Puschkin, please help me!

by Puschkin on 13 June 2014

Main Deck (1 card)

Sorceries (1)

Sideboard (22 cards)

Artifacts (1)

Land (1)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

If you want me to help with your decks, drop a post here and I will have a look.

What you will get:
Solid advice on casual and multiplayer decks that help improving the deck >>>while keeping the theme intact<<<.
I am a veteran of 20 years and expertise in casual, older sets and highlander style of play.

What you will NOT get:
* I won't comment on Type II ("standard") decks or decks that clearly aim for tournament play.
* I won't comment on decks that have no description.
* I will rarely drop compliments.

What I ask you for:
* Please provide as much information as possible either in the description or in the message here in this thread - what format you are aiming for, multiplayer or 1-vs-1, budget or not, are there any parts of the deck that should remain untouched etc.
* IF MY ADVICE WAS HELPFUL FOR YOU, HAVE THE DECENCY TO LOOK UP ONE OF MY DECKS IN RETURN! The descriptions of my decks tell you where I need help.

Deck Tags

  • Not an actual deck
  • Help
  • Casual
  • Tutor

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 6,503 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Puschkin, please help me!

Hey Puschkin, you are truly a savior. Please help me. I need it.


Thankyou so much.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 10:16


I just realized that it looks as if I never helped the people that asked for help here, so I now decided to leave a message here as well.
The Psychopaths have been successfully made more psychotic and even spawned another deck :)

Posted 25 June 2014 at 10:21


Hey Puschkin, and old player returning after a long Hiatus here :)

Just got back within the last month or so, haven't played since around Zendikar though, looking to get into Modern :)


Posted 13 June 2014 at 10:58


Hello Baron Vengeous, I helped on your deck but you never replied, are you ok?

Posted 25 June 2014 at 10:23


I might enjoy reading some of these comments...
Any reason for not wanting type2/competitive?

Posted 13 June 2014 at 12:09


Type 2:
I loathe that format. Way too narrow card pool and not much room for innovation because those damn block mechanics dictate what to play. Type II is kindof preconstructed by R&D so they have complete control over our purchases. And it gets worse with each edition.

I left the tournament scene about 10 years ago and never looked back. While I might still give semi-solid advice, I don't feel competent enough to comment on decks that someone plans to play in a serious environment where prices and ranking points are on the stack. Casual is my expertise and it is so for a reason, I have a deep knowlegde of obscure cards and talent to see decks as a whole and to build them in way that has flavour but is still effective - just not effective enough to compete with tourney level decks.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 13:09


With me and competitive I do not have the money to make a 500 dolor deck

Posted 15 June 2014 at 15:34


Yeah same here.

Posted 15 June 2014 at 19:53


Fortunately my collection is huge by now. The great thing for me is:
I don't care for tourneys anymore and never cared for Type II. This allows me to feed off of competitive players. What I do: I still buy 0,5-1,5 displays per edition (depending on size and how much I like it) but when opened I sell most expensive cards right away as long as they are still hot. So I get some hundred cards for a fraction of what those some hundred + a dozen would have costed me. The kicker: When those dozen cards drop in value after they rotated out of Type II I can pick them up for cheap :)
Of course some cards never drop in value but by now I am experienced enough to second guess which cards that will be, so I don't sell them in the first place.

Posted 25 June 2014 at 10:30


That's a beautiful way to run things!

Unfortunately, the one thing that cannot be had but must be bought I lack ... dual lands. Grr.

I miss the old cards. Sure, the art is a helluva lot better on new cards, but sadly, some of those cards seem intentionally overpowered. What ever happened to fighting against rich kid syndrome?

I do like Type II for keeping the prices of good but unnoticed cards down.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 03:59


Fyi, sending people to this deck, if they ask me for help!! lol

And i would give 10 likes for this deck, and you being nice enough to freely offer up advice, if i could.

Check out my Spreading Algae deck. It is a solid idea...i think. It is land destruction/lockdown deck...which you hate, but besides that, give it a look, when you have the chance. Issue is, what is the correct number of cards that A) turn my opponent's lands into swamp type and B) tap my opponents lands.

Crude concept is this
1. Put spreading algae on their Mountain (plains, island, etc)
2. Use something like Reef Shaman to change their Mountain into a Swamp type
3. Use something like Dream's Grip to tap their Swamp, destroying it, and bringing spreading algae back to my hand.
4. Repeat process.

Main issue i am having...is very little room (without going over 60 cards...many tournament winners have gone over 60 cards...i just hate to) for drawing power or threat removal. As well as my win condition is very, very, very slow.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 14:51


Well, my help is technically offered for free but I still hope that people get interested in my own decks and comment on them ...
... anyway, I will check up your Sushi deck soon.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 14:58


Sushi deck? It has a name, already? Yeah...spreading algae is a really good card, not surprised really, that a deck with that card would be named. Or is that your universal name for cheesy decks?

And as spoken before, i feel intimidated offering advice to you. As i am sure, other's are too.

Mainly because i feel, that no matter what cards i suggest, you are smart, and have already considered them.
Plus, you run a lot of decks with cards that only have 1 copy of them. And that throws my simple brain for a loop. But sure, I can try to offer advice. :)

I guess...basic advice...is that if you run 1 copy of a card, make very sure you have a search engine to be able to access it.

Anyways, this is the deck link:

Posted 13 June 2014 at 15:05


Check out my new deck,
you will fall off your chair :)

Posted 16 June 2014 at 11:45


Hello! I was told by Jessie that you are a guru in magic and can help me with my deck. I'm new to mtg and keep getting my butt kicked in local modern tournaments. I know you mentioned that you do not comment on decks aimed towards tournaments but I'm a girl none of my friends want to play magic with me and the only way I can get my magic on is to play at the local after school special tournaments. I would love it if you could help me with my deck and maybe if I get good at the game I can eventually repay the favor and help you out with your decks :0) Thank you for taking the time to read my post and look forward to hearing back from you. -Mimedicgrl http://www.mtgvault.com/mimedicgrl/decks/goodness-gracious-elfs-wfire/

Posted 14 June 2014 at 04:44


He did help out. A lot. Puschkin is awesome at doing that.

Here is overall advice i would suggest...that works for me.
I played back during Urza's Saga. Then I quit. My friend (whom i use to play with back in highschool/urza saga) found me about 2 years ago...and just up and give me all of his cards. Thousands of new cards (because he never quit playing into Worldwake/Zendikar...i had never used or even heard of. So it got me back into Magic. This is what I improved on after getting back into Magic:


Google it...maybe. It means different things to different people.
To me it means this: every turn be able to play something good and make your opponent answer to you...not him cast threat after threat that you have to deal with. You do that to him!
It sounds simple, at first.
But being able to do something every turn, that is better than what you opponent is trying to do every turn...it can get tricky.
I mean...your first turn you play a really solid creature, and during your opponent's first turn he nukes the creature...see what i mean? That is what Puschkin was saying...people are going to bring creature hate/artifact hate/enchantment hate. On your second turn, you have to keep bringing the pressure/tempo by playing another really good card that makes your opponent scared/or have to answer to. If you play a card, and your opponent immediately feels he has to try to remove it...then you are doing something right. If you can do that every single turn, then you are definitely doing something right.

In other words...tempo isn't about speed, necessarily, but about being able to consistently play better cards than your opponent.

Mana ramp and drawing power is keys to tempo. So are midrange/game decks. So, you are already off to a good start.

Here is what I try to have in almost every deck i Build:
---Cards that draw
---Cards that search for your cards
---Mana ramp
---Creature disruption cards
---Artifact/Enchantment cards.
---Two win conditions. Having just one win condition is weak.

Finally, with that said, it is also about balance. What the hell are you going to do, for example, if you have 20 cards in your deck with Mana Ramp...but have no high priced mana card to use all the mana ramp with?
Same with drawing cards...if you have 20 cards that draw you cards...and have no mana to play them...then it is wasteful and your opponent will gain the tempo advantage...and instead of him answering your threats...you will have to try to be answering his every turn. Not a good place to be.

Sorry Puschkin, for not having my own page for advice.
Just throwing my two cents out there.

Posted 14 June 2014 at 15:57


:0) thank u again!!

Posted 14 June 2014 at 18:23


How did it work out? We'd like to hear your stories of smashed machismo egos :)

About tempo:
Yes, that is a valuable lesson, tempo isn't speed and it's hard to explain. Basically you play ping-pong with your opponent, one of you will be the aggressive player and the other on the defensive (even in control vs control matchups), one of you will have the initiave and the other one has to respond and answer threats. Cards like Flametongue Kavu are so popular not because they are fast (FTK isn't fast by any standard) but because he is able to gain tempo advantage: He neutralizes an opposing threat and is a threat by himself that has to be answered.
So, if your opponent started and played a creature every turn and you killed that creature every turn with Lightning Bolt, Terminate and Earthquake, then both of you might have only lands in play but your opponent is always one step ahead and forcing you to react. Now, if he plays another creature and you FTK it, then it's you that has a creature in play he has to react to. He can play a creature himself but yours will be able to attack first. You just gained tempo advantage.

Posted 25 June 2014 at 10:38


Sorry to ask for your help again, but I need help!


Again, thanks a lot for this.

Posted 14 June 2014 at 07:49


This also worked out well with lots of people contributing :)

Posted 25 June 2014 at 10:39


Never used Bestow Cards...so I need major help on this one:


A few questions:

Number 1.

Example: I am using Umbra Mystic and this rule about Bestow:
"An Aura that becomes a creature is no longer put into its owner’s graveyard as a state-based action. Rather, it becomes unattached and remains on the battlefield as long as it’s a creature. While it’s a creature, it can’t be attached to another permanent or player. An Aura that’s not attached to a legal permanent or player as defined by its enchant ability and also isn’t a creature will be put into its owner’s graveyard as a state-based action."

So...my question is, If I have Umbra Mystic out...what exactly happens?

Example number 1:
I have Mother of Runes in play enchanted by Nyxborn Shieldmate.
Someone nukes my Mother of Runes.
What happens? I am guessing that the Mother of Runes goes to the graveyard and the Nyxborn Shieldmate becomes a 1/2 creature.
Is that right?

Example number 2:
I have Mother of Runes in play enchanted by Nyxborn Shieldmate.
I also have Umbra Mystic in play.
Someone nukes my Mother of Runes.
What happens? Does the Mother or Runes live and the Nyxborn Shieldmate goes to the graveyard?

Number 2.

Basic question:
Nyxborn Shieldmate. You get, when you originally cast it, to pay the bestow or not, right?
I mean, it isn't like morph?
You don't first play Shieldmate, and then next turn choose to play the Bestow cost.

Number 3.

Looking at my deck.
With Serra's Sanctum
Ethereal Armor/Eidolon of Countless Battles

Does Umbra Mystic, actually hurt the deck if they nuke my enchanted creatures....if they creature lives and the enchantment dies?

Please look over the deck, when you get a chance.
I think it has potential
(plus i need to know the rules to do a proper deck "how to play" section.

Posted 22 June 2014 at 01:30


Another basic question:
Pacifism and Spirit Link...if i play them on my opponent's creatures, they still count toward Ethereal Armor./Eidolon of Countless Battles right?

Posted 22 June 2014 at 01:34


Of course. You still own and control them.
Checking out the rest later.

Posted 22 June 2014 at 11:34


Example 1: Yes.

Example 2: Yes. The Shieldmate has Totemarmour so when the Mother *would* die, the enchantment is destroyed as a replacement effect.

No. It's actually like morph: Bestow is an alternate casting cost so you either play the Shieldamte for W and it is a creature or for the bestow cost and then it starts as an aura (you need a legal target).

3) Wouldn't say Umbra Mystic hurts but also doesn't really help, it just means if a Wrath of God or something like this happens you'll keep the creatures that are currently enchanted and lose the enchantments. Without the Mystic you would lose the current creatures but the enchantments that were bestowed are saved and revert to creatures. In the case of Ethereal Armour the Mystic isn't bad but in the case of the Eidolon you'd probably be better of without the Mystic.

Will look into the deck later.

Posted 22 June 2014 at 15:33


Another question...that you may have answered up above.

1. Shieldmate...if you do not pay the bestow cost. He is considered just a creature, right? Not an Enchantment?
2. Or if the creature he enchants dies, and goes to being a creature...he is not, at all, considered any type of Enchantment, right?

Then yes...I am iffy with Umbra Mystic, for sure.

Posted 22 June 2014 at 16:21


1) Not so sure about this one but i think it's just a creature.
2) He will be an enchantment and a creatures:
9/15/2013: If a permanent with bestow enters the battlefield by any method other than being cast, it will be an enchantment creature.
That actually implies that 1) is correct.

Posted 22 June 2014 at 17:08



Master Biomancer and Joraga Warcaller.

What happens in this situation?

1) Turn 4 play Master Biomancer.
2) Turn 5 play Joraga Warcaller and kick it twice when it comes into play (total of 5 mana).

