
63 Decks, 106 Comments, 12 Reputation

hey, think a sakura-tribe scout would be faster in this deck then the llanowar elves?

Posted 25 January 2014 at 14:30 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


oops almost forgot i had to cover a 5 mana creature, so i put in the 2 stormbreath dragons, cause that's a sick dragon for just five. and of course i've got at least 2 of each dragon to try to take advantage of the ripple effect. i'm still considering reducing hibernation's end down to 2 and putting back in 2 more evolving wilds, cause i'm worried about being stuck with the wrong mana at the wrong time, hah. but i'll worry about that later. it's done for now, i'm heading to bed haha

Posted 25 January 2014 at 04:15 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


the idea of it on paper is making me drool honestly, haha. i've tried for so long to build kind of an "ultimate dragon" deck, and this comes pretty close i think. two dragons isn't a big variety, but you should be able to get them out so fast it won't matter. and it keeps the deck cheaper than one with like 8 dragons, hah. plus this one has that 2nd way to kill you of slapping you with hugely buffed and rippling spells. i love the idea of that and think it fits perfectly with the dragon theme too. almost like they're breathing fire all over you haha

Posted 25 January 2014 at 04:08 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


well i realized i don't need so much green mana anyway, so i cut the llanowar elves down to 2. already was going to put 3 cloud key, so i can declare one for each if i need to: creature, sorcery/instant, enchantment. also added in a krosan drover for more reduction, and a ruby medallion. i think it's done for now, just got to test the balance and the mana curve and stuff. but i think it looks great like it is now.

Posted 25 January 2014 at 04:04 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


cloud key! oh man i totally forgot about cloud key. that's a great way to get both the dragons and enchantments and thrumming stone out faster

Posted 25 January 2014 at 03:54 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


oh sarkan looks really nice, i'll probably add him in. do you think 4 of each elf is overkill? should i kick it back to 2 each or 3 each?

Posted 25 January 2014 at 03:45 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


that would be insane, but i love dragons too much. could always call those cards the sideboard though, and occasionally change it up to use them instead. it is an awesome idea.

Posted 25 January 2014 at 03:30 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


yeah those dragons are definitely awesome. i'd start to worry about cost around this point though haha, dragons are pricey. probably another reason to just focus on the two dragons :P

edit: cost of buying the cards i mean, not mana cost

Posted 25 January 2014 at 03:25 in reply to #431085 on Thrumming Along


think it can get by with just 2 thrumming stones though? seems almost essential to have one on the board. i can easily drop 2 dragonspeaker's, though. and probably 2 evolving wilds, too. i love the rite of flame and red sun's zenith ideas, haha. i can drop the dragon broodmother and the flameblast dragon to fit them in. i think you really only need the rimescale and moltensteel dragons anyway

Posted 25 January 2014 at 03:22 in reply to #431094 on Thrumming Along


i think the flameblast would get you some awesome early swings too, with all the mana ramp

Posted 25 January 2014 at 03:14 in reply to #431085 on Thrumming Along


hmmm i didn't even think about how it would skip certain costs. you can mitigate that though by making sure there's creature cards with each of the costs in the deck somewhere. you can see i just added a bunch more dragons that i think fit in the deck well. moltensteel seems especially nasty. i might even just put four of them in. you could almost do a one turn win combo with that. pay the life on the first one to get it out cheap, then ripple to cast one or two more, then pay almost all of your remaining life to boost the first one to like a 12/4 or something, then two more at 4/4 would give you a 20 life swing right there in one turn haha

Posted 25 January 2014 at 03:12 in reply to #431085 on Thrumming Along


something kind of like this? http://www.mtgvault.com/pigeons/decks/thrumming-along/ not sure what i need for the other 8 cards though. probably one of the guildgates that can be tapped for green or red. can you see what i'm trying to do though? basically get out a ripple cast of rimescale or surging flame as quickly and as cheaply as possible. lightning greaves to keep the rimescales alive for cheap, and let them attack immediately. i obviously need card drawing, right? scry or cycling or both, or something...

