
200 Decks, 365 Comments, 74 Reputation

Makes sense, considering you are already shocking yourself for mana, why would you do it when it is unnecessary?

Posted 15 September 2014 at 15:45 in reply to #503118 on Delver UWR Control v.2


No prob, I guess you do have a good point, Living End is becoming more popular and having a sweeper that can actually kill their creatures is valid. I would like to ask, why choose Peek over Gitaxian Probe? Is it because of it being instant speed?

Posted 15 September 2014 at 14:59 in reply to #503118 on Delver UWR Control v.2


Nice deck, have you thought about Anger of the Gods as an alternate sweeper? It seems like in modern Anger has a lot of potential to be really good, seeing as lightning bolt is the premiere removal spell in modern and a lot of creatures in modern will die to Anger. Mind you I don't know if you should play it or not, just a suggestion.

Posted 15 September 2014 at 14:26 as a comment on Delver UWR Control v.2


Ummm Winds of Rath isn't going to be standard legal, unless you are putting it in as a placeholder for the new 5 drop board wipe?

Posted 15 September 2014 at 14:13 as a comment on Esper Deck Wins


Holy three drops batman! XD You really should lower the amount of three drops that you have, lowering your curve a tad and making you able to do something before turn 3... X3 Maybe more Path to Exile would be good, possibly low drop creatures that may not fit your mechanic, but might make you a little more consistent (

Posted 15 September 2014 at 14:11 as a comment on [Budget] Into the Beyond


First off, is that enough lands? I would think you should have close to 40... Secondly, I do think you need more dual lands, whether they are guild gates and rupture spire type lands or shocks/original duals, it's up to you. And last but not least, don't you have to have some stuff to give to others that are a detriment to them in a Zedruu deck? Just my thoughts...

Posted 15 September 2014 at 13:15 as a comment on Zedruu, You wanted this right?


Probably should make those Terramorphic Expanses Verdant Catacombs so you can fetch your overgrown tombs with them as well as your basics. Also have you thought about taking the 4x invigorate to make this modern legal?

Posted 15 September 2014 at 13:05 as a comment on Green-Black-White Infect Combo


Should I add Mardu Charm or Crackling Doom to the sideboard?

Posted 13 September 2014 at 03:09 as a comment on Mardu Burn Modern- Version 2


There are so many two card combos out there, they can't just ban them all because they are too easy to achieve, since they are beatable that makes it so they don't have to. If there were 14 Splinter Twin decks in the top 16 of a Grand Prix they still wouldn't ban the card, because it can still be beaten. Mind you if this streak went on for a consistent amount of time (more than a few months) they may consider banning one part of the combo, but this is so unlikely because modern is such a vast and diverse format that this in theory should never happen. Not saying they won't ban the combo, I just don't think it's likely.

Posted 12 September 2014 at 16:12 in reply to #501572 on Kiki-Jiki, Time Freezer


Why should they ban perfectly fair and beatable combo's like that, especially since they aren't dominating the format?

Posted 12 September 2014 at 14:39 in reply to #501572 on Kiki-Jiki, Time Freezer


You do know that Kiki Resto is an infinite combo right?

Posted 12 September 2014 at 13:32 in reply to #501572 on Kiki-Jiki, Time Freezer


I don't know it Blightning is the way you want to go with this deck, I think it's better to just have more permission early on and just out tempo your opponent and smack them with a cruel ultimatum.

Posted 12 September 2014 at 12:54 in reply to #501534 on Life can be cruel


Right sometimes you have to pay an extra price for your deck to work the way you want to, and in this case it happens to be more money. XD I'm glad that I could help! :)

Posted 05 September 2014 at 15:55 in reply to #500716 on Life can be cruel


Basically you are paying for consistency in your deck, and when you are in three colors you need to be able to cast all of your spells consistently.

Posted 05 September 2014 at 14:59 in reply to #500716 on Life can be cruel


The difference is really that you can search for Ravinca Shock lands, or Original Dual Lands (Volcanic Island, Tropical Island, ect.), which is insanely powerful, allowing you to fix your mana by finding dual lands with it, thinning your deck (though some don't buy this benefit), and allowing them to come in untapped is super powerful. Though this isn't necessarily powerful to casual players, but it is powerful to a lot of competitive level modern, legacy and vintage players (possibly standard once khans of tarkir comes out).

Posted 05 September 2014 at 14:56 in reply to #500716 on Life can be cruel


Not in standard, there are only dual colored scrylands in standard. New Benalia I think is one in a modern legal set. :)

Posted 05 September 2014 at 13:51 in reply to #500704 on Lifegain Pain


Archangel of Thune might be good... :3

Posted 05 September 2014 at 12:40 as a comment on Lifegain Pain


See that's the thing though, Cruel Ultimatum is the win con (it seems like it anyways). You control your opponents board until you can cast a cruel ultimatum that sets you so far ahead of your opponent that you just win the game from there; the card is so much card advantage that your opponent won't be able to catch up. They also have man lands, which are also a win con but I would add another Creeping Tar Pit personally.

Posted 05 September 2014 at 12:34 in reply to #500601 on Life can be cruel


Yeah really... :3 Sadly, he is kind of a staple for this deck and many people want him for the last Modern PTQs of the season...

Posted 02 September 2014 at 21:39 in reply to #499625 on Dega Burn Modern Help Needed


Well thank you! :D I've gotten top 8 pretty consistently with this deck at my local shop and won the last tournament I was in! :3

Posted 02 September 2014 at 21:38 in reply to #499616 on Dega Burn Modern Help Needed


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