What are both of their offenses/defenses?
How does the kicker effect, if at all, the Biomancer's offense/defense?

Vice versa:

1) Turn 5 I play Joraga Warcaller and kick him twice. He is a 3/3. Correct?
2) Turn 6. I play Master Biomancer. What is he? A 5/7. Correct?

Posted 24 June 2014 at 03:22


If you play the Biomancer first, the Warcaller will come into play with FOUR counters (2 from the kicker and another two by the Biomancer who has power 2 by the time you play Warcaller and when it comes into play). When Warcaller has entered play, it boosts Biomancer's power to 6. If you play another Warcaller now and kick it two times, it will get 8 counters.

Posted 24 June 2014 at 09:13


So, Warcaller would be a 5/5.
The Biomancer 6/8

Is that correct?

Posted 24 June 2014 at 15:43


And, if, after that, I play another Warcaller kicked two times....what will be their offense/defense. I am an idiot...so if you could actually, if you would...do it in this form 1. First Warcaller x/x. 2. Biomancer x/x 3. Second Warcaller x./x.

1. First Warcaller?
2. Biomancer?
3. Second Warcaller?

Posted 24 June 2014 at 15:48


I don't understand which part you don't understand. Just add the Warcaller's kicker and the power of the Biomancers in play. The only tricky part is that the Warcaller bonus for elfs doesn't count while it is on the stack.

Posted 24 June 2014 at 18:08


Sorry...i must be mentally slow. lol
It is confusing to me.

Please be patient with me. :)

So, if a Warcaller is a 5/5.
And Biomancer is 6/8.

And I kick another Warcaller twice. The results would be:
1st Warcaller 7/7
Biomancer would be 8/10
The new Warcaller would start out as 1/1 (get pumped +2/+2 from first Warcaller), to a 3/3 (then he would be pumped up 8 because of Biomancer's power) to a 11/11 (then he would get +2/+2, from the kicker) 13/13.

Is that right?
Again, be patient with me.

"The only tricky part is that the Warcaller bonus, for elfs, doesn't count while it is on the stack."
Could you explain, to someone who is mentally slow, the implications of that?

Posted 24 June 2014 at 23:47


No :)
You have to distinguish between the bonus from Warcaller and +1/+1 counters. The Warcaller pumps other elves for each counter on it while the Biomancer puts additional counters on new Warcallers according to it's total power. Here a breakdown:

Cast Warcaller A, kicked twice. He will be a 1/1 + 2 counters = 3/3

Cast a Biomancer. He will be 4/6 (no counters)

Cast Warcaller B, kicked twice. He will be a 1/1 plus 2 from Warcaller A => 3/3 plus 2 counters from kicker plus 4 counters from Biomancer since that has currently power 4 (boosted by Warcaller A but not B because B is still on the stack when calculating the Biomancers power) = 9/9 (of which 6 are counters)

Biomancer gets another +6 because Warcaller B has 6 counters, boosting him to 6/12 (no counters).

Warcaller A also gets the bonus from Warcaller B but NOT in the form of counters, so he will now be 9/9 (but still only 2 counters).

Step 4:
Cast a Zameck Guildmage. He will be 10/10 (no counters) because Warcaller A and B have a total of 8 counters.

Step 5:
Cast a Spike Feeder. He will be 12/12, all of which are counters, because he gets 8 from Biomancers power and two from itself but he isn't an elf.

Step 6:
You have 5 cards in hand and cast a Realm Seekers. How big will he be?

Posted 25 June 2014 at 11:09


I have only been playing since 2012, so not long at all. It is good to check out decks made by people that have been playing MTG a long time. I noticed the cards used by you are way more diverse :)
At the moment I find that I have been sticking to decks using mostly Green, White and Black (Mono and Multicolored).
Though I do have some black/Red, Black/Blue, and Red/White Decks (Which I have not posted on here yet because I feel like they need some more work). Though now after seeing how helpful people are on here I have decided to add some of those other decks :D

Posted 25 June 2014 at 20:33


I tried making a Red/Blue deck but I just did not like playing it. I think I have a soft spot for Green and White. Though I do have a Black/White rat deck that I am fond of.
I tried making a Zombie Deck and a Goblin deck and I did not like those. Also when it comes to EDH I try not to use the current popular commanders like Naya because everyone that I play with already is using her as theirs.
So checking out your decks is pretty cool because you use a large variation of cards :)

Posted 25 June 2014 at 20:53


There are some questions I have about some of the decks that I already have up :)
Any help would be great.
Myojin of the Life's web. I still don't think that the command Zone counts as "played from hand". So I don't think that I can use it's ability unless I put it onto the battle field and then play a card to send it to my hand and then play it from my hand. Is that right?

I am not sure if this is how sacrifice works. I have not really made such a deck before. But if a card says I need to sacrifice an artifact for example, can I sacrifice an artifact that has an ability that if I tap a specific amount of mana and sacrifice it still counts? Like Elixir of immortality or spell bomb?
I think that cards like Brindle Boar I can sacrifice because of some other card or ability and still get the life from it because I don't have to pay anything to sacrifice it first. Am I on the right track?

Posted 25 June 2014 at 20:42


Oh I forgot to mention that I really like the card you chose for this "Deck" :D

Posted 25 June 2014 at 20:45



Commented on the Frenemies deck. I'll do the EDH tomorrow, it will take some time.

Posted 25 June 2014 at 22:46


Just saying if you don't want it to show the colors of the deck you can put the cards in the sideboard and it will still show a picture and such but it won't show color just sayin

Posted 26 June 2014 at 03:00


Thanks for all the help with "Frenemies" I have added some of your suggestions.

Posted 26 June 2014 at 09:14


Hahaha I like the new additions to this "Deck" :D
They totally work for it and I get the message ;)

Posted 26 June 2014 at 08:50


Also I realize that the card "Misguided Rage" would not be a good addition to this deck ;D
The flavor text in "Dismal Failure" is actually some good advice.

Either way thanks for all the help "Venerated Teacher" ;D ;D

Posted 26 June 2014 at 09:43


Zia, you are new here. So, i will boost your confidence.
Puschkin rarely supports a deck/likes it/gives really good reviews.

So...when he gave such kind words to your Frenemies deck..take it as you are doing something right. That you are definitely on the right track!

Good luck!

Posted 26 June 2014 at 14:58


Thank you so much :D
(Also nice job on finding all these great named cards for this "Deck"! L

Posted 26 June 2014 at 19:33


Can you give me your thoughts on this deck?:

Posted 26 June 2014 at 15:17


Later. I am now off to watch my country enter the round of sixteen :)

Posted 26 June 2014 at 15:57


Which country is that?
We in the states, do not follow soccer as much as the world does.
But I think USA is in the round of 16 too.
Think we had to face Germany.

Posted 26 June 2014 at 16:04


And germany is my nation ;) We beat you, but the USA still made it into the round of 16.

Posted 26 June 2014 at 19:47


Small world! :)
Yeah, i did read that we were hoping for a tie with Germany. But that Germany had lost a few matches...had something to prove, and wasn't just going to be satisfied with a tie.
I don't blame them.

Posted 26 June 2014 at 20:08



Posted 27 June 2014 at 01:07


Semantics. lol

Just like American Football should be called "Hand Ball" because the ball is rarely kicked.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 01:22


Ugh, it's only called soccer because Americans have Football, and like you said, it's not really Football at all.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 06:12


Ugh, please not that discussion again ... I am not into football ("soccer") anyway but attend these games anyway for the party, chips & beer :)

Anyway, jgee70, your deck has been doctored :)

Posted 27 June 2014 at 09:31


Free beer and chips!

Posted 27 June 2014 at 15:31


I thought there was a difference in pronunciation. football vs fuutball.

Posted 29 June 2014 at 13:46


I think there is. At least in the states. We jokingly call soccer "Fuutball."

Posted 29 June 2014 at 18:46


Fuutball! Whoo-Hoo!

Posted 14 July 2014 at 05:39


You are my kind of guy, I am trying to work out the kinks in my 'Death is but a number' deck and was hoping to get some advice. Mostly unhelpful comments or people don't understand what I'm doing.

Below is the link for the deck I was hoping to get your input on.

If you drop a link to a deck of your's i'd be glad to go through it else I'm going to pick a random...

Posted 28 June 2014 at 05:22


I just had a glimpse at your deck, I'll need some more time for it. Today's my second wedding anniversary ... if I want to celebrate a third one I can't spent more time on Magic today :P

Deck that needs help is Pyromania (not the spellflinger edition, the original), I got the Dracos now and need to work them in. However, judging by your deck you seem to enjoy trickier decks. So, instead I'd like you to have a look on this puppy:

You are probably the only one on this site to comment on that one ...

Posted 28 June 2014 at 09:17


Here is question:
1) Why does Pariah/Fog Bank not work?

Meaning, my opponent has 3 1/1 Creatures. I choose not to block them. The damage is redirected to the Fog Bank (enchanted with Pariah), and the Fog Bank dies, why?

Posted 29 June 2014 at 03:30


The Fog Bank shouldn't die. Who said so?

10/4/2004: All damage being dealt to you at one time gets redirected to one Pariah. If you take 3 damage at once, all 3 damage goes to one Pariah. If you take damage from multiple creatures in combat, all the combat damage goes to one Pariah.

So, it is still combat damage and therefore should be prevented.

Posted 29 June 2014 at 10:38


"What do you mean by combining it with fog bank? Fog Bank's ability only prevents combat damage dealt to/by fog bank. Any other damage (including re-directed damage via Pariah) will instantly kill the fog bank. And in the case I'm wrong about the re-directed damage, the fog bank will still die whenever any other damage source hits the enchantment-controlling player."

Someone on the Gatherer wrote that.

Posted 29 June 2014 at 15:34


Another question ( i know, we haven't fully answered the Fog Bank question).

Pariah attached to Stuffy Doll.
What happens?
Several people say the damage redirected to Stuffy Doll will go to the opponent...but someone on the Gatherer is saying this:

"The damage to stuffy doll doesn't redirect, it simply deals damage whenever it is damaged. It will take damage from pariah and then deal the damage to you. Then pariah will deal that damage to stuffy doll and then stuffy doll will attempt to deal damage to you, thus triggering pariahs damage affect again. So basically its an infinite loop and you'll have to either call it a draw or ignore it."

Posted 29 June 2014 at 15:40


That guy on Gatherer is right if other damage like a Lighting Bolt will be redirected to the Fog Bank - then it is dead. However, in your example you are talking of three separate attacking 1/1 creatures, those won't kill Fog Bank.

Stuffy Doll:
It depends on who controls the Stuffy Doll.
Pariah redirects to to the creature it enchants. Stuffy doesn't redirect - that's right. It just deals as much damage as it receives to the opponent you selected when Stuffy Doll came into play.
However, this assumes you placed Pariah on your own Stuffy Doll. One Pariah trick is to play it on opponent's creature. Next time you receive damage it will be redirected to the opponent's creature, eventually killing it. Now, if you play a Pariah on an opponent's Stuffy Doll. If you receive damage, this will indeed cause an infinite loop of damage.

Posted 29 June 2014 at 19:28


Have a casual deck I play with friends any advice welcomed. Good luck to Germany this week, pulling for a rematch with USA if that is possible first we need to beat Belgium.


Posted 29 June 2014 at 18:43


Germany and USA can meet again but only in the finals ... so I doubt that'll happen :P

Your horrible deck (pun intended!) has been commented :)

Posted 30 June 2014 at 11:00


I have a Prophetic Flamespeaker in play. He attacks and goes unblocked. I get to exile top two cards from my library, and can play those two cards the same turn. I draw:
A) Gitaxian Probe
B) Fireblast

Rules state, regarding Prophetic Flamespeaker:
"The card is exiled face up. Playing it follows the normal rules for playing that card. You must pay its costs, and you must follow all applicable timing rules. For example, if it’s a creature card, you can cast it only during your main phase while the stack is empty."

Question is: Do I have to pay the mana cost for Gitaxian Probe, or can I pay the alternate casting cost of 2 life? Same with Fireblast, do I have to pay the mana cost or can I pay the alternate casting cost of sacking 2 mountains?

Posted 30 June 2014 at 05:04


I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to pay that alternative cost. Not 100% sure, though.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 09:54



Here is the deck that inspired the last few questions I asked. I need lots of help on this deck. You will have fun picking it apart. But i do think it is a start of a decent deck.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 23:20


hi puschkin... i was wondering if you could look at my deck http:/www.mtgvault.com/trips/decks/1-turn-reanimate-kill-2/ i want it to be focused on 1 vs 1

Posted 02 July 2014 at 11:35


I did my best but combo isn't my cup of tea.
You might want to check out this deck:

Posted 02 July 2014 at 12:42


hello was gonna buy this new deck that ramps to get out the new garruck in m 15 and mistcutter hydras but controls the board and aims to win the late game. i will be playing this in casual. i would like some help making it before it is bought so pls help

Posted 03 July 2014 at 21:59


Hey Puschkin! I was looking for some insight on a deck I made, I believe the idea of the deck is pretty good, but it seems if i play a weenie deck, I have close to no chance due to the speed of them. What would you suggest I pull out and replace it with? I know you said in the description that you won't help with standard, but the only reason its standard is because i just started playing again, and have close to no knowledge about cards that came out from 2005-2013, and I am willing to make it a Modern deck.


