
20 Decks, 90 Comments, 0 Reputation

Coat of Arms would boost all those worms for +1/+1 per worm. As long as your opponent isn't playing a theme deck (all elves, soldiers, goblins, etc) then it could give you the edge.

Posted 17 March 2010 at 12:11 as a comment on Harvesting Worms V4


What is your guy's (or girl's) opinion on Urge to Feed vs Disfigure for early removal? I've been using disfigure for the 1cc and love the speed, but I've been thinking of trying out the Urge to Feed instead. Even if getting the counters is situational, doing -3/-3 can take out most everything except the big boys that roll out turn 5 and 6 and for those I should have Tendrils for. Opinions?

Posted 16 March 2010 at 19:10 as a comment on Vampires


I agree with you on mind sludge, in most cases. That is why I sideboard it.

Posted 16 March 2010 at 19:02 in reply to #56808 on Vampires


Kalastria is so good because she goes very well along side bloodghast in my opinion. Bloodghast is an easy kill but of course it can come right back. Well with Kalastria out your opponents have to decide to kill it, and still take 2 dmg from kalastria, or sit back and let bloodghast just rape them turn after turn. Plus Kalastria gives you a little extra kick knowing that you other vampires like Nocturnus and Nighthawks are going to be removal magnets so you might as well get a nice bit of damage and life out of it.

Posted 16 March 2010 at 19:00 in reply to #56808 on Vampires


Piranha Marshes is generally a bad card, especially when it comes to fast aggro decks like vampires. The 1 damage just doesn't make up for the fact that it still just adds 1 black mana and comes in tapped which makes it slow. The 1 damage taken from fetch lands doesn't usually hurt people since their speed makes up for it, but especially doesn't hurt vampires since there are several sources of life gain in the decks.

Posted 15 March 2010 at 14:53 in reply to #56742 on Vampires


Well the main theory behind it is that using them is that they allow you to filter the lands out of your deck. This way you can still get out your lands at a quick pace (since they don't come in tapped) and create fewer lands in the deck that can be drawed later in the game. This insures that after turn 6 you probably are not going to be drawing lands and instead will be drawing playable cards. It also helps by allowing you to activate landfall abilities at will (and even on opponents turn). In vampire decks, for example, you can use the fetch lands to trigger the landfall ability on Bloodghast OR to cause a deck shuffle if your top card showing due to Nocturnus is a land instead of a black card.

Posted 15 March 2010 at 14:51 in reply to #56742 on Vampires


Need to include Megrim to hit them on the discard also. That way you can double strike them both on the draw and discard.

Posted 15 March 2010 at 14:30 as a comment on Underworld Dreams LOCKDOWN


Yeah. Those are the only two allies that are also soldiers unfortunately.

Posted 12 March 2010 at 14:13 in reply to #56301 on white soldier deck

Permalink This is mine.

Posted 12 March 2010 at 11:29 in reply to #56296 on white soldier deck


Looks pretty standard. I love Rhox Pikemaster though since they give all soldiers first strike. Also you might want to drop some of your 1 drops and add in some flying soldiers. Kor Skyfishers aren't too bad. 2/3 for 2 mana and you can bounce allies with it to add counters.

Posted 12 March 2010 at 11:27 as a comment on white soldier deck


Kalastria Highborne or Bloodghast in place of Guul Draz Vampires. Remove the Piranha Marsh and either add in fetch lands or just swamps. Any lands that come in tapped just slow you down and you need to be quick. The cost on Vampires Bite (to kick) just seems to much to me since you already have nighthawks and tendrils for lifegain. I'd drop vampires bite and blood tribute to add in another tendrils of corruption and then some removal such as Urge to Feed, Disfigure, or Doom Blade.

For Sideboard, I would keep 4x Vampire Hexmages and the 4x Deathmark that you mentioned could be useful. It really depends alot on the type of decks you play most against at your local store or with your friends. Mind Sludge is also a good one to have either sideboard or mainboard.

Posted 12 March 2010 at 11:23 as a comment on Monoblack Vamps - help pls


Yeah terramorphics are bad in a deck meant for speed.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 13:46 in reply to #56170 on Your Typical Blood-Sucking Vampire Deck


I understand the use of fetch lands. That is a minor point. I disagree with Feast though. Yeah being a sorcery isn't that great but I've used my vampire deck at a number of FNMs against people ranked in the 1800s for DCI, and I've rarely had a point where I couldn't cast it when I wanted too. Plus it gives you 4 life which helps to offset the self-damage you inflict from your fetch lands and Sign in Bloods. Besides, The restriction of 3 mana or less on Smother really blows since the creatures I want to remove are going to be the bombs that cost at least 4-6. I've never had trouble with the early game before. I sideboard my mind sludge and honestly I don't think I've ever even used them in a match yet. The games are usually over by turn 7 at the very latest (usually 6) and so at 5 mana the chance to use them doesn't even happen to often. Against a heavy heavy stall/control deck I can see where they would be much more useful though, but 5 mana is a large price to pay considering it might just get cancelled anyhow.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 13:46 in reply to #56166 on Your Typical Blood-Sucking Vampire Deck


Don't use Crypt of Agadeem. It just slows you down and you have to have more than 3 dead creatures for it to even be useful. IMO sideboard it to use against mill maybe. The fetch lands are nice to trigger bloodghast but honestly I'd cut it down to just 4. Tendrils of COrruption is an awesome card at removing creatures and healing you at same time. Feast of Blood is also nice to remove and heal and with so many 2 costers you should always have 2 vamps out. Pulse trackers blow though, ignore those imo. Sure they may get 1-2 hits for a couple damage but unless you get one in the starting hand their just going to ping for 1 and then die. You are better off with the 2 drops. Which reminds me, sideboard 4x Hexmages or work them in and sideboard the mind sludge and grim discoveries. You just need to hit hard and fast and your good. My vampire deck is located:

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:07 as a comment on Your Typical Blood-Sucking Vampire Deck


Maybe I'm just not a fan of blood seeker or Lacerator but there are other better options. I'd cut them and 4x Gatekeeper of Malakir. NO vampire deck should be without 4 Malakirs since their kicker is basically a free removal spell that can also hit shrouded enemies. I'd also bump up your Anowon's to at least 2 f not 3. Playing them against non-vampire decks is fatal and forces the opponent to burn them or the tables turn very quickly. Nocturnus is an obvious boost but I understand the cost restraints. I've found that a decent alternative is Coat of Arms (artifact, gives +1/+1 for each creature that shares a creature type). Sure it doesn't give flying, but those +1 counters can add up quick so it doesn't matter. Also, as Ramza above said, Vampire Nighthawks are completely overpowered. You need 4 of them. You can find my vamp deck @

Posted 10 March 2010 at 14:09 as a comment on T2 Vamp deck


Needs more land... Your crabs aren't worth crap unless you have some decent land flow to trigger them. Otherwise you might as well remove them and put in some Walls of Frost or something to block/stall with.

Posted 10 March 2010 at 13:55 as a comment on millitant militia


Levitation is uncommon.

Posted 10 March 2010 at 13:46 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Walking Alone


Comments welcome.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 16:01 as a comment on White/Black Allies


17 land isn't enough. Also, the fact that they are all dual will REALLY slow you down since they are mostly coming in tapped...

Posted 09 March 2010 at 15:45 as a comment on Volcano Gods


Way to many cards. It needs to be as close to 60 as possible to ensure you are drawing your combo/win cards regularly. You also need mulitples of your good cards and not just 1 or 2 of everything. This causes your draws to be far to random.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 15:43 as a comment on The Death Of You


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