
47 Decks, 34 Comments, 4 Reputation

I like the concept but you DEFINITELY need more lands. Your mana curve is too high to only be running 21. But after that it should be fine

Posted 22 August 2013 at 04:21 as a comment on Fire and Ice


I'm really liking what you did here Atcel. You have a much more aggressive gameplan going for you that really finishes strong. A lot of aggressive decks start to fizzle out around turn 5 or 6 but this still has some strong topdecks in Brimstone Volley, Spark Trooper, and Ajani. Just a very nice list and let me know how it works for you :)

Posted 22 August 2013 at 04:18 as a comment on Ajani's Playground : Reloaded


lol supposed to be soul ransom not soul manipulation. thanks

Posted 22 August 2013 at 04:07 in reply to #390805 on U/B Mill


Sure I'll look at it. As for this deck it works pretty well. Unfortunately I had to take out our Spark Trooper/Ajani combo as it was powerful but inconsistent to draw. And the 1WW cost of Ajani made it difficult to cast sometimes. Also if I did get him out turn 3 he felt very weak as I could not protect him well. I also took out the Accorder's Shield as Haunted Plate Mail is much more powerful after a board wipe and a Boros Reckoner with a Haunted Plate Mail is much scarier than with an Accorder's Shield. Then I also added some untility cards here and there and I think this deck is more consistent.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 12:09 in reply to #389375 on Volatile Post


Making goats would be sort of counter productive wouldn't it? Besides being able to sac it a 0/1 does nothing and it also turns off any extra Haunted Plate Mails that you had out before. I don't know that would be up to you

Posted 17 August 2013 at 05:06 in reply to #389195 on haunted bounty


Thank you for the great suggestions!! I originally thought that Sphinx's Revelation would be a little too underpowering for my deck, but I think 1 or 2 may be powerful enough as i can use it late game. And I never thought about galerider sliver. Originally this decklist had a lot more creatures to evolve the raptor. And cutting the raptors may make it worth cutting the Civic Sabers as they were in there mostly to give the Raptor the 1 power he needed to deal damage and activate cipher

Posted 16 August 2013 at 21:58 in reply to #389723 on U/W Tempo


I actually did not realize that it gave all your PERMANENTS indestructible. That actually is appealing enough for me to play that mainboard. I think 2 of them is good for now and I can bring in more if needed. Another change I made is went down to 1 Warleader's Helix and up to 3 Shock. Helix is powerful and has great synergy with Angelic Accord, but I have plenty of ways to pump out angels and the 4 CMC is a little lofty. And Shocking there 1st turn play is huge especially so we don't get in too much of a hole because our deck takes a while to get going. But Thank You both Atcel and strawhat07 for your advice!!! It has been so helpful and I am seriously considering making this my new deck. It seems so powerful and synergistic and with your help it became ever better. So Thank You!!

Posted 16 August 2013 at 05:01 in reply to #389375 on Volatile Post


Personally Trading Post is one of my favorite cards ever. But I don't think it is that good in this deck. Sure you could return a destroyed Haunted Plate Mail to your hand but you don't have any creatures to sacrifice to do that. I just don't think it would be that powerful in this deck

Posted 15 August 2013 at 21:11 in reply to #389195 on haunted bounty


See I do like the indestructible effect, but as Angelic Accord is my only token producer I don't think the populate is all that good. If I were to use one I think it would be Boros Charm as that costs 1 mana less and also has the option to deal 4 to the opponent which can get Chandra's Phoenix back. However I really want to have board presence after Volatile Rig wipes it. And there aren't too many good threats to put there however. If there were a better white planeswalker I would probably put him there. But he also has some good synergy in the deck. If you use his -3 on a Spark Trooper it is an absolute blowout. But you can also use his -3 on the Volatile Rig if you don't want him to wipe the board. It gives him evasion so he won't attack into a clogged board and take damage. And if they happen to have a flyer the Double Strike prevents the flyer from doing damage. I think Ajani should hold this slot for now, but it might change in the future

Posted 15 August 2013 at 21:01 in reply to #389317 on Volatile Post


That's exactly why I want the Flames of the Firebrand!!!