Posted 10 July 2014 at 17:24


Always glad to help veterans back into play! Suggestions have been made, check it out, should run smoother and faster now but the theme has been kept intact. The deck is now Modern, though, and you have to invest a buck or two.

Posted 10 July 2014 at 19:37


I think here are a lot more people willing to help others than it may look like. The Problem is, there is no real platform on which you can ask for help on a specific deck, you rely on pure luck, "decks" like this, or someone taking a look and deciding to give advice. It would be a lot easier if the people would tag their decks properly, so that the willing helpers can find them more easy.
This deck will someday vanish, if it's not supported by enough likes and comments, and then everything starts from the beginning.

Posted 11 July 2014 at 08:28


In theory the "Unloved" tab is the place where players can ask for help. But to my experience, most useres here just flock to the "Hot" and maybe "New" decks like moths.
Maybe it would help if "Unloved" is the default tab instead of "Hot".

Posted 11 July 2014 at 08:51


Hell, I even got downvoted recently (on my Mutant Ninja Turtle deck) for asking advice for one of my OTHER decks (Static deck)!! So yes, not sure where to ask advice at.

I totally get being downvoted for posting your deck link, on another person's hot deck, without suggesting cards/advice...but to get downvoted on posting links to one of your own decks, i do not get it.

Posted 11 July 2014 at 18:42


That person probably didn't check if you are the same person as the deck you were commenting on.

BTW, you can also add a "help" tag to your decks that you want people to help. But I still think that the people wanting help outnumber the people that are willing to help other by huge margins. And I also sense that only a select few will actually use the tags as search criteria.

Posted 11 July 2014 at 19:12


It was downvoted twice, or else I would think the same thing Puschkin :)

And i think you are right in your assumptions about the help tag and margin of people wanting help/versus wanting to help.

Posted 12 July 2014 at 01:26


Hmm ... time to petition the devs!

Also, hot decks tend to be based on amazing one-hit wonders, not balanced ideas. That's not bad, but building a budget modern deck that can kick some butt and is original doesn't seem to get the likes that it should.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 04:42


I don't care about likes. Nobody should - it's a meaningless number. All that counts is comments with suggestions and critique. This site should be a place where decks are forged and ideas shared, instead users treat it like Facebook and start popularity contests.

But I don't think the devs can do much about it. "Social" media is like cancer.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 08:50


KnightoftheHokeyPokey....you are a young fellow, but are very smart with your comments. I wish I could upvote your comment 5 more times!!!

So many of the hot decks are one hit wonders. They run hardly any threat removal.
This is my FAVORITE line from Standard players, "I don't run any artifact/enchantment hate in my deck, no one does."

Apparently, they do not make game changing Artifact/Enchantment cards like Moat/Propaganda/Ensnaring Bridge anymore.
Standard is all about over powered creature cards, i guess.

Damn cancer!!!

Posted 13 July 2014 at 16:36


Hmm ... to be fair, I prefer tailoring my main deck hate to fit the situation. Generally, I have something like disenchant to crush the lofty dreams of opposing combo players. :)

About that cancer ....overpowered creatures ... don't tell me about it.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 05:38


I have 4 or 5 Planeswalkers (that was given to me) and i REFUSE to use them, just for that very reason!

Posted 14 July 2014 at 05:40


Hey now ... Chandra, Pyromaster and underpowered burn spells like fire axe balances out. :)

Whoever printed Jace, the Mind Sculptor has no soul.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 06:09


I have 2 different Chandra cards. Not sure of their names, though.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 06:30


Well ... they are both called Chandra. :)

Posted 14 July 2014 at 16:09



Not original at all...but the first "real" deck I made.
I know you will be able to give awesome advice for it.
Thanks in advance.

Posted 12 July 2014 at 18:24


Ob Nixilis, Unshackled.

New M15 card. I want to make a deck around him...namely, making my opponent search his library (thus doing 10 damage to himself)...but i can't find cards that make opponent search his own library.

Thing is, Fertilid is the only card in Magic I can find.

Even with Ob Nixilis in play, Fertilid can kill the opponent with 4 mana.

Thing is, with only one card that makes opponent search his library...Ob Nixilis is iffy, you know what i mean?
Isn't there cards that make you/opponent copy a spell?
So, if i used 2 mana to take a counter off of Fertilid, to make opponent search his library (thus, via Ob Nixilis, losing 10 life) could I copy that spell?

Again, it seems very iffy.

At best, with these two cards as my only win condition (i don't have to tell such a balanced player/deck builder how weak that is):

Turn1. Birds of Paradise
Turn2. Sylvan Caryatid
Turn 3. Dark Ritual into Ob Nix.
Turn 4. Fertilid, pay 4 mana to make opponent search library twice (20 damage).

That crap will never happen against a good player. Doom Blade, Counter, Lightning Bolt, etc etc etc.

You see a way to make Ob Nix viable?

What about Maralen of the Mornsong?

Posted 13 July 2014 at 00:17



Made this, instead. Tell me what you think. :)

This is my 2,000 post. Yippie me, for having no life! :)

Posted 13 July 2014 at 04:12


What about corpsejack menace. =).

If only one could take control of a player for a turn ....

Posted 13 July 2014 at 04:36


Wait, there is a way this could work.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 04:43


Pretty sure (99 percent) that there is a card that let's you take your opponent's turn. Just forgot the name of it. I think there is more than one card that does that.
Sorin Markov is one of them.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 05:06


That sounds like a soul-destroying deck design! I'm all for it!

Posted 13 July 2014 at 05:25


mind slaver i think its called

Posted 13 July 2014 at 06:43


There we go!

Posted 13 July 2014 at 06:56


"but i can't find cards that make opponent search his own library. "


- Fertilid
- Maralen the Mornsong
- Collective Voyage

And there are more cards where searching is a *may* but it would be a huge drawback if he doesn't. For example
- Boldwyr Heavyweights
- Noble Benefactor
- Veteran Explorer
- Arcum Dragsson
- Oath of Lieges
- From the Ashes
- Path to Exile
- Ghost Quarter

Posted 13 July 2014 at 08:37


mind slaver lets you take control of your opponents turn

Posted 13 July 2014 at 15:02


I knew of Fertilid and Mornsong (I mentioned them), but did not know of Collective Voyage...but the opponent can choose not to search his library if he pays 0 mana, right?

So really, there are only two cards in magic that force opponent to search his library....which limits Ob Nixilis.

Mindslaver does work. Thanks magicmaster13 for searching that one out! But...only issue I now see with that is: IF i control my opponent's turn...i still have to make him search his library. If he has no search engines...then it won't work. If he does have search engines, it would be game over, for sure!!! And you are right, Puschkin, the "may search" cards will never really be useful (for Ob Nixilis) because your opponent will choose not to use them.

I might try to make the deck, as limited as it was. I wanted to try to be original and make a deck around a new M15 card, and the Ob Nixilis one looked promising.

Thanks Puschkin (as always) and magicmaster13!

Posted 13 July 2014 at 16:47


Read Collective Voyage again: Each player searches his library for X lands where X is the TOTAL amount of mana paid. So, if you payed any mana, it doesn't help your opponent if he doesn't pay mana, he will at least have to search for whatever you payed for. So, this is a forced search for 2 mana.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 17:24


Damn, are you a lawyer, Puschkin? lol
You should be!!
Fine print is everything! :)
The deck is slowly going together.

So far:
3 Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
4 Collective Voyage
4 Fertilid
4 Maralen the Mornsong
3 (optional, right now) Mindslaver

One win condition down. Need another one just if the remove Ob Nixilis, Unshackled from the game.
Again, thanks Puschkin.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 17:42


Puschkin, this one is all you, friend.
You helped make it.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 02:55


Yeah ... that's why I love the join forces mechanic! It makes games so much more interesting. Good cards give you option.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 05:16


i just want an idea for a deck colors: (rakdos naya simic . etc . . .)
types: (control, aggro, defender , artifact .etc . . .)
also it would very helpful if you posted some combos like: (inspired and spring drum . etc . . .)

Posted 13 July 2014 at 15:37


i just need deck ideas like types such as aggro, budget. also colors like rakdos or naya. it would also be very helpful if you listed a few combos that work well with the colors/type

post your ideas on my deck called : deck ideas wanted(put in chat) <------- that is the name

thanks for everything :D

Posted 13 July 2014 at 15:42


Yeah, later. First, let me go watch my country becoming world champion :)

Posted 13 July 2014 at 18:47


Good luck!!! They have to be the ugliest set of dudes I have ever seen, but man they can play some Soccer!
Like Military style! Precise, exact, calculating.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 18:48


Puschkin are you German or Argentinian?

Posted 13 July 2014 at 20:03


German. He gave Brazil gonorrhea.

And look up at the comment above, about the team being super ugly. Then google the german team. You will see what i am talking about :)

Posted 13 July 2014 at 20:55


Congrats Puschkin!!!
Germany beats Argentina 1-0

Posted 13 July 2014 at 22:50


Whoo! Germany won!

Posted 13 July 2014 at 22:53


1-0. That sounded super exciting!!
I am use to American Football...where the scores are 42-21. lol
Watching 3 hours of sports for 1 goal sounds super boring :)

Posted 13 July 2014 at 22:59


Germany shot at the goal 20+ times ... =P.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 23:02


With that said, Argentina had an awesome goal keeper.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 23:15


Man ... that makes me remember the USA's match.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 23:31


Yeah USA's goalkeeper is pretty freaking awesome too.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 08:07


Those poor goalkeepers ... they did an awesome job, but their team didn't score. :(

Posted 14 July 2014 at 16:08


Actually this game was very exciting. It doesn't matter how many goals they score, a game can be exciting or boring wether it ends 1-0 or 4:2.

About the uglieness of the german players: I always thought, to some degree it is required to be ugly if you are a professional football player :) While some are indeed not good looking, others are quite handsome. Ask your wife if she thinks Hummels is ugly :)

Posted 14 July 2014 at 21:13


I will not ask my wife!! She will start image searching him! lol.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 03:32


Puschkin, my deck Sliver Combo needs some serious work. It is the first deck on the page, and my budget is 30 dollars. I would like to keep the combo intact, as well as all the slivers that pump.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 21:11


There wasn't much I could do for you with these restrictions but I tried my best.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 07:39


+1 for you, Puschkin!

Posted 15 July 2014 at 07:48


Dear Pushkin,

Thank you for taking to time to help others. I truly appreciate it, and I sincerely hope others do as well.

I have a deck that is ... unique in it's win condition. Specifically, I must keep an opponent's life total at ten. Exactly ten.

Posted 13 July 2014 at 23:46



Posted 13 July 2014 at 23:52


I beat Puschkin to the punch!!!
I suggested a card, or two, for you!

Posted 14 July 2014 at 00:35


Hahaha ... this isn't even your article deck. Your journey to the dark side is now complete.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 00:52


I had a hangover from celebrating :)

Posted 15 July 2014 at 09:51


I assumed that, when Germany won, i thought, "Won't be hearing from Puschkin for awhile!"

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:53



I'm looking for a card like shock that returns to the battlefield. Dragon's Breath or something. Any ideas?

Posted 15 July 2014 at 07:49


You mean a shock card that acts like Dragon's Breath in it's ability to come back?

Posted 15 July 2014 at 08:07


Something like Death Spark...but you have no creatures.
I always liked Hammer of Bogardan...it doesn't come back free...but it comes back over and over and over and, you yep, you guessed it, over. I don't think that is exactly what you are looking for, though.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 08:15


Punishing Fire
Rekindled Flame
Hammer of Bogardan
Pulse of the Forge

Posted 15 July 2014 at 09:50


Thanks Puschkin! You are awesome.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 23:47


Wow! I managed yo upvote you 3 times!

Posted 15 July 2014 at 23:48


New question Puschkin...

"Whenever another creature enters the battlefield."

My opponent has a creature in play, i play something like Control Magic/Treachery on it, and steal it, and it goes to my side of the board...does that trigger cards that have "Whenever another creature enters the battlefield."

Posted 16 July 2014 at 00:05


Hmm ... no. The card's location has not changed so it entered the battlefield from another zone. It just changed owners.

Posted 16 July 2014 at 07:09


He is correct. However, that creature still "enters play on your side" which means the creature has summoning sickness again.

Posted 17 July 2014 at 08:10


Hey Puschkin, I was wondering if you could check out this deck I'm designing for a friend, who is new to magic... thanks!


