
3 Decks, 13 Comments, 0 Reputation

i love the concept of this deck. i have made a few similar decks nyself even going back to threaten, nantuk husk and mogg war marshall, but i just cant make the deck fast enough. fun for very casual and hilarious at multiplayer("ohh i just cant draw anything but mana", sitting with your beetle out and two mark of mutiny's in your hand, and laughing on the inside.) but it is still just way too slow.

Posted 09 June 2010 at 09:32 as a comment on Gimme Dat!


i think far too often you will be sitting with no creatures to sac. it may end up having mortician sitting there as a 1/1 with his wispersilk cloak and the ability to sac him for a card

Posted 09 June 2010 at 09:04 as a comment on Deck Challenge: Mortician Beetle


i like it a lot, but...i played 6 hands out with it and found everytime i see eye of ugin it pisses me off. i cant help but think why cant you be any other card in the deck. the accel is good enough that the 2 less doesnt help and the search is worthless. i would throw another warcaller. hydra is prob superflous too but it is a fun card, something that gives more consistency would be better. otherwise very cool.

Posted 09 June 2010 at 08:50 as a comment on Eldrazi Green Post ROE


whast a pity divinity of pride isnt in standard, he would be amazing in this deck

Posted 06 May 2010 at 15:57 as a comment on OREO-LIFE-DRINKER.DOT.DEK


the duress's seem excessive, i understand the desire but i question the utility, i suppose if your meta game is heavy combos duress is a nice touch but this deck i would think is too slow, perhaps a lanowar elves and toss another forest in there

Posted 04 May 2010 at 12:06 as a comment on rats rules


add 4 marsh flats, need to be able to cast big evershrike, i would add 4 more enchantments, i would add a white protection perhaps cho manno's blessing or something of that nature, dont want evershrike sitting there waiting to come out and be unable to cast, i would also kick the batwing brumes and the zealous persecutions should be sideboard not main deck,, you have so many b/w carrds that deathbringer liege could be a champ as well

Posted 02 May 2010 at 22:33 as a comment on Gone!


perhaps sould link rather than consume spirit and perhaps a couple of vindicates? i understand the terramorphic to grab swamps so you can activate tendrils at hogher amounts but feel it would be too slow probably best to remove the tendrils all together and even out your mana base with 10 plains 8 swamps 4 marsh flats and 2 fetid heaths. i would suggest divinity of pride as a life lifelinker since that seems to be part of the theme and kick the lightkeepers and the archon. i understand the thoughts behind but feel that this is more aggro a deck than you give it credit for and rather than having them come into play to win, and have to be constantly putting things into play, card advantage being a serious issue with the deck, have a fatty like divinity of pride come out and stomp face as an 8/8 with a 24 life point swing if it gets through with sanguine bond out. celestial mantle is kind of a worthless card in the deck because if you are then getting through it shouldn't matter, aka it ends up being ridiculous overkill but i understand if tyou want to keep it. renegade is also correct that there should be 4 tidehollow scullers as well, i would kick the tainted sigil, i understand the desire , but again probably overkill and there are more efficient ways. its a shame that sculler is when it leaves play not goes to the graveyard cuz you could use your pte to get rid of a card permanently and gain a land

Posted 02 May 2010 at 21:56 as a comment on control bond


i think i must second the idea that they should be elves or zombies. i think this deck will struggle with consistency. a potential idea might be make it straight elf, add 4 thornweild archer and perhaps 4 giltleaf ambush and then a couple eyeblights endings for creatures that dont attack, will stgill give bonus for wrens run packmaster. finally add some pump, cuz while the 2 1/1s dont seem like much if you can either play an overrun or have garruk final ability go off, or even might of oaks an unblocked attacker, you can get some great damage get through, and add 4 harmonizes for draw

Posted 10 April 2010 at 21:00 as a comment on Zombie Elf Deathtouch


i feel like 4 noble hierarchs could help mana fix, i cant help but think you are gonna have some rough games mana wise currently. plus your mana curve wouldnt mind a bit of acceleration

Posted 02 April 2010 at 09:36 as a comment on bant


i feel like 7 unblockables isnt enough. if you come up against any kind of dedicated destruction, you wont be able to ever keep an unblockable creature out and if you hard cast your ninjas they wont work, well except for higure who is a champ, but will die as soon as he hits the board. I understand that is the reason for wispersilk and for cover of darkness but i would consider 1 of 2 things. first idea, put peel from reality in the deck, if someone either goes to kill you ninjas or your unblockables you can protect them and you can punish them for it at the same time. also this then serves to allow you to reninjitsu the ninja back in. idea 2 put either another play set of unblockable creatures in there, aether figment might be nice, kick it and use it as a solid blocker late game or you could throw in mininamo sight bender to make your ninjas unblockable since their power wont be that high except for ink eyes. this way you can still swing through with the ninjas not getting blocked, because the worst thing that can happen is that you have all these ninjas sitting out there and you cant have them get through. and jaremo was right bring your land count up by 1 or 2

Posted 02 April 2010 at 09:14 as a comment on Ninjas


i agree with doomblade over assassinate, also consider pulling out drudge skeltons, i know he is a champ but undead warchief would help stomp face

Posted 01 April 2010 at 23:35 as a comment on Braaaaaaaaaaaaains (FNM)


ohh yeah and you can tap prowess of the fair for heritage druid

Posted 01 April 2010 at 23:22 in reply to #59787 on Elf Warrior


umm, i think that would work, as long as you drop a land t2, heritage druid just says tap three get three green mana, as such you can then play archdruid cuz two forests and 1 llanowar. but you are also right that the deck should have arbor elves, i also wonder why no one includes fyndhorn elves. they are the exact same as llanowar except elves not elf warrior, but anyway that will give the deck some better consistency. the paragon seems very odd to me, it isnt really seeming to help, why not 4 summoners pacts, or if you want to have a chance against board wipe caller of the claw, also you could get rid of skysweeper replace with birclhlore rangers and get rid of the paragon for 4 elves of deep shadow and then remove the champions and replace with prowess of the fair.
final thought, if you are ever just messing around, immaculate magistrate with jorga ( by the way jorga should replace champion, all that mana you can multikick the hell out of him or use him when you are hard up on t2 to make sure you get the archdruid out there)

Posted 01 April 2010 at 23:21 as a comment on Elf Warrior
