
68 Decks, 140 Comments, 17 Reputation

Nice. If I were you, by the way, I would start proxying some decks (assuming you'll just be playing them with friends) as it lets you play so many more things. I know that even though I actually make roughly 1/8 of the decks I put up here, if I didn't proxy nearly all of them it would be hundreds and hundreds of dollars. The way I proxy is open each card with mtgvault's viewer, if you copy that image it's the right size. Make a powerpoint, change the slide size to my paper, I can fit 9 cards on each piece. Print them out, cut them out, huzzah! A150$ deck for probably 35c.

Posted 05 August 2012 at 16:29 in reply to #278680 on cut one loose(cheap back to hand discarder)


-2 inkfathom for one more of each of the other two I'd say. And do the liliana thing. Good though, very solid control for how cheap it is.

Posted 05 August 2012 at 00:02 as a comment on cut one loose(cheap back to hand discarder)


ANOTHER deck we have in common! My very first deck was a saproling deck. More mycoloths. You can never have too many mycoloths. Especially with doubling season.


Posted 04 August 2012 at 23:58 as a comment on it tastes like Fungus


This is brilliant. I'd have to say that this is my favorite deck of yours, by a little bit. Never get over a good control deck.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 23:56 as a comment on Sleep with me! ...Okay


Great minds think alike! I was just creepin on yer profile when I saw this deck, which I did NOT see before making my RB version. I like the collar quite a bit, I may add that. In fact, this deck looks slighrly worse for multiplayer but better for a 1v1. Overall very nice. Consider adding spitemare.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 23:54 as a comment on Meteor Doll


coercion* my mistake

Posted 04 August 2012 at 23:46 in reply to #278663 on assassin's deed/aaaaand it's gone


Maybe coersion or another discard instead of blood artist? You can put something nasty into their graveyard and then take 'em all out.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 23:16 as a comment on assassin's deed/aaaaand it's gone


Alright, that makes sense. Maybe -4 bump in the night +4 sign in blood? Such a good draw card, especially in mono-black. I could definitely see bloodchief working. Deck like this, all controlly and stuff, could give you the time you need. I would also consider mindcrank regardless of whether you add ascension, as that'll make your big control moves more potent. Imagine a turn 7 corrupt turn 8 haunting echoes when you have mindcrank out. Actually though, turning this into a mill deck through targeted removal would be really, really cool. It's already half way there. Could take out the blood artists for more milly things, and do stuffs. I'm going to look into this.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 23:10 in reply to #278505 on assassin's deed/aaaaand it's gone


Yeah, I know. I've decided thus far to ignore that entirely and lose a lot, or (far more likely) only play this deck in multiplayer. In multiplayer everyone will like me because they draw cards, and one or two life is worth that price. Plus attacking me would be bad. So yaaaaaay multiplayer! Also, my friends suck at putting answers to this kind of thing in their decks or even sideboard.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 23:04 in reply to #278358 on Exquisite Bond


Gutter grime could actually be really cool in this deck. You don't have much in the way of token multiplication, so you'll be sacking plenty of creatures for feed the pack. having some huge molds behind your wolves might be cool. Barring that, some sort of overrun sorceries for wincon after getting a few wolves. Still, nice deck.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 17:31 as a comment on Green whoopity whoop


Clever, nice, not exactly sure how you win against good decks though. Trample kill with a super-buffed colossus? Still, clever enough that I upvoted despite the presence of slivers.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 16:25 as a comment on Changeling deck


sould feast is kinda bad, there are much better cards that you could use (maybe corrupt or something?) that would serve a similar purpose. Other than that, I'm not entirely sure how exactly you win. Just soul feasts and bumps in the night?

Posted 04 August 2012 at 15:18 as a comment on assassin's deed/aaaaand it's gone


true, true. It's just not the same is all. It's just not the same...

Posted 04 August 2012 at 15:13 in reply to #278443 on Personal collection of a few potential combos


Hehehehehe...Looks very solid for a <$10 deck, very solid indeed. Wail of the nim doesn't look that good though. There are better equipments you can add if you really want, maybe even some living weapons. Still, getting back into that synergistic groove quite nicely. I feel something great on the horizon, which is almost certainly going to come true assuming you continue to build decks as I am not specifying the length of the day/night cycle in this metaphor.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 03:03 as a comment on return of the nim


You'll get over it, no worries.

Posted 04 August 2012 at 02:59 in reply to #278344 on Tainted Touch


I know that feel. I also just made a deck with a totally rediculous combo but one of the two cards it hinged on was a sorcery, not an enchantment. I have no idea how I missed that the entire time I was making it, but it would've been so damn good. So, so damn good. *sigh*

Posted 04 August 2012 at 02:58 in reply to #278351 on ---in progress---


That's one mean control deck. Needs some work though, without a doubt.
Aether vial would be nice to add, speed up the deck a bit, although if you need to cut down on cards it certainly isn't necessary. You also have basically no answers to whatever they do manage to get out. some vapor snags, control magics, somethings could shore up most of this deck's weaknesses. Cards like high tide might make for some big plays turns 4-whatever, and it wouldn't be the end of the world if you took island count down to 18 given the low mana costs in this deck.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 23:02 as a comment on ---in progress---


Again, merely claiming that a deck is incomplete shall not stop me! If anything, the presence of batman makes me MORE likely to not wait to comment until the deck is finished! Now I need to actually look at the deck for a minute...

Posted 03 August 2012 at 22:56 as a comment on ---in progress---


First of all, you think writing in the description "--in progress--" will stop me? FOOL! Second of all, this looks cool but I don't see much of a purpose to tainted sigil, at least as the name of the deck. If you're going to fully utilize it, maybe put some cards that will hurt everyone in, and then recoup the losses. Example: killing wave. pay the price for as many creatures as you can, then gain at least all your life back.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 22:55 as a comment on Tainted Touch


thanks, good suggestion.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 04:13 in reply to #277784 on Exquisite Bond


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