
30 Decks, 79 Comments, 18 Reputation

I run Increasing Vengeance so I can copy things since it activates Guttersnipe's ability and has flashback.

Posted 30 November 2012 at 17:36 in reply to #307015 on Guttersnipe'd


You make a compelling argument; I'll put in 2 Increasing Vengeance

Posted 29 November 2012 at 19:30 in reply to #306814 on Guttersnipe'd


I didn't even know that card existed but I totally agree it would do mean things in this deck. Thanks for telling me about it.

Posted 29 November 2012 at 12:19 in reply to #306725 on Guttersnipe'd


That's debatable.

Posted 29 November 2012 at 03:45 in reply to #306601 on Guttersnipe'd


I use to run this deck with 4 pillars but people at my FNM run centaur decks a lot more than anything else, so I run more Searing Spears. If I would take this to anything higher than FNM, which probably won't happen, I'd change it but you're right, in general 4 Pillars is better.

Posted 29 November 2012 at 03:43 in reply to #306660 on Guttersnipe'd


Well the Knight of Infamy really doesn't do anything important for this deck and Olivia strengthens your late game. Even if this deck is aggro, you're not going to win by turn 4 every time and if you drop Olivia turn 4 you can change the board pretty easily.

You really don't need creature removal spells at instant speed since creatures have Summoning Sickness so running Dreadbores gives you more versatility since you can kill Planeswalkers as well.

Posted 28 November 2012 at 17:40 in reply to #306463 on B/r Zombies


Vexing Devil is pretty aggro and this isn't really an aggro deck but I see where you're coming from. If I can make room I'll put those in for something else.

Posted 28 November 2012 at 03:19 in reply to #306366 on Guttersnipe'd


I might run them and then put in artful dodge since they would combo well. I'll think about it

Posted 28 November 2012 at 03:15 in reply to #306242 on Guttersnipe'd


Maybe take out the Knight of Infany for Olivia Voldaren.

Change 2 swamps for 2 mountains

Dreadbores instead of Ultimate Price

Posted 28 November 2012 at 03:11 as a comment on B/r Zombies


Haha, loving this deck

Posted 28 November 2012 at 03:08 as a comment on flippy


I would recommend some Snapcasters

Posted 25 November 2012 at 06:03 as a comment on Electrosniped


No Guttersnipes? Or Snapcasters?

Posted 20 November 2012 at 17:39 as a comment on Epic Izzet


I would recommend moving Dreadbore to the sideboard since not everyone plays Planeswalkers and you already have Murders.

I would also take out the Thought Scour and Mind Sculpt. They seem to pull away from the main idea of Zombie/Vampires a little. If you want card draw you might want to consider Think Twice, but I wouldn't run it if I were you.

I would also put in 2-3 Falkenrath Aristocrats.

Maybe you want to take a look at my Guttersnipe deck??

Posted 15 November 2012 at 03:45 as a comment on zombie vampires


Tragic Slips in place of Duress

Corpsejack Menace in place of 2 Jarads and 1 Lotleth Troll

Posted 14 November 2012 at 19:31 as a comment on B/G Zombies


There seems to be a lack of Chandras in this deck.

Posted 14 November 2012 at 19:30 as a comment on jugular


Good point, I'll throw some Think Twices in.

Thanks for the input!

Posted 11 November 2012 at 03:03 in reply to #303013 on Guttersnipe'd


Actually, think I'll just keep the Unsummons at 2 and the Cyclonic Rifts at 2. Just a personal preference kind of thing.

Posted 11 November 2012 at 02:56 in reply to #303020 on Guttersnipe'd


I really don't like Brimstone Volley since I can run Searing Spears for less mana and the only thing I'm loosing is the morbid for 5 damage, but I can deal with that and spend then 1 mana somewhere where it's more effective.

I don't want to run Jace solely to deal with tokens when he doesn't kill them. And I decided to Sideboard Izzet Staticaster for token games.

Thanks for the input!

Posted 11 November 2012 at 02:54 in reply to #303050 on Guttersnipe'd



I think I'll keep the Wraths because I use them more for player burn and the Mortars are creature burn. The reason I have both Cyclonic Rifts and Unsummons in here is because I can't target my own things with Cyclonic and if, for example, my Guttersnipe get targeted for Pillar of Flame then I can Unsummon it and keep him alive. The Rifts do give me a little more control so I will swap 1 Unsummon for 1 Rift.

Yea, there's not a lot of sorceries left after I changed this deck for Hypersonic to work with so Thundermaws would be better.

I like the idea of Izzet Charms for main and Dissipate for Sideboard. But, I want to make room for Think Twices, like the first comment suggested. So I'll Sideboard 3 Dissipates, main 2 Izzet Charms, then take something else out so I can run 2 Think Twices.

I tried this deck with Jace before and it didn't flow very well, at least with the decks my local players are using. So I going to try the Tamiyos and if they work the'll probably stay.

Agreed for the land swap.

I really like that Sideboard, but I going to make some changes to it. It'll probably look like this: 3x Dissipate, 2x Tomrod's Cypt, 1x Bonfire of the Damned, 2x Izzet Staticaster, 3x Essence Backlash, 4x Ghost Quarter.

I'll take a look at your deck sometime today.

Thanks for the input!

Posted 11 November 2012 at 02:50 in reply to #303020 on Guttersnipe'd


Entreat the Angels

Posted 08 November 2012 at 19:51 as a comment on Angels


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