
8 Decks, 25 Comments, 4 Reputation

blessed alliance helps vs most aggro
and some number of declaration in stone and/or descend upon the sinful in the side does wonders against zombies

personally I would recommend removing curator and going down 2 commit//memory in the main for 3 blessed but without testing I couldnt say for certain

Posted 18 May 2017 at 22:54 as a comment on U/W control


Bloody Esper.... personal preference on the name

Posted 20 November 2015 at 19:10 as a comment on Esper Red Dragonlords


I'm assuming it's supposed to be mystic monastery not sandsteppe citadel
deck looks good, I personally feel digs should be main
possibly also balancing between radiant flames and the other wipes in the main something like 2 radiants and 2 ends boarding to 4 radiants vs aggro or 2ends+2outburst vs midrange?

I assume the lack of fetches and Jace, is due to price.

without use of fetches I wouldn't recommend the new lands so instead battlefield forge and shivan reef could do wonders for you mana base stability.

just my 2cents, take it how you will ~shadow

Posted 04 November 2015 at 00:29 in reply to #566737 on Jeskai control


currently it feels a bit heavy on wincons, and a little low on control (might just be me)
-1 elspeth (3 is a bit much)
-1 narset (good but doesn't do much by itself)
-1 end hostilities (to side)
-1 haven (only for ugins)
-1 ugin (1 is good)
-1 secure the waste (can be a blow out but not always something you want to see)
-1 dig (I feel 3 is enough I might be wrong)
-1 myth (its good but not great, I wasn't tempted to suggest removing 2 and leaving secure in)
+1 command (good control card)
+3 clash of wills (good for stopping that t2 caryatid or any tap-out/near tap-out plays)
+1 keranos(from side)(I know I said too many finishers but this also provides card advantage)
+3 valorous stance or lightning strike or negates from the side putting either vstance or lstrike in the side
(strike is good against aggro, stance against mid, negate against control so its meta based)
just my thoughts, take them how you will
(or don't take them I haven't played with the deck it might be amazing my advise is purely based on personal opinion)

Posted 19 July 2015 at 03:04 as a comment on Oops, no Creatures!


hmm, I feel I should point out alot of my choices are based on what I expirienced in my local meta, and as such should be taken with a grain of salt.
here is my current list for refrence aswell
<a href="">Jeskia Tokens</a>

Posted 17 April 2015 at 04:57 in reply to #546020 on Jeskai Tokens FNM Help!!


alright lets talk about those anticipates, they seem good at first glance but they are not, you are better off with magma jets/dragon fodder.
dragon fodder is straight up better than hordling outburst.
secure the waste is alright, i would personnaly bring it down to a 2 of (at 3 mana its a bad Raise)
i personally prefer a 2:2 split of cruise and dig
lastly big green can get out of hand on the board, i like to keep 1 End main
-3 anticipate
-2 secure the waste
-1 hordling outburst
-2 treasure cruise
+3 dragon fodder
+3 magma jets
+2 dig through time
(i would also drop a temple of E for an end hostilities in the main)
mantis is great, the ground game tends to get clogged in the mirror or even vs big green, and it takes pressure off of your tokens
in almost any instance where i can see glare being useful, erase is purely better, and with V-Stance, you take care of what erase doesn't
i would bump up to 2 ends
(negate vs disdainful is a meta choice, negate helps vs control while disdain more vs midrange)
another option is to oust the 2 v-stances in the side for negates
-3 anticipate
-2 secure the waste
-1 hordling outburst
-2 treasure cruise
+3 dragon fodder
+3 magma jets
+2 dig through time
(i would also drop a temple of E for an end hostilities in the main)
- 2 glare of herasy
+1 erase
+1 end hostilites

Posted 17 April 2015 at 04:43 as a comment on Jeskai Tokens FNM Help!!


with this burn package and being a tri-color deck i find 20-22 lands to be the sweet spot....
now if dissolve is only really there for kill spells, negate is a much more mana base friendly option ( 1U vs 1UU )...
I would normally advocate treasure cruise over dig ( xU vs xUU ) but without the looting capabilities of ascendancy going 7 cards deep is probably the better choice... banashing light feels unnecessary and a tad clunky but i do see the need for the removal on thing outside of the burn range, possibly valorus stance could be a better pick since it could protect the soulfire in some cases...
all this said, as i stated before 20-22 lands seem to be the sweet spot and the only thing i can justify removing would be the swiftspears....

