The price of Power

by Razka on 14 December 2013

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Deck Tags

  • Mono Black
  • Life

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 1,099 times.

Mana Curve

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for The price of Power

this looks really fun to play, simply because of the confusion when you put yourself to the brink of death just to go for the final strike.
maybe a bit more lifelink, just so you can get your life back in case.
unspeakable symbol is a wicked card combined with a creature with lifelink, i shall yet have to make a deck with that^^

Posted 17 January 2014 at 19:17


Nice suggestion. A Death Shadow with a Mark of the Vampire is definitely a scary sight. What would you remove for it? Maybe bond of Agony?
Thanks for checking out my deck! If you'll ever need some advice you can call me out :)

Posted 17 January 2014 at 19:32


death shadow would probably kill himself with lifelink^^
when i looked through your cards i though you played death shadow in a combination with essence harvest and rite of consumption when you are near death. brings you back in the game and takes away a big chunk of the opponents life.
im not sure if the effects of wall of blood, unspeakable symbol and souldrinker suck on your lifepoints enough already. maybe take out some of the spells that cost you life, snuff out for example there are way better destruction spells.
bond of agony is very useless, mark of the vampire would be a good replacement.
I'm not sure about temporal extortion and toxic deluge either.
choice of damnation would be a nice card i think its a better finisher then temporal extortion and much more useful then toxic deluge.
and if you wanna go with the flavor pain's reward, you loose life, draw four cards, maybe get a death shadow and boom!
hatred is also a very versatile card, maybe get rid of rouse and go full hatred.

Posted 17 January 2014 at 20:50


This is a really cool way to play this deck, and that's interesting because I had quite different plans.
First off is the Wall of Blood / Essence Harvest combo. Pay 19 life, harvest it, you're full and opponent is at 1.
Death Shadow / Lifelink could work if you have an unspeakable symbol. If you pay the life you gained to put +1 counters on the Shadow, you can basically pump her up exponentially. Not to mention, if you put, say, 5 counters and the mark on the shadow, it's a 20/20. That means that even if you have 19 life, it will not kill itself.
Quite wicked. Lifelink was a really excellent idea, kudos to you.

Posted 17 January 2014 at 21:10


ah now i see, yeah wall of bloods 1on1 trade is quite nice. didnt see that one.
i really like the changes you made, necropotence is a great source for card draw.
and gauntlet of power gives a nice boost to death shadow and wall of blood.

Posted 17 January 2014 at 21:41


found an wesome card, dying wish.
wall of blood + dying wish + essence harves/rite of consumption = victory

Posted 24 January 2014 at 18:32


Hey man thanks for coming back :)
Dying wish is definitely great, but I fear it would be overkilling. One single Wall of Blood / Essence Harvest is game over most of the time.
Another problem is that only Rites of Consumption let me sacrifice my creature. Essence Harvest keeps it alive. It could be handy against decks with lots of creature removal tho, so I'll just sideboard it.

Anyway thanks again for your awesome ideas so far :) Please feel free to drop a couple links should you ever need assistance with anything.

Posted 24 January 2014 at 19:29