Posted 15 August 2013 at 20:54 in reply to #389375 on Volatile Post


This is awesome. It's great to see that a deck like this can keep up with some of these decks. It does look like aggro is going to be a problem. If Boros Humans can mulligan down to 3 and still beat you it is a problem. But I think it is well suited against the metagame right now. The meta involves a bunch of slow midrange and controlish decks making this a perfect choice to grind out the games.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 20:48 in reply to #389195 on haunted bounty


Yeah I agree. Restoration Angel is insane in basically any creature based white deck. However this deck (And a lot of my other decks posted) is a deck that uses cards that will not be rotating out. I'm trying to come up with all these different archetypes that will exist Post Rotation and just add Theros cards when they come about. But yes Resto Angel would definitely be a staple in this deck.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 20:37 in reply to #389350 on Life Midrange


Wow I never thought about that card!!! That seems like a very good interaction. Being able to cycle it early on wouldn't make it a dead card in an opening hand. Then when I equip it to a Boros Reckoner being able to absorb and therefore redirect more damage would be awesome. It also puts him out of Mizzium Mortars Range which is very cool. I think going down to 1 Spark Trooper is fine because I don't want it in my opening hand. And I think 3 Prophetic Prisms is plenty of card draw. Thank you so much for that suggestion!!!

Posted 15 August 2013 at 18:30 in reply to #389317 on Volatile Post


Thanks alot!!!

Posted 15 August 2013 at 18:16 in reply to #389375 on Volatile Post


White and green don't have a whole lot of removal in the first place but I think that this deck is very good at stabilizing after the initial wave of aggro decks. This deck pumps out a large number of big bodies that aggro decks have a tough time dealing with like Voice of Resurgence, Loxodon Smiter, and Centaur Healer. And if a creature does get too out of control then Banisher Priest and Selesnya Charm work wonders as removal.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 16:55 in reply to #389350 on Life Midrange


That seems like a backbreaking line of play!!! I think I am going to put at least 1 if not 2 Spark Troopers in after hearing that. I don't think I want to run all four of either as that will force me to move away from my current strategy but drawing a Spark Trooper late game when both my opponent and I are living off the top would be a very good game ender. especially if I have an Angelic Accord in play to leave an angel behind. Thank you so much for the suggestion!!!

Posted 15 August 2013 at 16:46 in reply to #389317 on Volatile Post


yea that is actually pretty smart. simic's hexproof would be very powerful and it kinda becomes a pseudo-Witchstalker with an activation from Primeval Bounty. Also you won't waste your counters. Azorius is good cuz of flying

Posted 14 August 2013 at 05:59 in reply to #388866 on haunted bounty


OK that makes sense. I don't know if this is just me but is 23 lands enough for a deck with a lot of cards in the 4-6 CMC range? It seems a little low. And also you want to be dropping lands later in the game with Primeval Bounty in play to stabilize, but I mean you tested it so you know better than I. Comment how you do in your play testing tomorrow. I'm curious as to see how it held up

Posted 14 August 2013 at 05:55 in reply to #388866 on haunted bounty


You've probably thought of this but i think the Keyrunes would work well in this deck as well. It plays around the "creatureless" theme you have going but it's another creature that you can put Primeval Bounty counters on and it also provides ramp for you. I'm thinking the Azorius Keyrune is the best for you as you have a lot of white and blue mana symbols in your spells and also the Keyrune can turn into a creature with evasion. Just thought i'd give some feedback that hopefully sparks an idea

Posted 14 August 2013 at 05:44 as a comment on haunted bounty


I really like Burning-Tree Emissary and I think he'd be very good in this deck. However I really like the hasty 2 drops in this deck and they don't work well with Burning-Tree. And also I wanted more combat tricks that benefit the whole team rather than one enchantment that boosts one creature. But I think that strategy is very potent and i might try it out a little bit. Thanks for the suggestion!!!

Posted 07 August 2013 at 18:25 in reply to #387073 on Mono Red Blitz


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