-3 dissolve
-4 swiftspear
-2 banashing light
+2 valorus stance
+4 negate
+1 seeker

jeskai ascendancy would really make soulfire just that much more powerfull but if we go that way you may aswell just run:

Posted 17 February 2015 at 06:07 as a comment on Jeskai "Soulfire" Burn


hey can you check out my mono blue: <a href=""></a>

Posted 09 September 2014 at 03:01 in reply to #501160 on White Weenie Soldiers


it's not terrible, here are my thoughts:
why not build off of this white weenie soldier thing we got going

+4 paragon of new dawns
-2 obelisk of urd
-2 eidolon of countless battles
+3 oppressive rays
-3 banishing light (move to sb)
+1 hall of triumph
-1 nyx-fleece ram
+4 devouring light (move to main)
-4 plains (you don't need more than 20 with this low curve)(highest is 4cc now)

stays at 60 in main

lets fix sb now:

4x pillar of light
4x ajani's presence
4x banishing light
+2 archetype of courage
+1 brave the elements (although this is cycling out of standard)

Posted 07 September 2014 at 08:03 in reply to #501160 on White Weenie Soldiers


My favorite part is that nothing here is going to cycle out on rotation

I would replace Solemn Offering with Revoke Existence
while 1 mana for 4 life is great, revoke gets rid of gods and Darksteel Citadels (they are a problem with Nissa) as well as everything solemn would remove

Posted 02 September 2014 at 19:31 as a comment on B/W Life Gain


you need to add 4 cards (currently 56)
aside from that you might want to fix the land base a little bit it seems like it would be more dependent on having open mountains than swamps so R > B on the lands
I'd offer advise on what to add and what not but I've been away from the game for 2 years and I'm just coming back

Posted 27 August 2014 at 04:13 as a comment on [Budget] Rakdos Aggro


haha actually what i meant is how does it do against other decks not how-to play it lol

Posted 03 June 2013 at 23:51 in reply to #360657 on Izzet Machinations


look brilliant but how does it play?

Posted 02 June 2013 at 21:52 as a comment on Izzet Machinations


So any suggestions?

Posted 03 August 2011 at 22:01 as a comment on aggro vamps


hmm.... well it's a good deck not sure what i would suggest for improvements (nothing really pops out at me) give me a day or two, so i can see if my friend has any input

Posted 06 May 2011 at 03:33 in reply to #159936 on Tangled up in the Unlife


i posted too fast.... just realized you would need to protect the enchantments some how.... hmm...

Posted 05 May 2011 at 05:08 in reply to #159806 on Tangled up in the Unlife


"Melira, Sylvok Outcast" + "Phyrexian Unlife" + "Asceticism" = a win (unless they cast "all is dust" i guess)
I don't know if you saw that or not just thought I'd point it out just in case...

Posted 05 May 2011 at 05:05 as a comment on Tangled up in the Unlife


i dont see any artifacts so:
-galvanic blast
+Lightning Bolt
or (i personally dont prefer planes walkers so):
-galvanic blast
-Liliana Vess
+2 "something" (hexmage mabye)
just a thought

Posted 03 April 2011 at 07:09 in reply to #144882 on B/R Vampires


I'll see how it goes this weekend

Posted 02 March 2011 at 17:33 in reply to #132901 on aggro vamps


no ideas what so ever..... honestly i need to catch up on sleep cause between school and work I've gotten 1 -2 hours of sleep a night for the past week.... I'll see what i can come up with and get back to you

Posted 02 March 2011 at 17:31 in reply to #132876 on American Myr


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