Posted 16 July 2014 at 06:39


New question:

A card has this ability: Creatures entering the battlefield don't cause abilities to trigger.

So...does, another creature has, "when this creature comes into play, you sack a artifact or bury creature."

Would you have to sack the artifact? Is it considered triggered?

Posted 16 July 2014 at 23:34


You wouldn't have to sac an artifact. Also, are you referring to Torpor Orb?

Posted 17 July 2014 at 03:42


Plus now, a new card. A creature with built in Torpor Orb, hell yes!!
Hushwing Gyrff

Hushwing Gyrff + Torpor Orb = Fatties all day long!


Build it and they will come

Posted 17 July 2014 at 04:00


Man ... you are crazy in M15. Is there no to this madness?! :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 04:39


Yes, will be my last deck for awhile. Wife complaining...blah blah "you spend no time with me...blah...blah...all you do is magic...blah blah blah.."

Hope it was good enough for your approval :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 04:43


Of course it is. The only complaint I have is that you are breaking the m15 environment! :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 05:58


He is correct again, you don't have to sacrirfice anything in this case. Phyrexian Dreadnought should go up in price once again.

Posted 17 July 2014 at 08:12


If people now what's good for them ... yes.

I wonder what other creatures might fit in here?

Posted 18 July 2014 at 00:43


Hey, I just uploaded a gruul version of sliver combo if you want to take a look. No rush, though.

Posted 18 July 2014 at 02:29


No rush .... I see what you did there. :)

Posted 18 July 2014 at 02:47


Ha! Somebody noticed!

Posted 18 July 2014 at 03:26


Erm ... you deleted my comments so I comment again!?

Posted 18 July 2014 at 07:06


Oh, sorry. I deleted the W/R/G version of the deck, and your comments went with it. It isn't so much a new deck as a revamped version of the old one that dropped white, like you said. I did not intend to sucker you into anything, I just thought this would be easiest.

Posted 18 July 2014 at 15:05


Can someone help me with this deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/jgee70/decks/human-i-need-help/

Posted 19 July 2014 at 15:35


KnightoftheHokeyPokey has deleted this comment.

Posted 20 July 2014 at 20:58


um this is a help deck hokey

Posted 21 July 2014 at 01:40


Or, do like me, when he helps you develop a deck, give him credit in your Deck Description.

Question, Walking Sponge.
IF you target a creature (tap Sponge), is it considered a legal target if the creature doesn't have trample/flying/first strike? Or will it still be considered legal and just do nothing to the opponent creatures.

Trying to make a new deck. Idea is this: I have Cowardice in play.
I target a creature with my Walking Sponge...but my opponent doesn't have a creature with flying/first strike/trample. Can i still hit my opponent's creature, and if so, would Cowardice make the opponent's creature be bounced to opponent's hand?

Posted 21 July 2014 at 06:56


The problem in this case: iqee's deck doesn't have a description and the the deck itself looks very generic, I don't really know what to suggest.

Walking Sponge:
You can target a Grizzly Bear with it if you want, it will just have no effect. It says "Target creature loses ...", if there were any restrictions which it can target, then that would have been mentioned between "target" and "creature". For example "Target creature with flying loses flying until end of turn".
Likewise you can use Maze of Ith on a Serra Angel. Maze says "Untap target attacking creature", so the only restriction is that the creature you target is attacking.

So, yes, Walking Sponge works with Cowardice. However, I am sure you can find something better that still targets creatures but doesn't tap, so you can use it multiple times per turn. Unnatural Selection for example.

Posted 21 July 2014 at 07:40



And look at my first comment. It is a themed deck...but with Acorn Catapult, Walking Sponge, and Sand Squid...maybe Cowardice could make Spongebob actually a good one.

Posted 21 July 2014 at 14:55


I know nothing of Spongebob and wouldn't know what to contribute.

Posted 21 July 2014 at 15:11


If you made toy story ... you would need artifact creatures. Clockwork beast = Rex, Clockwork Gnomes = Troll Doll, Phyrexian Destroyer = R.V. =)

Posted 21 July 2014 at 21:08


Puschkin, you could just check for the mechanics of the cards/combos..and see if they work. I suck at rules. So...as far as I know..the deck won't even work.

Toy Story...interesting!!

Posted 21 July 2014 at 21:31


And here comes another deck ...

Posted 22 July 2014 at 02:09


Apologize for my rudeness. Thanks for your input.

Posted 21 July 2014 at 21:59


+1 for saying that, dude!

Posted 22 July 2014 at 02:10


And you weren't rude in the first place, this "deck" is one of the few where you are supposed to ask for help.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 16:46


So I am a a teacher that is proctoring an elective with MTG which again I am new to. The students are the teachers in this case lol. Looking at yours I see only one or 2 gree. What about Green Sun's Zenith? Please forgive my novice opinion. :/

Posted 22 July 2014 at 22:49


Hello, I again apologize. So my story is that I work in a school where I see many student's playing MTG. So I decided to offer an elective where they can play one another. In this case I am a student and they are the teacher. I will say that I am lost in the understanding of the game however, I do enjoy making decks based on themes. (Humans and Knights because that's what I think I know)? lol. I do enjoy learning from my students and will continue to. However I am still a novice and learning the game. Thanks for being patient. Gee

Posted 22 July 2014 at 23:04


Making myself the first standard deck in like 12 years.
Trying to make the entire deck out of m15 cards.
Two cards I need help with.

I have Circle of Flame in play. My opponent attacks with five 2/2 creatures.
I then play a Polymorphist's Jest after they attack, on their attacking creatures. Do the 2/2 creatures die?

Posted 24 July 2014 at 00:31


Um .... YES! Circle of flame's ability resolves first, and then Polymorph's Jest goes off. Your opponent's creatures still have 1 wound apiece on them!

But it ALSO works if you cast it AS they are attacking, which puts it on the stack right above the damage-dealing ability.

Either way, unless they have an instant-speed counter, every creature they have is screwed, even they are Emkraul the Aeons torn and 22 other buddies put onto the field with Spawnshire of Umalog. Epic material right there. And even if they do, you just played this in a counter burn deck, right? What are the odds that you have a counterspell in hand?

Posted 25 July 2014 at 07:07


HELP, no time to explain take the link portal -----> http://www.mtgvault.com/mrjim/decks/scissors-n-zombies-help/

Posted 24 July 2014 at 00:32


I will give you help, without even looking at it...if it is zombies, then take out your wallet, and be prepared to pay for some expensive cards. :)

Posted 24 July 2014 at 00:35


It has Ensoul Artifact in it. As I have said to a few others...Ensoul Artifact and Chief Engineer...two cards to buy right now...they might get expensive in a few years. For sure.

Posted 24 July 2014 at 00:36


nooo noo only phylactery lich you got it all wrong

Posted 24 July 2014 at 00:37


and ensoul artifact most underrated cark evah

Posted 24 July 2014 at 01:21



Ensoul Artifact + Darksteel Relic = Broken

Posted 25 July 2014 at 07:02


I am doing an experiment and try to redeem my commenting credits I earned so far:

I published 4 of my decks under construction. They are still in brainstorming or development phase, usually I only publish finished decks. Maybe they'll get more views and most importantly suggestions and criticism because now there is more room for improvements. The decks in question are:


Come on now, this is THE chance to be creative and to return favours (also, for some of you a welcome change from this budget deck madness :P )! If this goes well, I will release more of my decks in development. Moreover, everybody is welcome to make their own versions of these decks or deck ideas, I don't even ask to give me credit, all I want is to fight the stagnation in creativity that plagues this site and Magic in general.

Posted 24 July 2014 at 15:39


I will definitely be responding/liking them all.
I owe you more than that much.
Might be a day or two...but i will get to them.

Posted 24 July 2014 at 16:06


I will get to them too! Just as soon as I plow through Northy's deckathlon!

Posted 25 July 2014 at 07:11


the posted deck works for standard but im wondering if u know anything better for casual play

Posted 30 July 2014 at 06:49


It's actually Modern? I commented anyway.

Posted 30 July 2014 at 08:14



One of your ideas.
This is a deck in process.
I need advice on where to take it.

Posted 31 July 2014 at 07:53


Take it somewhere else ... your main combo doesn't work :P
Lifeline has errata, for obvious reasons. See comment in your deck.

Posted 31 July 2014 at 10:20


"take it somewhere else..."
Indeed. lol.

Posted 31 July 2014 at 15:08


It is done. Check it out.
Would love to see a Lifeline deck from you, Puschkin, it seems something you could like.

Posted 31 July 2014 at 18:02


Actually, no, it's too combo-riffic for me. It affects all players, which is dangerous, so you are forced to play it straight which means you'll have to win shortly after it hit play with some sort of semi-infinite loops. Not exactly what I like ...
but I have multiplayer-friendly Enduring Renewal deck which I could post here, it should be similar in style.

Posted 31 July 2014 at 19:57


Post it :)

Posted 31 July 2014 at 20:51



Posted 31 July 2014 at 20:57


"Whenever you activate an ability of an artifact..."

What does that exactly include? Just when you tap an artifact?

Posted 05 August 2014 at 21:23


No, every activation. For example sacrificing a land to Zuran Orb is an activation of an artifact.
If you see a ":" on a card, then it has an activated ability. Left of the ":" you've got the cost, right to it the effect. It doesn't matter if paying mana, tapping, discarding, paying life or whatever is the cost, it's still activating.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 21:29


Thanks, once again.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 22:26


Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

That is the card in question. Was thinking about trying to take advantage of that card.

What about cards that tap. Is that activated abilities too?

Like Power Matrix, artifact, tap it to give a creature +1/+1, trample, flying, first strike.

So, If Kurkesh is in play. Power Matrix is in play. And two creatures are in play.

1) Can I tap Power Matrix and pay 1 red mana (via Kurkesh) to give the two of my creatures the pump up that Power Matrix provides?

2) Or would just one of my creatures get the pump up Power Matrix provides?

Posted 05 August 2014 at 22:34


1) yes.
2) Kurkesh explicitly says that you can pick a new target for the copied effect - which could be a different creature or the same.

Urza's Blueprints would be a nice target.

But when looking for cards to combo with Kurkesh, you should not only look at cards with simple tap as activation - yes, it's cheap and the tap is supposed to limit it's use, therefore copying the effect is good. However, there is also a lot potential in artifacts that do have hefty costs to activate (and therfore powerful effects) because you only copy the effect. Best example would be Time Vault: You skip a turn once but then you can activate it and copy the effect, getting 2 extra turns and use one of them to untap it - would mean unlimited turns for you. Unfortunately, Time Vault is a $300+ card. But you know what I mean and what to look for.

Posted 06 August 2014 at 07:37


Indeed....something that says, Pay 5 mana, tap to do x. 5 mana is very extreme...but for 1 more mana you get to copy that 5 mana spell.
Like Mindslaver...would also get you two turns.

Someone suggested run Kurkesh and Echo Mage together...with a bunch of cheap burn/bounce/

I am thinking your way though, Puschkin. Make use of those overly priced Artifacts


Fodder cannon looks nice...so far. Sack a creature, pay 5 mana, do 8 damage. Not too bad. Add some Shrapnel Blast and Reckless Abandon...feel your library with 0 casting cost Artifacts..that is one option.

Another option is stuff like Mindslaver and Time Vault

Posted 06 August 2014 at 13:06


Echo mage has to be turned into an artifact with liquimetal coating or mycosynth lattice first.

Posted 06 August 2014 at 15:54


Nice catch :)

Posted 06 August 2014 at 16:55


Another question.
I have Kurkash out.
I have Keening Stone out.
My opponent has 10 cards in his graveyard.

I pay 5 mana and tap Keening stone. Plus I pay 1 mana to Kurkash to copy it. What happens?
Does my opponent mill 10 cards for each spell?
Or is it 1) Mill 10 cards for the 5 mana and 2) Mill 20 cards (since 20 cards would be in the library because of the first mill)? for the 1 mana?

In other words, Would it Mill my opponent 20 cards or 30 cards?

Posted 07 August 2014 at 06:16


30. It's two separate effects that resolve separately as if you would activate 2 Keening Stones.

Posted 07 August 2014 at 06:26


Very cool. Maybe play kobolds/free 0 power creatures...hide behind Thran Weaponry and Meekstone.

See...I just passed a damn kidney stone (a wonderful first time experience for me, three days ago, still sore as hell). And want to try and do a Kidney Stone deck. Use as many cards with the word "stone" in the name.

Thran Weaponry/Meekstone shuts down creatures 3/3 or greater. My Kobolds, being 0/1 (or Ornithopter/Shield Sphere/Wall of Stone/Flowstone Wall), will be pumped up to 2/3 with Thran Foundry while all my opponent's creatures (if they are 1/1) will be pumped up to 3/3 or greater, and will not be able to untap if they attack me.

