
6 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

Unfortunately, the rules render this strategy ineffective. When you copy a spell (with Twincast, Mirari, Fork, etc.) the copy is not played unless the card says explicitly to play the copy (as does Isochron Scepter). Thus, while you can infinitely copy Twincast + Twincast, doing so does not increase your "storm count " at all. You should rethink this deck - there are a lot of terrific Storm combo decks out there, and a lot of decks that do cool things with copy effects, but this particular tactic won't work.

Posted 27 September 2009 at 12:50 as a comment on Copymachine


This is crazy! I like it. Sleep might also help you swing in for the kill with less mana investment in tapping down opponents' creatures. How do you respond to decks that don't play many creatures?

Posted 16 August 2009 at 19:11 as a comment on Palliation and Thrasher Deck


Never mind - replaced with Duress as an inexpensive replacement for the utility Thoughtseize.

Posted 16 August 2009 at 18:59 as a comment on Bring Us A Shrubbery!


Good point - Urborg isn't really a crucial element to the deck, considering it really only splashes black. Search for Tomorrow does skew the curve a bit, considering I'd ideally play a turn-1 Birds or Harbinger, but what would you recommend in its place?

Posted 16 August 2009 at 18:56 as a comment on Bring Us A Shrubbery!


Have you considered pairing Lich's Mirror with Greater Gargadon? If you're about to die on an opponent's turn, sacrifice permanents to your Gargadon(s) like crazy. They won't be shuffled into your deck (nor will any of your other suspended/exiled cards), and you'll be refreshed with a full hand and 9/7 creatures on the board or ready to come out soon.

Posted 16 August 2009 at 18:55 as a comment on Seth''s Hellbent Deck


Good point - Urborg isn't really a crucial element to the deck, considering it really only splashes black. Search for Tomorrow does skew the curve a bit, considering I'd ideally play a turn-1 Birds or Harbinger, but what would you recommend in its place?

Posted 16 August 2009 at 18:43 as a comment on Bring Us A Shrubbery!


The combo is undeniably exciting, but it has one pretty serious drawback. Rite of Consumption is a sorcery; when you pair it with a Channel effect like Wall of Blood, your opponent has a guaranteed window in which he can toss a Lightning Bolt at your face while you're a) tapped out, and b) at critically low life after pouring it all into the Wall.

If the deck wants to play like a combo deck, you might try removing the ancillary mill strategy and replace those cards with spells that protect you until the combo goes off, like Silence or even Angel's Grace.

Posted 13 August 2009 at 13:12 as a comment on derpthopter's Coka-Cola Wall Deck


If you don't mind it not being Standard, consider Momentary Blink. It's in-colors and blinks your Shepherd for more Goats, or helps your bigger creatures evade removal.

Posted 13 August 2009 at 11:40 as a comment on Attack of the Goats!!!


On second thought, Smash to Smithereens is superior to Shatter because it does additional damage and synergizes with Hostility.

Posted 13 August 2009 at 11:27 as a comment on I Appear To Have Burst Into Flames


Thanks! Any ideas for the sideboard? I'm thinking Sulfur Elemental to help shut down Spectral Procession and other white token generators, Shatter to eliminate pesky artifacts, and Everlasting Torment to negate life-gain strategies.

Posted 13 August 2009 at 11:27 as a comment on I Appear To Have Burst Into Flames


Thanks! Any ideas for the sideboard? I'm thinking Sulfur Elemental to help shut down Spectral Procession and other white token generators, Shatter to eliminate pesky artifacts, and Everlasting Torment to negate life-gain strategies.

Posted 13 August 2009 at 11:22 as a comment on I Appear To Have Burst Into Flames


This is an interesting idea! Garruk would be very useful in this deck regardless of how often his Overrun comes in handy. Have you considered Llanowar Mentor, the Future Sight card that spits out Llanowar Elves? Turn your superfluous copies of Winter Orb and Root Maze into extra Elf Druids to fuel your Elvish and Gilt-Leaf Archdruids.

Posted 13 August 2009 at 11:06 as a comment on Elf Druid Land Control
