
44 Decks, 28 Comments, 17 Reputation

I've played land destruction and I've played discard decks, and often times I will struggle to achieve the one thing they are designed to, so I think trying to do both at the same time is far too ambitious. If you're only going to use basic lands you will need a lot more mountains than that. Dragonskull Summit is a good choice: effective and less than $2 a piece. I'm a confused as to why this is tagged as budget when you have >$32 on Blood Moons alone. Wrench Mind is weak against any deck with artifacts so be careful maindecking it.

The synergy between Crucible of Worlds, Boom & Bust, Smallpox, and Darksteel Citadel is pretty neat. I would consider going mostly black with a splash of red for Boom/Bust and some burn. Take a look at Terminate, Manaforge Cinder(manafixing), Rise//Fall, Rakdos's Return, and Dreadbore for other cards that may be useful in these colors.

If you're interested,

here's my land destruction:

and my discard:

Posted 03 August 2014 at 00:34 as a comment on Discard land Destruction


Consider Grindclock in place of Evanescent Intellect or Millstone and Detention Sphere in place of Oblivion Ring.

Posted 18 July 2014 at 05:08 as a comment on Lock-Down Discard v1


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