Plus throw down a Weakstone/Meekstone combo (along with my walls and kobolds with chump blocking)...now all creatures power or 3 or greater won't untap (via Thran Weaponry) if they attack me...and all creatures with power or 2 or less will have their power reduced by 1 if they attack me (via Weakstone). Let Weakstone/Meekstone/Thran Foundry hold my opponent off while I get Kurkash and my milling stones to running.

Maybe I am trying to put too many stones in the idea.


Posted 07 August 2014 at 06:38


And Sandstone Needle for land.
Maybe Sunstone/Snow lands (though that would definitely be against having a lot of mana for Kurkesh/milling).

Mana ramp like Seething Song, maybe, to get the flow going. Or maybe better, Worn Powerstone (stone...in the name). With all the free mana stuff...I could afford to lose my Turn 3 to play it. And assuming land drops every turn, Turn 4 would give me 6 mana. That is Keening Stone on Turn 4.

Maybe...if I play Keening Stone...play Lodestone Bauble...once several lands are in the graveyard...to stack my opponent's library (top of it) with lands...like Plow Under idea. With Kurkash and Lodestone Bauble...you would put 8 land cards on top of the opponent's library for 2 mana.

Posted 07 August 2014 at 06:40


Unfortunately, that's too many things you want to do at the same time. I see one Stone deck with Keening Stone as the central card (augmentd with Kurkesh) and another deck built around Meekstone, smaller creatures and cards that alter power and toughness. Meekstone would do good in the first one, too, of course.

Posted 07 August 2014 at 07:21


I was thinking as much...I might add them all to the deck...and start taking cards out.

Another neat idea (sorry to rant...when i come up with ideas that i like...i start ranting and raving)...would be the kobolds/thran weaponry/meekstone combo..if my Kobolds/Ornithopter are all 2/3...I could throw down stuff like Pyroclasm to wreck havoc. All of my opponent's weaker creatures are killed...and his larger creatures can't attack unless they want to remain tapped.

Does the Keening Stone/Lodestone Bauble idea seem possible? I know stacking cards back on the library is sorta against the idea of mill...but putting 8 land cards on my opponent's library (on top)...while nuking all the stuff he has on the board...it could halt the game for him.

Speaking of Lodestone Bauble...I could add Stoneshaker Shaman (another "stone") to the mix. Each turn everybody has to sack a land. So...stall the board with Meekstone/Thran Foundry/pyroclasm...and just keep nuking lands (untapped)...then play Lodestone Bauble and make my opponent have 4 land on top of his library. Since all of my stuff is free and/or remains untapped (via Meekstone) and my opponent's is not...lands will be more vital to my opponent. Issue would be untapped lands...and no mana burn. They would just tap all of their lands.

Another Idea if I play with Thran Foundry/Meekstone. Give my Stonehands (starting to see a theme here, lol?) to my kobold and pump him up and attack. End of turn, his power is reduced back down to 2, and I can untap him (he will escape the power of 3 offense and Meekstone). Or...put it on my opponent's creature!! If he attacks, I pump up the creature before his next upkeep with power of 3...and it doesn't untap (via Meekstone)! Or give one of my Walls Stonehands. Nuke any of the opponent's creatures that try to attack. It is great late game mana use if you topdeck (looking for stone cards that let me draw) and have loads of mana lying around.

This deck may indeed...to fit all of the "stones' and ideas into it...maybe be a 1 and 2 copy of cards sorta deck.

Of course this deck is causal...all of these combos involving 3 and 4 cards to work (as well as a lot of mana).

Posted 07 August 2014 at 07:25


I wouldn't go with Kobolds or 'Thopters. First, you'll just drop them first turn and then have to wait a few turns for the support cards to arrive - by then you could have played a couple of creatures that cost 1 mana and actually do something on their own (preferably producing mana). Secondly, the beauty of Thran Foundry is that you can chose whether you untap it or not! This means, your creatures could actually have a regular power of 2, boosted to 4 with Foundry. Then, in your untap step, you untap Foundry first, your creatures are back to power 2 and therefore untap, too.
So, I see a red/green deck with mana elves and Kird Apes instead of Kobolds plus Meekstone and Thran Foundry for midgame and Keening Stone and Kurkesh for the endgame. Then add some filler cards, preferably ones that also combo with Kurkesh and have a beneficial effect that helps you getting your stuff together like card drawers, searchers, mana rampers etc.

You don't need Lodestone Bauble in that. Once the Keening Stone gets going, you'll mill him VERY fast. In fact, Lodestone Bauble works against Keening Stone in TWO ways: It reduces the amount of cards you mill each turn AND the next activation will mill away all the lands you just stacked anyway.

Posted 07 August 2014 at 07:48


Sounds very solid...but maybe away from my theme...I am trying to run as many "stones."
Your idea has me at 8 stones, max. Does away with my Red stone walls. The Stone lands probably would need to be removed. Maybe the Weakstone too.
Did you see Worn Powerstone? It could make it up to 12 stones. That is a respectable amount of Kidney Stones (hell, one hurts just enough).

I kept changing what I wrote above...so you may of not seen the updated part about Stoneheads, And something like flowstone blade kill my opponent's creature.

With red/green...i could do maybe, some baubles? Wayfarer's for mana (put in two tapped lands) for 3 mana (if i pay 1 with Kurkesh). And Mishra's Bauble could draw me two cards if i pay 1 with Kurkesh).

Posted 07 August 2014 at 08:02


I just didn't realize that the Stone theme deck is one and the same idea ...
... do you accept cards that don't have "stone" in the name but clearly represent stony things?
And maybe make a seperate deck for that so we don't spam this thread so much - it could cause other readers to cancel their subscription of this thread.

Posted 07 August 2014 at 08:44


No problem. I have no problems with you deleting the comments, after I have commented on them. I, actually, would recommend that from time to time.

As of right now...trying to add both of our ideas together. Give me a day or so to work around with it.

Posted 07 August 2014 at 08:47



It is done...kept it mono red. See what you think.
It is definitely casual. But it can pull out a few wins.

Posted 08 August 2014 at 02:01


hey guys I was hoping you could give me some feedback on this deck. I'm not really sure what I should focus on... http://www.mtgvault.com/pepbswag/decks/persistence-is-key/

Posted 06 August 2014 at 06:39


You are focussing on Melira now :)

Posted 06 August 2014 at 14:48


yes i am! thanks for those card suggestions, i think i swapped them all in

Posted 07 August 2014 at 08:04


Nice dude. Melira is awesome.

Secondly, doesn't all this talk about kurkesh make you want to do an EDH deck?

Posted 13 August 2014 at 09:54


Here's a new deck i'm making. It's a mono red burn focusing on Guttersnipe, Young Pyromancer, and Satyr Firedancer.

Posted 07 August 2014 at 23:38


Might take a look. Sounds diabolical.

Posted 13 August 2014 at 09:54


This may be the longest thread ever!!!! LOL. Anyone have thoughts on this Goblin deck? This may be the longest thread ever!!!! LOL. Anyone have thoughts on this Goblin deck?

Posted 08 August 2014 at 20:42


Yeah, your invisible goblin deck rocks.

Posted 08 August 2014 at 20:44


He probably refers to this deck:

But sorry, that's a deck as standard as it gets. There are literally hundreds of goblin decks on this site, why don't you just browse them?

Posted 09 August 2014 at 12:22


Thanks. Will do.

Posted 09 August 2014 at 12:30


Hi again need some helpz

Posted 09 August 2014 at 14:43


zome helpz givenz

Posted 09 August 2014 at 21:04


So do you hate me yet, for asking so many questions?

Here we go: I want to make a deck around cards like these: Flicker, Cloudshift, Momentary Blink, Ghostway, Otherworldly Journey,
I thought I was being original...or trying, but during card search I seen the word "blinking" and "flicker" for decks like this.

Was thinking maybe red with stuff like vexing devil, act of treason, avalanche riders, threaten...steal their creatures and nuke their lands. Maybe Stone Raze and Stone Rain. Keep using Flicker/momentary blink/cloudshift on Avalanche Riders and Goblin Settler for land nuke.

Then thought about control, which I love. Fiend Hunter, Mangara of Corondor, Leonin Relic-Warder, Seht's Tiger. Stonehorn Dignitary
Looked at Stuff like Cloudshift + Fiend Hunter:

"Cast Fiend Hunter, as it comes into play, its first ability goes onto the stack. In response, cast Cloudshift on your Fiend Hunter. Fiend Hunter's second ability will be put onto the stack (doing nothing). A "New" Fiend Hunter will be put into play from Cloudshift resolving, choose a new enemy creature if you want. The old "Fiend Hunter"'s first ability will resolve, exiling a creature forever."
So just keep exiling the crap out of their stuff.
Maybe add in Oblivion Ring as back up as well as Journey to Nowhere.
Mangara, in particular is brutal!!! Use him to exile a target opponent's permanent and then save it with Cloudshift or Momentary Blink. He could be a beast.
Keep using Seht's Tiger with Ghostway, Cloudshift, and Momentary Blink to give you color protection.
Stonehorn Dignitary for stopping combat phases.
Banishing Light to keep up the theme. Exile to the max

(with white...i could do bs like lone missionary and just keep "blinking" him for 4 life or use Radiant's Dragoons for 5 life over and over and over...)

Faceless Butcher comes into mind....but look at this, something like white Inquisitor Exarch. Then throw in Suture Priest. Then add Obzedat, Ghost Council. And then Ghost Council of Orzhova. Restoration Angel to keep the life sucking going. Sun Titan to keep bringing back the cards from your graveyard. And bring in creatures that destroy stuff when they enter the battlefield.

Snapcaster Mage comes to mind. Expensive, but it would rock. Keep casting your Cloudshift/blink/ghostway and bringing him back just to keep bringing back your spells. Blue has a lot to offer...but blue and white control has been done to death.


Posted 10 August 2014 at 02:13


I sorta like the mean White Control

Fiend Hunter, Mangara of Corondor, Leonin Relic-Warder as the creatures and just cloudshift/flicker/blink away. Exile away. Oblivion Ring and Journey to Nowhere.

Posted 10 August 2014 at 02:17


As much as I hate blue/white being done to death (with venser or mistmeadow witch)...the Rishadan Pirates with Turn to Mist/Cloudshift/Momentary Blink. That could be fun.

Pirates in question:
Rishadan Cutpurse
RIshadan Footpad

Not very likely...but imagine the idea of having each of those on the field:
Turn 2. Stormscape Familiar (white spells cost 1 less)
Turn 3. Rishadan Cutpurse (opponent sacks a permanent unless he pays 1 mana)
Turn 4. Rishadan Footpad opponent sacks a permanent unless he pays 2 mana)
Turn 5. Say you have 3 white mana and 2 blue mana available: Cloudshift the Footpad for one 1 white mana. Now Momentary Blink for one mana your Footpad the second time. 1 white mana left and 2 blue. Cast Ghostway on your Cutpurse and Footpad for 2 mana.

Yeah, yeah, too many cards and in perfect world...however, you get the idea.

Outcome: You exiled and triggered "enters battlefield" ability 3 times on Footpad and 1 time on Cutpurse
That equals = Your opponent having to pay 2 mana, 3 times in a row, or being forced to sack a permanent. And your opponent having to pay 1 mana, 1 time, or sack a permanent. In final words, your opponent, on the 5th turn (probably not having 7 mana available) has to pay a total of 7 mana or risk losing 4 different permanents.

Of course throw in broken Snapcaster to recycle the cloudshift/blink cards.

I want so badly to do a red/white deck with Land destruction. But damn Avalanche Riders and Goblin Settler cost so much freaking mana. Riders have Echo but you can bypass that with, you guessed it, Momentary Blink. Just "blink" it out then b link it in. No echo cost. However, no Familiars to lower the cost. AND with red, stuff like Momentary Blink works on Morph creatures. So, play 3 mana to morph Akroma, Angel of Fury...then Momentary Blink her into and she is now a 8 mana 6/6 flying/trample/can't be countered/protection from...blah blah, you get it, you can have her out on Turn 4. Land destruction doesn't work...Akroma is a great back up plan.

Regardless...a Turn 4 Avalanche Rider into a Turn 5 where you play 2 or 3 cards like Cloudshift/Momentary Blink is going to have your opponent down to 2 lands.

I know you don't want this deck to get too crowded, so here is the private link:


Posted 10 August 2014 at 06:37


Yes, it's not easy to come up with somethin new. I'll comment in the deck.

Posted 10 August 2014 at 08:28


My latest deck designed specifically for Two-Headed Giant

Posted 11 August 2014 at 17:40


I put your giant's head straight :)

Posted 12 August 2014 at 08:01



Posted 11 August 2014 at 22:45


Oh great Puschkin ... I have an ... interesting lifegain deck and would like some advice on tuning it ...


Posted 13 August 2014 at 09:57


Erm ... you know what? No.

