
0 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

Honestly, the main ones you should take out are probably Halo Hunter, Xathrid Demon, Transcendant Master, I dunno man. I've tried making a good angel/demon's hard as fuck, possible, but really hard. Just think of the unthinkable..example..
You use Hellcarver demons ability, you draw 6 cards, remarkably, 1 Xathrid Demon, and 5 lands. The next turn, your hellcarver demon is destroyed because Xathrid feels he's too good to be teaming up with that badass demon. So then Xathrid is the only thing on the feild, and slowly killing you. Or, if you finally got out Iona, and boom, you pull out Halo Hunter. You just sacrificed your 7/7 for a 6/3 and your opponent is just roffling when he uses a lightning bolt on Halo Hunter. Make sure nothing contradicts itself in the deck. with angels and demons...hard thing to pull..even the 2 names are contradictory LOL. But you can do this man.

I love hellcarver demon and its abilities. I fell inlove instantly once I seen the art LOL It's totaly underrated, but oh so amazing.

Posted 02 June 2010 at 01:29 as a comment on Angels and Demons


1. Take about the battlegrace, if you want a powerful combonation of shit, try exalted angels/demons, that's some powerful ish.
2. Take out Halo Hunter, that's an angel killer, if you're playing with someone whom doesn't have an angel, that's on of your angels you gotta sacrifice when he comes in.
3. The hellcarver demon will not work too good with transcendant master, as you need lands to level him up. Hellcarver demon screws all that up for you.
4. Where's the baneslayer angels?
5. Why so many Abyssal Persecutor's?
6. Xathrid demon is not a good choice.
Man, re-look at this deck. I don't see this deck working out good at all. That's just my opinion. Good luck though.

Posted 30 May 2010 at 21:21 as a comment on Angels and Demons


Use dragonskull summit instead of Akoum Refuge. aand definately get more consuming vapors. and take out necromancers covenant. it seems that this is a red/black deck, necromancers c, is a black/white. Just sayin'. Otherwise, good tactic.

Posted 28 May 2010 at 22:21 as a comment on Hellcarving your demise


These artifact lands count as an artifact, though they are still a land, therefore 5x of those artifact lands would not work out. You're at 56 cards.

Posted 19 May 2010 at 00:47 as a comment on Artifact Deck
