
7 Decks, 15 Comments, 1 Reputation

That's a nice deck, and I'ma letcha finish, but this here ( ) is the greatest G/W landfall deck of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Seriously dude, no lotus cobras?

Posted 06 January 2011 at 11:07 as a comment on need help, G/W landfall


You're totally right, and I forgot about Avenger somehow (way better than the Baloths). It's a shame this deck would cost like a hajillion dollars and be only semi-competitive, because it's fun as anything.

Posted 05 January 2011 at 10:27 as a comment on Genesis Landfall


Okay, this deck MURDERS decks without removal. Genesis wave for 13 is amazing! The only problem is people tend to scoop when they see that resolve :)

Posted 05 January 2011 at 09:43 as a comment on Gwallies


BTW, just in case anyone wondered, this deck is TERRIBLE.

Posted 04 January 2011 at 12:43 as a comment on Surf Allies


Ohhh, good call. Totally didn't think of that. also protects those fragile druids.


Posted 04 January 2011 at 11:22 in reply to #112272 on Surf Allies


You're definitely right. They're replacing the Talus Paladins. Another thing I overlooked was journey to nowhere, which is WAY better than explore, since It's not a dud off of Genesis Wave.

Posted 03 January 2011 at 18:31 in reply to #112030 on Gwallies


I like the idea a lot, but I think you're SOL against non-creature decks. You might want to build a sideboard with an eye toward shifting to a control suite to side in vs Pyromancer or other control decks.

Also, can't run a blue deck w/out mana leak! Countering stuff is still really good.

Posted 03 January 2011 at 15:03 as a comment on sunblast BOOM


Could work quite well. I'd worry a bit about getting the mana consistently to cast your higher CC spells though, and running out of cards (since mostly you're 1-for-1 discarding.

What about sign in blood to help keep you flush with cards?

Posted 03 January 2011 at 14:18 as a comment on Liliana's Drawing Death (possible???)


Eh, it's by far the best removal spell available to me. For the few times I run into mono-black I'm okay with 4 dead cards that are amazing in most other matchups. Doom blade is an MVP in this deck for it's ability to kill anything while I count to 10.

Posted 03 January 2011 at 12:49 in reply to #111969 on Infectious (standard)


Thanks. Obviously the infect decks have a lot of room for improvement, but hopefully the expansions give us some new stuff to work with. Phyrexian Crusader will almost certainly make the cut over cystbearer, and may actually push this closer to mono-black.

Posted 03 January 2011 at 10:32 in reply to #111928 on Infectious (standard)


White allies are the best allies...

Posted 27 December 2010 at 17:42 as a comment on Ally deck


Probably want something to deal with elixir of immortality and eldrazi, or anything else that would put graveyards back into the library. Have you considered ravenous trap, nihil spellbomb, or the like?

Posted 17 December 2010 at 10:34 as a comment on Quick Mill Really Effective


Both good suggestions. Now updated with better sac outlets!

Posted 17 December 2010 at 10:31 in reply to #106078 on Sling, Swing, and Fling


Yeah I wasn't sure of the land count. It could be lower, but since the deck revolves around 3 cost spells to win (and ideally, more mana spent on top of that w/ magmaw and furnace), I thought it might be right. There might be room for 1-2 more spells though. Possibly a 4th magmaw.

Posted 16 December 2010 at 13:49 in reply to #106067 on Sling, Swing, and Fling