This is what I posted some weeks ago:

"I am doing an experiment and try to redeem my commenting credits I earned so far:

I published 4 of my decks under construction. They are still in brainstorming or development phase, usually I only publish finished decks. Maybe they'll get more views and most importantly suggestions and criticism because now there is more room for improvements. The decks in question are:


Come on now, this is THE chance to be creative and to return favours (also, for some of you a welcome change from this budget deck madness :P )! If this goes well, I will release more of my decks in development. Moreover, everybody is welcome to make their own versions of these decks or deck ideas, I don't even ask to give me credit, all I want is to fight the stagnation in creativity that plagues this site and Magic in general.
Posted 24 July 2014 at 15:39"

And you know what? With the exception of Jessie, nobody replied, including you (although you promised to). The description of this thread says that I am willing to help out first and if you liked the suggestions I made, please return the favour and help me out in turn - just once in a while. Yet I am basically still talking to myself in my decks, no matter what I do. I tried simple decks, complicated decks, I tried finished decks, I now tried decks in development with open slots. It is plain obvious by now that the problem is NOT that my decks are too advanced, too complicated or whatever, the sad truth is that most people in this site are fast to take, take, take but rarely is somebody willing to give.

I am talking in general, you probably just honestly forgot about it, what I just wrote is something I planned to do anyway, so, sorry that it hit you.

Posted 13 August 2014 at 10:12


Ah crap .... sorry for letting you down Puschin. I was busy getting carpel tunnel keeping up with Northy's decks. :)

I will certainly give your decks a look at. After all, I must uphold my knight's honor.

Posted 13 August 2014 at 10:16


As I said, it's not actually you this rant was about, I just misused you to make a point :P

Please read the descriptions before posting :)

Posted 13 August 2014 at 10:27


I read them ... hence my cheesy smiley face. :)

Posted 13 August 2014 at 10:54


well budget thing has gone down but before northy left it was ridiculous, it was almost like if you did not make a budget deck your deck would never be seen on hot list

Posted 14 August 2014 at 04:11


That's annoying ... but budget decks tend to be more innovative, so I kind of see why.

Posted 14 August 2014 at 06:03


Not necessarily. A lot of those budget decks are just a bunch of cheap cards thrown together with a vague theme. MANY of them, including Northies, look as if he made a quick database search for a keyword, took the cheapest cards among the results, then added some basic lands and staples. That's not any more innovative than filling decklists with the usual expensive staples.

Posted 14 August 2014 at 06:58



I try to be innovative, to the max!

That deck is an example, and one I need help with.
It ended up being bird tribal HOWEVER, my original idea was to use as many cards with the word "Familiar" in them. I ended up with 12...in the very early version of the deck. Mainly because cards with the word "Familiar" aren't that good!

I threw it together in 5 minutes...and it definitely needs some direction.

A quick deck search...out of thousands upon thousands of decks....it is 1 of 3 decks that tried to put Familiars into a deck. One from 2007: His, not trashing it, is 70 cards and is a mess (trying to run every color but playing all basic lands, with no general idea how to win except making his spells cost less mana). Plus it is posted back in 2007. Second deck, posted in 2012, is same deal. A hot mess trying to reduce mana cost...with no way to really win.

So...going back 7 years, I just made a deck where only 2 other people have done something close to it.
Can't say that for mono blue control, or discard, or goblins.

Again, can't knock me for trying to be different.


Speaking of Budget...which that deck I just linked is under 17 bucks...it is tricky to make a GOOD budget deck.
True, you can come up with a theme...look up cards based on their price...then add in basic/staple cards and add it all together...but that will not necessarily make it a great deck. Solid deck, maybe. Well rounded, maybe. Hence, sometimes you have to be "innovative" as I agree with HokeyPokey. Anyone can win with Planeswalkers and 50 dollar cards. But to win with a budget deck...it does indeed take decent deck building skills.

Or, at least, that is my 2 cents worth on the subject.

And I think Northy is a great part of Magic Vault. He responds to your decks. He never fails to take up deck challenges. He is always nice...one of those people whom, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all" types of guys. He has made over 500 decks that he contributed to Magic Vault..and has thousands of comments. I can't say that about anyone else on this site. The 500 decks contributed, alone, is huge!! At the rate I am going, and i have been building a lot of decks lately, it would take me 6 years or so to post 500 decks.

With all of his budget decks...and all of the young teenagers/beginners/people on budget (usually teens) on Magic Vault...he is showing them that they can have Magic as a hobby, without it being too expensive. He, in his own small way, is paving the way for the next generation of Mtg fans.

With Magic Vault only allowing you to have 2 hot decks at any one given time (Northy broke Magic Vault), he/budget decks won't clog up the Hot Pages anymore.

Posted 14 August 2014 at 07:43


Of course Northy is a valueable resource and vital for this site, he surely hit a nerve with his decks. He is just flooding the site a tad bit and sometimes the decks lack quality - but still get all the attention because it's Northy. Which is okay if his followers would still check out other contributer's work but you know as it is, attention span and willingness to contribute yourself is limited and usually expended after commenting on Northys decks - at least thats the case for most users here.
So, I just think Northy would do everybody including himself a favour if he slowed down a bit and worked a bit longer and harder on the decks he does release. But that's just an opinion, he can and should still do what he likes to, of course.

I still say, the "unloved" list should be the default view. People will flock to the "hot" tab anyway.

And, yes, Jessie, you are innovative to the max indeed, I spotted a great influx of yours, both in quantity and quality. I especially like that you are now building your decks systematically and documenting each step, writing down your thought process and decision making. This, in turn, is valuable for any aspiring deck builder.

Posted 14 August 2014 at 09:04


so your saying northy is the pewdiepie of mtg?

Posted 14 August 2014 at 14:34


I have no clue what a "pewdiepie" is ...

Posted 14 August 2014 at 14:39


pewdiepie is a the most popular youtuber that is one of the reasons smaller channels get no views / subs

Posted 14 August 2014 at 15:01


So ... if we fused Northy, Puschkin, and Jessie together Yu-Gi-Oh style ... we'd have the ultimate deck builder!

Posted 14 August 2014 at 16:11


not yet - you'd need a fourth person, someone who is really competitive and still attends tournaments of all formats (I stopped doing so around Scourge)

Posted 14 August 2014 at 16:20


Hmm ... how about sorin?

Posted 14 August 2014 at 17:26


What about you, HokeyPokey, give yourself more damn credit, friend! Maybe not tourney decks, per say, but I like a lot of your decks!

Posted 14 August 2014 at 18:15


I'm not bad ... but Pushkin is a paragon of knowledge, you make crazy decks, Northy can pump decks out inhumanly fast (he doesn't even use bulk importer!), and Sorin is pretty competitive.

Besides, Kazzong, Barracuda, and I are already the MTG vaulteers think tank. :)

Posted 14 August 2014 at 19:07


Well, thank you for the pat on the back.

Posted 14 August 2014 at 19:47



Decided to post it as is.
I am sure i have about asked for enough help...and need to try more to offer help to you, Puschkin.
Why must you make such tricky decks, though?!
Just make a Goblin deck already so I can suggest Siege or Krenko! lol

Posted 14 August 2014 at 20:44


Lol Jessie, if you want basic, then help me out. :)

Posted 14 August 2014 at 20:53



Another deck in the mix.
It is in the rough stages, for sure.
Basically, wanting to use a card that hasn't even came out yet, lol.

Card in question is Thousand Winds

Thousand Winds, 4UU
Creature - Elemental, Rare
Morph 5UU (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for 3. Turn it face up anytime for its morph cost)
When Thousand Winds is turned face up, return all other tapped creatures to their owners' hands.

So...apparently Mtg is bringing back Morph. And each color gets an ability. Red gets Raid...which seems uber lame!

Anyways, since Thousand Winds bounces tapped creatures...here comes Sleep and Tidal Surge for the win.
Only question I am having is do i need to include white for Cloudshift/Momentary Blink...and try to be sneaky and Blink Thousand Winds into play at key times OR do I use full mono blue control and not worry about Blinking/flickering.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 06:39


Don't add white. Because if you would, then there was no need to build this deck - Sunblast Angel would replace him.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 07:58



Take a look, I did, fyi, send out some more card suggestions for your Shaman deck. :)
Spent about an hour on it (from 2am to 3am, my time). I lost sleep because of you! :)

Posted 15 August 2014 at 08:09


And actually...Sunblast Angel is in my sideboard with the deck.
Sorta of a second way to win.
1st way...force tap of all opponent's creatures (Sleep, Tidal Surge...blue cards) and bounce them all with Thousand Winds
2nd way...force tap of all opponent's creatures (Blinding Light, Ivory Charm....white cards) then nuke them with Sunblast Angel or Righteous Fury.

See...that is why i need your help on things like this!!! lol.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 08:19


I know you haven't checked out the deck...but, I just found Wall of Tears, and how in the hell did i not know about this card?! He rocks in the deck! He is an aggro stopper, for sure.

Posted 16 August 2014 at 02:00


Arcane Laboratory.
One of my Favorite cards from my Favorite Expansions.

Posted 17 August 2014 at 09:11



Posted 26 August 2014 at 16:26


Will check this one out, for sure, when I have the chance :)

Posted 26 August 2014 at 16:51


Count me in too!

Posted 28 August 2014 at 07:45


i just wanna say you 3 guys have mad deck building skills and i think if would be super cool if you could help me with a revenge deck.... http://www.mtgvault.com/trips/decks/The-Violater/ any insight you could give me would be great!

Posted 02 September 2014 at 09:04


There you go. You might also want to check out this deck of mine because it does exactly what you want to accomplish, just in a very different way:


Posted 02 September 2014 at 10:07



11 dollar deck
No rares
Trying to win, miracle style, on Turn 2.

Suggestions welcomed.
Feel free to go on there and give it hell, as you do time to time on really flawed decks.
It is one of those decks, that is deceiving in that what it CAN do...not what it does on a normal basis. What is that, Johnny, right? Where the deck doesn't win but 1 out of 10 games...but when it does when that 1 game, it is a beautiful (or sometimes cheap/cheesy) think to watch. A lot of my decks have been Johnny decks, lately. All or nothing...one win condition...easily disrupted decks.
What does that way about where I am at in my life? And my Psychosis? :)
Just joking.

Example with the deck:

Turn 1. Swamp. Dark Ritual. Wall of Blood.
Turn 2. Mountain. *Opponent attacks with a creature* You block with Wall of Blood and play: Desperate Ritual. Glyph of Destruction. Fling.
20 damage to your opponent

Posted 04 September 2014 at 04:41


Made a new multiplayer deck that abuses Cataclysm.

Posted 04 September 2014 at 10:41


Hi Puschkin, I was wondering can you help me with this http://www.mtgvault.com/0diablo0/decks/dragons
No budget, but im really unsure of couple of things, like what kind of excact creatures should I pick, I already set for Hellmaw, Utvara etc. I have put cards in sideboard that im unsure of too.
I also looked through your decks, Shared Fate was really interesting.

Posted 05 September 2014 at 03:25


Need more help. You have to be tired of me by now.
I have Norin the Wary in play.
I play Worldfire.
What happens?

Worldfire ruling: These actions are performed in order, but no triggered abilities resolve in between them and no player may cast spells or activate abilities in between them. This means that if a permanent's ability triggers on a player losing life, that permanent will be exiled first and won't be on the battlefield when your life total becomes 1. Leaves-the-battlefield triggers won't resolve until you're done resolving Worldfire entirely.

So...Norin is exiled, right?

Posted 06 September 2014 at 18:10



It is a bloody mess.

Posted 06 September 2014 at 18:23


Crap...back to my same old crap.

What are your thoughts on Sphere of Resistance and Thorn of Amethyst, together?
Add in some mana ramp to counterbalance them.
Add draw to keep the tempo.


Early issues I am having:
1) Do I need Winter Orb in the deck?
2) Do I need more offensive power?
3) Is 6 Walls too much...or just right considering Sphere/Thorn is also slowing down my opponent?
4) Primordial Sage...does it cost too much mana, and ending up useless by the time I play it? Or can it work?
5) Finally, I need mana ramp to be able to pay for Sphere/Thorn...but do I have too many 1 drop Elves?

Posted 07 September 2014 at 04:05


trying to build a very fast burn deck casual/legacy if you have any ideas id love for you to check it out

Posted 12 September 2014 at 07:44


I don't think I can contribute anything that hasn't been done on this site hundreds of times before but I gave it a shot anyway, enjoy!

Posted 12 September 2014 at 08:26


Please help me to promote this, it'll be fun for everyone involved :)

Posted 15 September 2014 at 11:08


Can you help with this one?


Sorta of boring and OVERDONE, but...it is what it is. Always wanted to do a Pestilence deck...and it ended up like a lot of them do...White/Black. Play creatures with Protection from Black...Pestilence hurts your opponent but not you. Trying to run stuff like Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth/Kormus Bell/Zealous Persecution to piss off my opponent. It needs work...like Crusading Knight/Urborg is amazing together...but then if I am going to nuke my opponent's lands with Kormus bell/Urborg/Persecution or Leonin Sun Standard...it negates the power of Crusading Knight. So...it needs a little work.



