 2014 at 01:18 as a comment on Happy being me! [EDH]


If mill is what your after Altar of the Brood belongs in here. Not to mention Jace Memory Adept, Glimpse the Unthinkable, Archive Trap or Mind Funeral. all being the strongest mill cards. Then when thinking creatures Sewer Nemesis, Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker, Nemesis of Reason or even Wrexial, the Risen Deep.

Posted 14 December 2014 at 00:38 as a comment on Thrax EDH


I don't like Gravecrawler in here since you only have 3 other zombies it will rarely come back making it a mediocre 1 drop. (In this deck) Bloodsoaked Champion would be a better choice, Goblin Guide would be the best choice and Monastery Swiftspear would be worth considering but I believe Goblin Guide would be best.

Posted 13 December 2014 at 23:04 as a comment on WHY WONT THEY STAY DEAD!!!


Guild gates are horrible, never play them. use the new duals from Khans over gates.

Posted 13 December 2014 at 22:57 in reply to #522420 on WHY WONT THEY STAY DEAD!!!


I would also replace the lavamancers with Delver

Posted 04 December 2014 at 01:06 in reply to #520635 on A Faster Creature Burn!!!!!!!!


The reason It doesn't say Scalding Tarns is simply B/C I don't have any, yet. That said I've never played a game where I wanted to use open mana to hard cast a Probe, yet. When that happens I'm debating on adding blue to removing the Reforge the Soul and Browbeats and play treasure cruise.

Posted 04 December 2014 at 01:05 in reply to #520635 on A Faster Creature Burn!!!!!!!!


SpliNter is correct on both reasons for why I have them in here.

Posted 02 December 2014 at 00:15 in reply to #520310 on Delver's Jeskai Scepter


I've recently added Research and Development to my modern Isochron Scepter deck and surprisingly it has turned out to be very rewarding. Having it on the Scepter and casting deveopment for 2 each turn becomes rather amazing. I only put 1 copy in but it has been awesome every time it comes to play.
Here it is if you wanna take a look. (not trying to plug my deck just like the similarities and thought you might.)

Posted 30 November 2014 at 19:47 in reply to #499641 on Legacy Tournament Scepter


I'm curious why you tagged this as not legal? Besides that you should be running 4x The Rack and 4x Hymn to Tourach in my opinion.

Posted 16 November 2014 at 13:55 as a comment on Monoblack discard


Lose the Mizzium Skin now that all your creatures are hexproof. Add the lightning bolt to the main deck. 18 enchantments should be more then enough. Shattering spree is better then 3x Vadleblast. 2x Relic of Progenitus, 2x Spellskite, 2x Torpor Orb, 2x Pyroclasm, 2x Guttural Response, 2x Engineered Explosives.
Your sideboard should be situational cards to deal with your opponents specific deck. Not cards that fit in the deck but you ran out of room.

Posted 15 November 2014 at 11:57 in reply to #517277 on U/G Auras


I agree Rancor is a very strong addition. as well as Gladecover. Drop the Satyr for 4x Gladecover and replace Ustable Mutation with Rancor.

Posted 14 November 2014 at 23:04 in reply to #517277 on U/G Auras


Spellskite! Steel Wall or maybe Steel Golem???

Posted 12 November 2014 at 01:25 in reply to #516612 on Modern Suicide


Just putting a few names here for debate on what to do. Blind Obedience, Children of Korlis, Luminous Wake to put on you Wall. (creates a 2 for 1 scenario tho), Sunspring Expedition, Perimeter Captain or forget everything and go with your idea of Rest for the Weary.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 19:09 in reply to #516612 on Modern Suicide


LOL so true. I'm kinda a dick for playing infect but I brought this
to modern night for fun and it placed 2nd out of 12 people.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 17:27 in reply to #516717 on Modern Suicide


I think it's pretty good as it stands and would def be interested in how it play tests. As long as you don't take to much damage turn 2 and 3 you should be great shape. I like the thought of Reckoner but whenever I played him in modern he was just exiled. He was a powerhouse in standard but there is a reason he dropped to 2$ as soon as he rotated out. Rebuff the wicked will protect your win conditions more so then anything other then Greater Auramancy. Remember people can still cast instants on the stack after you cast Silence and Silence also doesn't counter anything already on the stack.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 17:24 in reply to #516612 on Modern Suicide


It's good and bad that MTG is a pay to win game. If the power cards were cheap everyone would be running the same tier 1 decks and the feeling of cracking a 4$ pack and getting a 30$ card would be gone.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 17:10 in reply to #516717 on Modern Suicide


In my opinion you don't need Heliod and Greater Auramancy would be more beneficial. As well I think you should cut 3 of your enchantments for 3x Enlightened Tutor. Next you should work on your lands like adding 4x Windswept Heath and 4x Temple Garden. Then find room for Daybreak Coronet somewhere. Finding room for 1 or 2 Sigarda, Host of Herons can help against someone wanting to make you sacrifice which is a good defense against this deck. Last suggestion is to put Stoney Silence into your sideboard to deal with Spellskite. (#1 sideboard against hexproof enchantment decks which most people run in their sideboard.)
I realize these are all high end cards with a high end price. It's sucks but it is a pay to win game.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 17:05 as a comment on GW Agro


This deck requires 4x Darksteel Citadel and perhaps Thran Dynamo. As well Gilder Bairn could be very useful if there is something you can cut for it.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 16:43 as a comment on Quick Counters


Leyline is an amazing sideboard card in modern. Since Burn and 8 Rack are both tier 1 decks in the format it shut's both down until dealt with, as well as anyone who wants to turn 1 Thoughtsieze. I definitely agree that protecting the enchantments should be a priority and completely forgot about Greater Auramancy. Thanks for reminding me I had forgot about it when I gave my suggestions. Should be in this deck for sure.

Posted 11 November 2014 at 15:11 in reply to #516717 on Modern Suicide


For starters one thing you have to take into consideration is that modern is a fast format. Really Fast, most tier 1 decks can win on turn 4 and some 3. That said let's see how we can tweak this. The first thing I see is that your playing Chained to the Rocks and you only have 5 mountains. The fetches help in this case but I would still replace the Battlefield Forge with Sacred Foundry. Fetches can get Shock lands (Sacred Foundry) and should be played together anyway. Personally I love Wall of Omens and dislike the other wall, I would play 4 Omens and use the other 2 spots for Rebuff the Wicked.(If you find anything else not working or doing much fit the other 2 in somewhere.) You will find it to really come in handy when trying to protect your enchantments since they are your only win condition. Pyroclasm is a sideboard card to me which could be replaced and sided out for Grand Abolisher. Grand Abolisher also let's you save your Silence and Rebuff the Wicked for their turn. That's all I can think of regarding the main deck, as far as the sideboard goes I've already suggested that you move Pyroclasm there and I think you could eliminate Rest for the Weary all together. That leaves 2 spots open for Rest in Peace which is very useful against someone trying to run dredge or some other graveyard play. I'd put O Ring to 2 of and add 2x Torpor Orb which helps against Restoration Angel deck or Lifegain and other annoying enter the battlefield mechanics. As well just keep 1 Path and put 2 Stoney Silence in, it pretty much shuts down all artifact decks on turn 2. It's sooooo good in that 1 particular situation.

That brings me to the end of this deck critique and I truly hope I didn't lead you astray and was more help then harm. These are all my opinions and should be treated as such since am just another MTG addict with lots to still learn myself.
:) Happy Casting

Posted 11 November 2014 at 01:15 as a comment on Modern Suicide


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