
27 Decks, 49 Comments, 14 Reputation

This deck really needs more mill to it, dream twist is the perfect match. not only is it one blue at instant speed but it also has flashback that can be used for a second shot. and for a sell mill as the main component where is the laboratory maniac? heres the changes that I would make:
-4 Screeching Skaab
-2 Ghoultree
-2 Wreath of Geists
-2 Deranged Assistant
-2 Island
-2 Forest
+2 Memory Erosion
+4 Dream twist
+2 Thought Scour
+2 Laboratory Maniac
+4 Evolving Wilds

These changes should not only make it faster but would provide a better win condition. I hope this helped!

Posted 17 February 2012 at 01:04 as a comment on 11. Self-Mill Aggro (Dark Ascension Standard)


Heres a couple of changes that might speed it up or be better to use:
-3 Caged Sun
+3 Priest of titania
-3 Adaptive Automaton
+3 Imperious Perfect
-2 Asceticism
+2 Steely Resolve.

Let me know if these help :)

Posted 16 February 2012 at 22:18 as a comment on ELF Deck


Here is what i would swap out:
-2 True Conviction (mana cost is way too high and you really won't need 4 in a deck since the abilities dont combine)
-3 Perimeter Captain
-3 Wall of Frost
+4 Phantasmal Image (to make even more copies of MIrror-sigil Sergeant
+4 Preeminent Captain (to have Mirror-SIgil Sergeant come out turn 4.

Thats just a start but it would definately help this deck immensely. just a thought.

Posted 14 February 2012 at 07:23 as a comment on Mirror-Sigil Sergeant Deck


Thalia really isn/t good in this deck so i would replace it for 4 gather the townsfolk and i would swap 1 vault of the archangel for the fourth evolving wilds. Otherwise i think this deck is pretty good :)

Posted 14 February 2012 at 07:17 as a comment on BW aggro homebrew style


Black: Extirpate
Blue: Energy Field
Green: Joraga Warcaller
Red: Raging Goblin (for the flavor text)
White: Preeminent Captain
Colorless: Howling Mine
Multicolor: Glimpse the Unthinkable

Mind checking out my human deck when you get a chance?

Posted 08 February 2012 at 08:49 as a comment on Dubs Hundred


... why?

Posted 07 February 2012 at 01:12 as a comment on rares i have so far


Im sorry, i have to completely disagree with amnthompson127, curse of exhaustion is a sideboard card and definately should NOT have 4 in mainboard. for removal/control add 4 fiend hunter as it helps both mentor of the meek and champion of the parish. Mentor of the meek should have 2 more and maybe drop 2 honor of the pure as it conflicts. And the Mentor of the meek really helps with card draw and keeping the crusader is a must. if it helps take a peek at my deck.

Posted 06 February 2012 at 03:27 as a comment on Standard Humans. Comments please


Are the razorverge and the sunpetal just for the gavony?

Posted 06 February 2012 at 02:05 as a comment on B/W Tokens Standard


Why are you using order of whiteclay? You have no way to tap him without attacking, and you cant use his ability during the untap step so whats the point? Other then that i love the preeminents, the borderguards, and the figure of destiny.

Posted 02 February 2012 at 21:51 as a comment on For The Shire!!


I am way jealous of the Gaea's Cradle! and i love the deck idea, check out mine!

Posted 17 January 2012 at 01:32 as a comment on Elves!


With the Glimpse of Nature in this deck have you thought of adding aluren? and with all of the mana ramping how about Joraga Warcaller? Check out mine

Posted 04 January 2012 at 00:55 as a comment on Legacy Elves


I really like how this deck is built!

Want to check mine?

Posted 01 January 2012 at 21:08 as a comment on Mono White Humans 1.3


I love how you rant on and on when you still haven't offered this person any help with their deck. Which still poses the question of "why did you post on it at all?" plus at what point am i being negative? You are the person that was negative, i was just stating the fact that you weren't helping anybody with your post. and i have been playing the game for 11 years and have taught many people how to play. at least one of us is a contributer. Happy Holidays Cancer Man :)

Posted 24 December 2011 at 20:33 in reply to #224137 on Green Fall


Wow, you do realize that "Constructive Criticism" has constructive in it and not just criticism. your comment doesn't help anybody and just says that your an arrogant prick.

Posted 24 December 2011 at 07:34 in reply to #224052 on Green Fall


I love illusions! and you have a great start here. You arent quite utilizing your grand architects very well with only 2 krakens eye. if you want some advice here is what i would change:
-2 krakens eye
+2 Steel Hellkite
-2 Sower of Temptation
+2 Wurmcoil Engine
-2 Wall of Frost
+2 Krovikan Mist
-2 Twincast
-2 Mind Spring
+4 Mana Leak.

This would add more power and speed to your deck, i know they would be pricey changes and you could take them or leave them but thats my advice.

Posted 24 December 2011 at 00:27 as a comment on Illusionary Control


I love the way that your landfall deck went, heres how i did mine :)

Posted 23 December 2011 at 21:15 as a comment on Green Fall


I love mill decks! and you definately have a good start to it. Instead of echo mage (which would be targeted by all sorts of spells) why dont you put in counterbalance since you already have sensei's divining top? and with this being a mill deck, there arent any cards that isochron sceptor can utilize very much besides brain freeze. why dont you put in a vision charm or Dream Twist. just an idea. if you want you can check out my mill deck and maybe find some ideas. either way, love it!

Posted 20 December 2011 at 01:49 as a comment on Mill Away!


wheres the preeminent captain? thats perfect for a soldier deck, especially since you are running captain of the watch. and i dont agree with biojazz, if you are making a soldier deck ajani goldmane, elspeth (1 and 2) and gideon are all good choices.

p.s. daru warchief would also be a good pick

Posted 12 December 2011 at 20:43 as a comment on soldier


no kinsbaile borderguards or preeminent captain?

Posted 29 November 2011 at 20:35 as a comment on kithkin weenie overwhelmer


I love bears! cards that i would reccomend would be razorclaw bear, alpha status, rancor, and werebears.

Posted 29 November 2011 at 20:26 as a comment on Power Bears


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