You can have a field day with this one! It is a VERY rough draft. You will see the idea immediately.
Filth/Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to grant Swampwalk. Then powerhouses like Nantuko Shade and Wicked Akuba to do major damage.

Posted 17 September 2014 at 22:29


That is the link to the second deck, I listed. It is replaced from 820788.
Thought it needed a better name. It is flavor text from Akuba.

Posted 17 September 2014 at 23:05


Hm, I already replied to the first deck.
You can actually rename a deck without having to copy&paste it :)

Posted 18 September 2014 at 07:03


Man ... I have a ton of catching up to do.

Posted 18 September 2014 at 08:45



Does this work, if so, please check out the link?
In return, as per usual, I will check out any deck that you would like advice/support/comments on.

I have 5 Islands in play.
In hand I have: 1 Treachery 1 Clever Impersonator 1 Copy Enchantment

My opponent has a 5/5 a 4/4 and a 3/3 creature.

I try to do this:
Tap 5 Islands to Play Treachery on the 5/5. Steal it. Untap 5 Islands.
Play Clever Impersonator (targeting Treachery) and target the 4/4. Steal it. Untap 5 Islands.
Play Copy Enchantment (targeting Treachery) and target the 3/3. Steal it. Untap 5 Islands.

Does that work, did I just steal 3 creatures of my opponents, and end up with 5 untapped Islands...in which to use with Bounce/Control/Counterspells?

Again, if that works, please let me know!

Here is the game I envision in my dreams:

Turn 1. Forest. Plays 1/1 Elf.
Turn 2. Forest. Plays 2/2 Elf (you Boomerang one of his lands). He attacks for 1/1.
Turn 3. Forest. Plays 3/3 Elf (you play Propaganda and he can't attack), taps out of mana. He can't attack.
Turn 4. Forest. Plays 4/4 Elf (you play Impulse drawing a card), taps out of mana. He can't attack.
Turn 5. Forest. Plays 5/5 Elf, taps out of mana. He can't attack.

On Turn 5 you play your 5th Island.
You play Treachery on his 5/5 stealing it. You untap 5 lands.
You play Copy Enchantment (copying Treachery). You steal his 4/4 creature. You untap 5 lands.
You play Clever Impersonator (coping Treachery). You steal his 3/3 creature. You untap 5 lands!!!

You have: a 5/5 a 4/4 and a 3/3
Opponent has: a 1/1 and a 2/2

Posted 19 September 2014 at 22:43


Yes it works. Meanewhile copy cards come into play AS copies, they do not copy as a CIP anymore.

Posted 22 September 2014 at 08:35


I think you gave up on commenting/helping out my decks.
I don't blame you.
I aggravate you more than anyone else.

Here are the cards I want to build a deck around:

4 Pyrostatic Pillar
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel

But I want to win different than what other Legacy decks do, with Great Revel.
They outpace the opponent.

I want to hide from the opponent, and force them to kill themselves.
Just not sure how.

1st Idea: Dragon's Claw, Iron Star. Kor Firewalker
Gain life, negating the damage that the Pillar and the Great Revel does to me.

2nd Idea: Rune of Protection/Circle Protection.
Again, cancel damage that Pillar and the Great Revel does to me.

3rd Idea: Stuff like Assemble the Legion or Cunning Sparkmage. Play cards that grant me creatures every turn or damage to my opponent, without me having to cast stuff and lose life to Pillar/Revel.

However...given all of that:
I want my opponent to kill himself.
Not get down to 2 life and stop casting spells.
How do I do that? There has to be some cards that redirect damage, right?

Please, check this deck out:


Posted 21 September 2014 at 03:48


Redirect damage? Dude, that's brilliant. There's souls of the faultless, boros fury-shield, and curse of bloodletting. If that brutality doesn't please you, Ash Zealot can come along too! Run a circle of protection: red, but maybe even darien, king of kjeldor for hiliarity. Gisela, Blade of goldnight isn't bad either. Prepare yourself for the lulz!

Posted 22 September 2014 at 02:42



Casual variant of sultai graveyard, help meee!!

Posted 12 October 2014 at 10:23



Your thoughts on this, Puschkin?
FNM changes.

Posted 12 October 2014 at 17:34


I don't care :)

FNM has always been iffy to me - it tries to organize casual. It's like a kitchen table tournament - an oxymoron. It's nice to have a place to gather for casual play where you can meet new players. Back in the golden days you met in F/SF stores and played in the backroom, basement or any dark corner where you found some place. But as soon as you have to register and shell out prizes, you aren't playing casual anymore, sorry. Casual puts the actual play and creativity over winning. And that's hard to accomplish when prizes, fame and rankings are at stake.

So, again, I don't think FNM is bad or anything, it's a nice thing for anybody that wants a taste of copmtitive play without being thrown into the shark tank, some kind of middleground between casual and competitive. But that's nothing I am interested in.

Posted 16 October 2014 at 15:20


Can you take a look at this modern deck I'm trying to build? It's not a common strategy so I'm having a hard time making it competetive. I've been shifting back and forth between more creatures that ramp and defend to get to my sphere of safety quicker, or more defensive enchantments to help sphere of safety work better and make the creature removal spells in my opponents hand useless.

Posted 17 November 2014 at 17:50


Puschkin...been on a deck making slump...wanted to make an entire deck based around Sigil Captain with cards like Aura Mutation and Seed Spark. Idea was to get out Sigil Captain then nuke their stuff, every turn, and in return get 1/1 creatures as a bonus (sort of 2 for 1...I play 1 card and they lose something PLUS I get creatures) that turn into 3/3 creatures via Sigil Captain.

I could only find Aura Mutation and Seed Spark though. No cards like Mutation or Spark that targets lands or creatures. So...I had to add in stuff like Beast Within or O-ring...which is lame, theme wise.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted 20 November 2014 at 02:49


There are cards that do that, just not in your colours. Anyway, made lots of suggestions in your deck, enjoy!

Posted 20 November 2014 at 08:20


I'm trying to figure out the purpose of this.

Posted 20 November 2014 at 11:01


It's all in the description - if you need help on your deck, you can write here, drop a link and I will drop by.

Posted 20 November 2014 at 12:49


Posted 20 November 2014 at 19:11


Everything quite for weeks and now I get so many requests ... I'll check it out later, promised!

Posted 20 November 2014 at 20:46


I've hit a wall with two of my decks so far, it's depressing... The first deck being my Hit it N' Quit it deck ( http://www.mtgvault.com/pjoshea/decks/hit-it-n-quit-it/ ), It is theoretically designed to Ramp into one of the one turn only creatures ( Like lightning ball, Low casting cost with haste and a high attack power then you sack it at the next end step) then you pump it and hit with it then fling it at the end of your step before you have to sac it. I think I need some different forms of mana ramp besides elves they are too easy to get rid of. The second deck is a Token and Devour deck ( http://www.mtgvault.com/pjoshea/decks/unleash-your-inner-fat-kid/ ) using mostly goblins, some elementals, and a few saprolings then devouring them and then #winning. Normally I would just ask my friends who play but I just got stationed in the UK and I haven't found any close card shops and my none of my friends play :( . So any help would be awesome! Thanks!

Posted 20 November 2014 at 11:27


Hello Puschkin,

I am building a casual, multiplayer Commander deck for Marchesa:

I need help with the final cut; I am trying to keep the deck focused on creatures coming back to play and triggering effects, various evasion tactics and draw engines to keep the steam Rolling. Feel free to suggest other improvements as well, I don't really have a budget limitation.

It is important to me that the deck does not rely too much on the commander for efficiency as, knowing my friends, she could get relentlessly exiled and shuffled in my library. The metagame in my group is a high power level and high budget with some gentlemen rules : no infinite combos, no more than 5 counterspells or mass removal in a single deck, no skullclamp.

Thank you in advance for offering this service! I am also a veteran and I appreciate the value of this advice.


Posted 20 November 2014 at 18:33


Ah, and I love it if somebody gives me so precise instructions! I have some chores to do right now but will check it out soon.

Posted 20 November 2014 at 20:45


Hello punchkin,

Info is in the deck discription, srry I didn't that with an other deck.

Posted 23 November 2014 at 18:56


Sorry for asking such dumb questions. Here is one more:

I am trying to make another Donate type deck.
I Switcheroo, Bazaar Trader, Legerdemain my Jackal Pup/Shinka Gatekeeper/Firedrinker Satyr to my opponent. I then cast Shivan Meteor and Blasphemous Act on them. They go boom and nuke my opponent. Right? Pretty sure of that one.
My question. I give control of my Firedrinker Satyr to my opponent. Can I still use my red mana to pump the Satyr up? Or is that against the rules sense I own the card but my opponent controls the card?

Posted 06 December 2014 at 05:21


That's a bit silly, yes ... only the controller of a card can activate it's abilities unless the card says otherwise (like Quicksilver Wall does).

Posted 06 December 2014 at 12:39


Please check out my newest creation, it is budget, straight, easy to understand, has lots of 4-ofs and everything else you guys love. The only thing it doesn't have yet is any comments ... but it could need some tuning!


Posted 13 December 2014 at 17:32


So Freyalise's Winds.

I have it in play and play something like Turnabout or Deluge.
What happens?

Here is my guess. Their permanents stayed tapped two turns, right?
I mean, the 1st turn they stay tapped do to Turnabout or Deluge. Once they all become tapped they get a counter, which becomes the 2nd turn they are tapped.
Is that correct?

Posted 19 December 2014 at 01:50



See what you think so far!

Posted 19 December 2014 at 04:56


Yes, it wont untap two turns because counters are only removed if it WOULD untap.
I will have no time until monday.

Posted 19 December 2014 at 07:26



If you do not mind taking the time, look over this green stompy deck I have created.

Sometimes you just gotta go hard and simple without all of the fancy instants and sorcery's, when you just want to beat in a person's face. Should they try to pull those shenanigans, it shall either not even work, or aid you in the process of doing so. The main theme of it is for nature to fight back against those who try and destroy it.

Bane of Progress, Craterhoof, and Primeval titan I would like to try and keep inside the deck for flavor mostly. The sideboard is only if I ever wish to take it somewhere that might be competitive so don't worry to much about it, but for the most part it's for casual group play.

Posted 19 December 2014 at 02:47


I will have no time until monday.

Posted 19 December 2014 at 07:27


That's fine, take your time. I've had the deck under construction for quite a while since I'm still not 100% positive as whether or not to buy it since a lot of my decks are quite ferocious when fighting one another. Whether this will hold is up in the air

Posted 19 December 2014 at 13:53


If you have time i would love some advice on this deck, or other cool cards that would fit in better. i have everything except for lily and snaps
thank ya, i love people that create thread/decks that help other people

Posted 20 December 2014 at 20:25


Posted 23 December 2014 at 02:11


BTW, if I don't answer here, that doesn't mean I stopped checking the decks that are posted here. So keep it on going.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 11:24


Posted 27 December 2014 at 21:16


Cheap and fun budget, would love suggestions! Anyone shoot away!

Posted 29 December 2014 at 00:28


Posted 29 December 2014 at 08:25


Jessie has deleted this comment.

Posted 28 January 2015 at 01:15


I have 45 cards out of 60....I can't figure it out...exactly.
Please help Puschkin.
I made a nice help section in the "How to Play" section.


Posted 11 February 2015 at 02:06


Could you help me a modern-ish deck that's around Hunting Grounds, i don't know what to add in quantity of gravefiller cards to make the threshold abillity happen.
And I don't know from there where to get my creatures, from my library or my graveyard?
It's only a bunch of cards right now but that will change. (same for lands)

Posted 16 February 2015 at 14:10


I want to build a deck around Jeskai Sage.

Question: How does Storm mechanic and Prowess mechanic work together?
I have been thinking about it...

If I have Jeskai Sage out on Turn 2.
I play Lightning Bolt followed up by Grapeshot on Turn 3.
What are Jeskai Sage stats?

Basically, what I am asking is: Does storm count toward prowess?

Will Jeskai Sage be a 4/4?


I also want to build a deck around Frost Walker.
True, he can be nuked so damn easily.
But I like the idea of him triggering Ferocious so quickly!
Or the idea of Manifesting him with Lightform/Cloudform.
Or something like Master of Waves.
Your thoughts?

Posted 17 February 2015 at 17:12


Spell copies created by Storm are put directly on the stack, they are NOT cast. Therefore they don't trigger Prowess.

No idea about the other thingy, caught a strange cold/virus, my brain is mush.

Posted 17 February 2015 at 17:40


Thank you, as always.

Posted 17 February 2015 at 18:36


Maybe it's my brain or yours that's malfunctioning, but if you manifest Frost Walker, he will be 2/2, not 4/1. Go with the ferocious idea. Other creatures to enable ferocious that early inclzde Jötun Grunt, Veteran Brawlers, Wall of Razors, Okk and if you feel spunky Dandân, FLesh Reaver and Treacherous Pitdweller.

