
18 Decks, 8 Comments, 1 Reputation

Glad I could help! I'm sure this deck will change over time as all decks do, but a 3-1 start bodes well for the future.

Posted 01 September 2011 at 04:38 as a comment on Doomdrazi !


I really like the idea of Hell's Caretaker...I traded in a playset of them at a store back when Time Spiral came out to get some credit towards a booster box...I have yet to replace them (yes, that sound you hear is regret). Also, it is hilarious that you suggested the Balduvian Rage because that was LITERALLY the last card I cut from the deck when I was putting it together. Maybe rotate out Shunt or some of the Demonic Appetites? As always, keep the comments coming, please!

Posted 15 July 2011 at 00:02 in reply to #180995 on Mortis-ize


I think rampant growth is superior (play instead of hand, obviously) but, in this case I went with the sylvan scrying because rampant growth says "basic land" and sylvan scrying says "a land." Currently, I do not have any basic lands in the deck. Please keep the comments coming! I always like the input on my decks.

Posted 14 July 2011 at 23:57 in reply to #181008 on The Eldrazi


I have a buddy who would put isochron scepter in EVERY deck if he could...I think you've got a sweet idea there...and thanks for the props on the dizzy spell, it always seems that "transmute" is always underused in casual, legacy, and vintage, I've always thought it was awesome, though. Especially now with cards like mental misstep, lightning bolt, goblin grenade, etc. entering (or re-entering) the mix, it seems to me like the ol' dizzy spell could be useful in a lot of decks.

Posted 14 July 2011 at 23:53 in reply to #181002 on The Eldrazi


Yes, redirect is much, much better...unfortunately, I only have 1 copy of each of those cards :-/ and redirect is in another deck...if only I had money to spend on MTG like I did back in the day! I like the idea of adding ponder to the deck (or maybe preordain?) This deck changes a lot, and I'm sure (as you suggested) that some of those enchantments will rotate out of the deck...Persuasion, for example, is really just a control magic that cost always, the input is appreciated!

Posted 08 July 2011 at 00:47 in reply to #178504 on Control II

Permalink hardly qualifies as a sligh deck anymore...I think I just have to call it that for sentimental reasons. It's even in the same crappy box that the original deck was in 16 years ago, lol.

Posted 07 July 2011 at 21:07 in reply to #178224 on Sligh 2.0


thanks for the tip!

Posted 05 July 2011 at 18:28 as a comment on Oracle


Not a deck I've seen before...nicely done.

Posted 04 July 2011 at 09:07 as a comment on I love to counter my own spells