Posted 25 January 2014 at 02:54 in reply to #431043 on Infect: Take # 2


gotcha, makes sense. i'll fiddle around with the deck more later and make the changes. right now i'm intrigued by an idea like this, wondering if it's possible. so i was looking through the coldsnap expansion and i love the cards. love the backstory of the xpac, love the artwork, love the creature types. just a cool set. well i noticed these two cards: zur the enchanter and thrumming stone. i was wondering if you could make a rainbow deck with mostly artifacts that focuses around those two cards and uses mostly coldsnap cards. or at least features five or six of them. another two i was interested in were hibernation's end and rimescale dragon. zur can pull you the hibernation's, which can then pull you the rimescale for free after seven turns(wonder if there's any card that adds age counters quicker to speed this up?) and if you had thrumming stone on the board you could cast MULTIPLE free rimescales in one big wave. so i guess it'd be a white/blue/black/green deck but with mostly artifacts and cards that're being pulled and played for no mana cost, you could almost make it a rainbow deck i think. any thoughts on this? would love your help trying to put something like this together, i think it could be badass.

edit: damn it, just realized zur can't pull hibernation's end because the enchantment has to be 3 mana or less..

Posted 25 January 2014 at 02:04 in reply to #431043 on Infect: Take # 2


haha that's an awesome combo...yeah dark depths would never work in a normal game, but for commander, why not just slap it on the board for awhile and maybe hope to have a 20/20 flying indestructible out late in the game? it'd be pretty fun if it worked.

Posted 25 January 2014 at 01:38 in reply to #430946 on Prossh, Power Hungry EDH


you think it needs 4 praetor instead of 2? i figured 4 would be overkill haha...i like the idea of infiltration lens but i don't know what to take out for it. the 2 flensermites and maybe one of the rot wolfs? since you'll have so much more card draw having the 2nd rot wolf shouldn't matter as much

Posted 25 January 2014 at 01:35 in reply to #431043 on Infect: Take # 2


I just don't see enough utility with scry 1. if it was scry 2 or 3, sure. but 1 doesn't seem worth a spot. i replaced it with a korozoda guildmage for now. replaced goblin sharpshooter with nath of the gilt-leaf and replaced walker of the grove with creakwood liege. now i'm considering how to fit in a dark depths(cause it's hilarious), golgari germination, morbid bloom, and possibly necrogenesis and din of the fireheard. just to pump the token theme some more.

Posted 25 January 2014 at 01:21 in reply to #430946 on Prossh, Power Hungry EDH


my 2nd take on it, let me know what you think: http://www.mtgvault.com/pigeons/decks/infect-take-2/

Posted 24 January 2014 at 21:59 in reply to #430950 on Revised Infection


man this a really great infect deck. not sure why that putrefax card didn't come up when i searched gatherer. that thing is just mean. necroskitter is really nice too but i'm trying to have all my creatures have infect. if i was going for pure power over theme though, that'd make it in. great card.

Posted 24 January 2014 at 21:31 as a comment on Poison in the well


man i've never seen either of those cards before, i love them both. the initial cost of contagion engine is a bit steep, but it'd be awesome in the later game. that one proliferation could win you the game. throne of gerth + core prowler is a great combo too, and it gives more utility to cards like ichorclaw myr. i was almost considering taking that guy out, but now he has a reason to stay in; as a sacrificial lamb haha....now i just have to find a way to work those cards into the deck. probably can easily drop the golgari guildgate, right?

Posted 24 January 2014 at 21:26 in reply to #430950 on Revised Infection


so i just bought this deck...seems to me like i could easily lose widespread panic, viscera seer, goblin sharpshooter and maybe rupture spire?

was thinking of replacing widespread panic with either skullcage or feldon's cane and goblin sharpshooter with a halo hunter. not sure yet what to replace viscera seer and rupture spire with though. any thoughts on it?

Posted 24 January 2014 at 21:03 as a comment on Prossh, Power Hungry EDH


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