Posted 17 February 2015 at 19:35


Manifest Frost Walker using Cloudform.
And while he is faced down, pump him up with Enchantments like Aqueous Form.
Then turn him face up.
He gets to keep all the Enchantments.
Potentially he is 4/1 or bigger.

Posted 17 February 2015 at 20:16


Ah, didn't know manifested things get their built-in way to un-morph. This virus thing is stuporing me.

Posted 17 February 2015 at 22:02


One more thing.
My wife loves Phoenix.
So I thought I would do a Phoenix Deck.

Here is what I have so far, when you are feeling better, care to take a look it?

It needs help in the artifact department, for sure.


Posted 18 February 2015 at 01:05


Hello Puschkin, you still around?

I need help with this deck.
It is extremely combo...which I know you do not like.

It goes something like this:

Step 1. Grindstone.
Step 2. Goblin Recruiter (putting 20 Goblin on top of your library)
Step 3. Grindstone the 20 Goblins into your graveyard.
Step 4. Mortal Combat for the win.

Main issue is the sheer number of cards required for the Combo to work.
Goblin Recruiter
20 other Goblins
Mortal Combat.

Meaning...the 20 Goblins need to be picked very damn carefully and have to have utility built in.
Plus...I am running black and red. The 20 Goblins, if Grindstone is to work, need to be the same color, right? That makes it damn near impossible. Example: So far the deck has 20 Goblin Cards: 8 Black and 12 Red. Grindstone, with those stats, can not mill 20 creatures into my graveyard? Or could it? I guess it would depend on how I stacked the cards, right?

So I need to look at 2 options: 1) Put in cards like Burning Inquiry and Warren Weirding to feed my graveyard with creatures or 2) run mono colored red Goblins.


Posted 06 March 2015 at 02:33



Sorry...that is the name of the deck.
The old link did not have a deck title.

Posted 06 March 2015 at 03:48


There are easier and less clunky ways to fill your graveyard, for example Hermit Druid in a deck that has only very few basic lands or Morality Shift. The latter even allows a mono-colour deck! Sure, it costs 7 mana, but if you are down to black, you can devote many of your slots to mana acceleration. In this case you could use guys like Basal Thrull, Blood Pet and Blood Vassal in addition to the usual Dark Rituals and artifact mana. And dredge decks can fill their entire graveyard in turn 2-3, so you could use a standard dredge engine. Boring? Well, combo ...

Posted 06 March 2015 at 12:55


Deck that needs help:


Turn 1. Dragonmaster Outcast.
Turn 2. Dragon Fodder (2 Goblins)
Turn 3. Hordeling Outburst (3 Goblins)
Turn 4. Dragon Tempest and ???
Turn 5. ??? (Could use Seething Song to play Assault of the Dragons on the 5th turn)
Turn 6. Assault of the Dragons (and Dragonmaster Outcast produces 5/5 flying token).

5 Goblins sacked for 5 4/4 Flying Dragon Creatures (via Assault of the Dragons) with Haste (via Dragon Tempest) and 25 damage to target creatures/players (via Dragon Tempest).
1 5/5 token flying dragon token (via Dragonmaster Outcast)

Nice combo with Dragonmaster Outcast and Dragon Tempest. Every upkeep you are putting a 5/5 dragon token into play. It gets haste with Dragon Tempest. It does X damage to target creature or player for each Dragon in play.

***Question. Is the 25 damage correct? The second part of Dragon Tempest is confusing to me.

Early questions: Do I need fetches for the Dragon Tempest?
What mount of creature fodder do I need to feed into Assault of the Dragons?
What sort of (and amount of) disruption do I need to add into the deck...stuff like Smelt/Lighting Bolt?
Do I need to use mana ramp because of the Assault of the Dragons? Or do I actually need to wait until 6 turns for Dragonmaster Outcast to trigger and to have the time to cast a lot of 1/1 tokens into play?

New cards can be found here:
Assault of the Dragon
Dragon Tempest

Assault of the Dragons 4 plus 2 red
Target any amount of creatures. Destroy those creatures.
For each creatures destroyed, its controller puts one 4/4 red dragon token with flying into play

Dragon Tempest 1 plus 1 red
Whenever a with flying enters the battlefield under your control, it gains haste until end of turn.
Whenever a Dragon enters the battlefield under your control, it deals X damage to target player or creature, where X is the number of Dragons you control.


Posted 08 March 2015 at 22:01


I have a question about rules.

Basically wanting to build a Searing Meditation deck.
Cards in question are:
Sun Droplet and Nyx-Fleece Ram.
At the beginning of my upkeep I have Searing Meditation in play and gain a life via Sun Droplet and Nyx-Fleece Ram.
Searing Meditation says for me to pay 2 mana and I can deal 2 damage to opponent creature or player.

Question: Do I have to immediately pay that 2 mana or do I get to untap my lands first?
I mean...it is suppose to be 1. Untap 2. Upkeep 3. Draw
So I get to untap my lands first, right?

Posted 13 March 2015 at 00:41


As you said, untap step comes before upkeep.

Check out this:

Posted 13 March 2015 at 08:02



Any briliant ideas? Not sure if I should use Æther Vial for the last spots or something else. I wanna keep it modern since my friends only play that.

Posted 31 March 2015 at 06:30


Something else. The casting costs of your creatures are way too varied for Vial. What I am missing is artifact/enchantment removal. There are a few weenies like Kor Sanctifiers, Devout Chaplain or Leonin Relic Warder. That way, if the opponent does't have jewelry you still get some warm bodies. None of them are soldiers, though.

Posted 31 March 2015 at 07:23


Like Orim's Thunder, Abolish, Disenchant etc?

Posted 31 March 2015 at 10:36


Well, that's what I would add, but people on this site usually don't want removal like that (because it is potentiall a dead card). My stance is: Even pure creature decks like yours run crucial enchantments and artifacts, in your case Honor the Pure, Prism Term and the Sword. But ultimately only you know what your buddies typically play.

Posted 31 March 2015 at 12:00


I am still alive :)
Here is something nasty, have fun:

Posted 10 April 2015 at 14:43



please help

Posted 10 April 2015 at 14:44


To anyone still subscribing this: Please check out my newest creation:

And the offer oft this thread is still due, just ask and I will check out your deck.

Posted 03 August 2015 at 10:37


Not Sure if you still check these comments, but if you do I had a queston about the interaction between the Order of the Stars and the en-Kor ability that I use in my Stuffy Doll deck. Also someone in the comments and I had varying opinions on how the infinite damage combo plays out and I was wondering if you had any experience or wisdom on that front.


Also curious as to any insights you may have in general, and in particular I am thinking of replacing Souls of the Faultless and I have some potential replacements I was considering in the sideboard.

If you have the time, thanks!

Posted 14 April 2016 at 14:21


I never cancel subscription to my own decks, so, yes, I still check this. I will check out your deck. Please give this deck/thread a like so that other players have it easier finding their way to this. Sad but true, this "deck" has a mere 17 likes even though I already helped out dozens of players.

Posted 14 April 2016 at 15:15


Already done! :)

Posted 14 April 2016 at 15:18


Lol, love the description, made me laugh. I've been playing for a few years, and the whole time, I've worked on my Simic deck. It's goal is to be good in either 1v1 or multiplayer, but what it does is creates a huge creature, and makes it unblockable. Your help would be greatly appreciated, although I may be unable to make changes, for I have a small budget for MTG, and all of my really good U/G cards are already in the deck.

Posted 29 April 2016 at 14:55


We'll see. There are 15000+ cards out there, we'll find something you can afford.


Posted 29 April 2016 at 15:04


Whoops, sorry. Here: http://www.mtgvault.com/padfoot8181/decks/my-simic/

Posted 29 April 2016 at 15:06


What do you think about?

Posted 30 April 2016 at 06:07


I think "This is a Standard deck. Standard is the only format I don't know much about. Why does nobody read the description where I state that I am happy to help about any casual deck that is NOT Standard?"
Sorry, but I would have to study the meta and every single card of the latest editions.

Posted 30 April 2016 at 07:52


Hi Puschkin. You always have well thought out comments and advice for people's decks. If you don't mind I would really appreciate it you had a look at my two most recent decks.

Posted 30 April 2016 at 06:11


Hi, rflower. And I like to help decks with proper descriptions, like your decks have - they tell me exactly what you want to achieve, why you picked what, what is the core to work with. This is the perfect setting for me. I'll perpare a coffe, tell my wife I'll do nerd stuff for the next half an hour and check your decks ;)

Posted 30 April 2016 at 08:06


Thank you :)

Posted 30 April 2016 at 08:56


Hi puschkin, i want to make a pauper version of this deck > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx8jymaDfKs . but i don't know what to add to it besides the couple cards i've added myself. I want to cut the red part so it will be simic. Any thoughts?
Deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/mrjim/decks/delver/

Posted 04 June 2016 at 09:01


Your decklink leads into nowhere.
Also, Pauper means commons only, right? I don't know how that is supposed to work since Tarmogoyf, Force of Will are very integral to the deck and there are no replacements for those. Even Nimble Mongoose is hard to replace. And cutting red isn't a great I idea either, if you can't pave the way for your guys ... yes, you have to cut a colour because you can't support three colors but I think it would be green that should be cut.

Anyway, I need something to work with, so please post a rough draft of what you want to play or name at least the key cards your deck should be built around.

Posted 05 June 2016 at 13:00


Here is one I have been working on. Like you, I usually only multiplayer. I want a vampire deck that works well in multiplayer. Deck description has my plan thus far. http://www.mtgvault.com/biggeorge76/decks/the-children-of-the-night/

Posted 22 July 2016 at 21:26


Happy to gift you a deck review for your 222nd post :)

Posted 23 July 2016 at 09:03


Ok a tall order for you. I need your help picking one of the following decks to build. This week, I'm going to trade in a few old wastelands and Phyrexian Dreadnoughts to my local card shop for trade. I want to build a new multiplayer deck, and I can't for the life of me decide between 3 decks. So maybe you could help. Which of the three do you like best? Any improvements on them? I know its a lot but any advice will be very helpful. Here they are:

Posted 01 August 2016 at 02:46


Please give me a quick description of your meta. That's less specific decks and cards they play and more which multiplayer formats you play, how many participants you typcially have, if the card pools are older or more focussed on recent cards, if the group is aggro, controllish or comboriffic, how much diplomacy is a thing etc.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 09:36


Mostly older cards and not a lot of mass board wipe. Most decks are older cards (Darksteelish and earlier), but they will update with newer cards that fit the decks. We usually play free for all and 2 Headed Giant. Most decks are creature based, not a lot of control or combo. And diplomacy can be a thing but it usually doesn't last as they will see right through a deck thats meant to "be nice" then win with a little something. This causes them to gang up on the deck. It's usually 3-4 of us, but a few times every couple months 5-8. In those cases I try and change the format, but they insist on free for all, which (usually) makes he games take forever. With enough encouraging we have played emperor format though.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 13:00


Hello. Are you still doing the helping people with their decks thing? If so, I made a deck not too long ago that needs work. (http://www.mtgvault.com/zoakselot/decks/phyrexian-completion/) It's kind of an infect deck with a twist that uses Necroskitter to gain control of creatures. I originally made it for 1v1 casual, but I guess it could do fine in multiplayer too. It's supposed to be a little budget, but I wouldn't mind having cards up to around $20-30. The only cards that I don't want to change are Necroskitter and Crumbling Ashes. Thanks. I will now go check out some of your decks. ::_:: <-- Spiderface

Posted 05 January 2017 at 09:45


Sure, if you read this "deck", the offer is still online :)

Posted 05 January 2017 at 11:50


Hi Puschkin!
If you ever have some time, I'm trying to build 2 old school decks that will see use in a friendly old school tournament I do with my friends! It's 1-1 play, EC 93-94 format. We play with no sideboard. So cards in my sideboards are cards I thought about adding in the deck. Trying to use original decks without power.

Need a review on this one. Gaea's liege deck! Pretty complete to me, but I still wonder if it can work. Last year I used a Lord of the pit deck, but it wasn't consistent enough to win. I couldn't draw the lord when needed, so I'm afraid the same will happen with the liege!

Ok this one is strange! I'm trying to build a Kobold lock-down/Johan deck! Forget the manabase, all those duals are the "I wish I had the perfect manabase". I'll borrow a couple of them from friends and hope for the best haha!

Thanks for the help!!

Posted 01 March 2019 at 19:16


Will have a look this weekend. Oldschool FTW!

Posted 01 March 2019 at 19:22


Okay, I just couldn't force myself to butcher that poor Kobold deck, it would have broken my heart. To make up for it, I gave ALL your other decks a review. Enjoy!

Posted 03 March 2019 at 00:36
