
2 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

Hate to burst your bubble but this isn't standard. M15 is no longer standard after origins came out.

Posted 31 August 2015 at 02:15 as a comment on Gilt-Leaf Sligh


I like this deck alot! has some good stuff in it. have you thought about putting Knowledge and Power in it? when you're scrying every turn you can do a lot of damage and possibly save some cards in your hand. You might need those as resources for later. Also Elixir of immortality, you can recycle all the instants and sorcery spells you've been using and plus you gain 5 life, never a bad thing.

Posted 22 October 2014 at 17:35 as a comment on Scry Control Burn(Retired)


I really like this deck Idea! However have you thought of possibly less temples? More so with temple of deceit, I mean you have opulent palace and polluted delta. And being your only black card is villainous wealth you might get stuck with mana entering tapped and wouldn't be able to make as big of moves as you hoped for. And with Nissa, if you can get herakor ability off then it would be nice to have more basic lands in there so you can add more lands

Posted 22 October 2014 at 06:09 as a comment on Villainous God of Horizons


I like this deck a lot! Great combo with Aurelia and Iroas. The only thing is I drew some sample hands and it seemed like I got temple of triumph and sacred foundry a lot. Maybe only do like 2 foundries, and than one extra mountain and plains. The temple, keep great card for scrying, especially early on.

Posted 15 September 2014 at 04:53 as a comment on Iroas, boros god


Have you evr thought about putting Atheros God of passage in this deck? i feel like he'd be a great addition

Posted 05 September 2014 at 06:09 as a comment on Standard Life Drain
