
7 Decks, 67 Comments, 10 Reputation

If you're willing to spend some more money,

-4 Silence
+4 Orim's Chant

Even if you cast the card through Scepter, you can still pay the kicker (though it costs 3 all together) to stop all aggression as well as spells.

Posted 08 March 2012 at 22:02 as a comment on Iso Classic Control [LEGACY]


Trow is culling fodder, and also allows me to pact for a black creature for Chrome Mox. Witness is an extremely situational card, but with pact+LED lets me get a card back from my grave. This is typically done late in the chain when I have tons of mana floating and I normally end up getting the Slithermuse back.

Posted 21 December 2011 at 05:02 in reply to #222338 on Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition!


As someone who just spent the past week fooling around with affinity decks, I feel I could be of assistance. First of all, Inkmoth Nexus is just awful. It's the only card you have with infect, so infect becomes weaker than actual damage. DotV+Ravager can still work, but DotV is useless without Ravager, and there are more consistent ways to win. I'm personally not a fan of Ravager at all, but some people are and to each his own, I just don't like the anti-synergy it has with Cranial Plating. Let's get to the manabase. Typically, affinity decks will use Darksteel Citadel as a pseudo-basic. Also, Ancient Tomb is useful as an accelerant and Glimmervoid gives us a 5C source. Since these aren't artifacts, you typically don't want more than 2-3 of them, but they normally help, especially against Null Rod. Also, Vault Skirge is a must. It pays for itself in 2 attacks, and is just ridiculous with plating. Finally, a lot of people like Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas and Master of Etherium as win conditions. I'm personally not a fan of either, but Tezz is a "Next turn I win" button, and MoE is ridiculously huge for 3 mana and buffs all your other guys.

Posted 21 December 2011 at 04:59 as a comment on Legacy Affinity Aggro


Kokusho has to be put into the graveyard from play to trigger, not from anywhere, so you can't mill it from your library. Honestly, the best way to abuse him is with Dragonstorm, putting all 4 into play at once then legend ruling them into the grave.

Posted 17 December 2011 at 17:36 as a comment on Magic's Black Dragon


I'd recommend you splash green for Wild Nacatl.

Posted 17 December 2011 at 06:03 as a comment on one drops.


The Tarn is probably for deck thinning, and Fireblast is better than Bolt in a lot of cases as it lets you play any spells you need to, and still kill your opponent with no mana open.

Posted 14 December 2011 at 03:46 in reply to #221547 on Goblins


Yup that's how it works. Also, makes it so you essentially autowin against dredge and reanimator if you get out leyline.

Posted 25 November 2011 at 04:26 as a comment on Combo Crazy Deck


This used to be a thing during extended. Works somewhat well in Legacy, along with Cascabalance. Also, Emrakul and Progenitus are necessary, and Show and Tell allows for you to have a secondary win condition if you don't have a cascade spell in hand.

Posted 24 November 2011 at 05:30 as a comment on Hypergenesizing: the new procreation


Leyline of the Void+Helm of Obedience.

Posted 24 November 2011 at 02:18 as a comment on Combo Crazy Deck


Banefire is better than Fireball. Also, there is already a deck type called Spanish Iquisition, which is a storm combo deck that wins through Tendrils of Agony, and uses very few creatures, so I'd recomend you change the name to something else.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 21:06 as a comment on The Spanish Inquisition


Null Rod is pretty awesome.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 00:10 as a comment on Awsome flavor texts.


Null Rod is pretty awesome.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 00:03 as a comment on Awsome flavor texts.


Hmm I'm curious as to how Ghost Quarter would do in this. You can use it on one of your own tapped lands, add 2 more lands to your graveyard, giving Knight of the Reliquary +2/+2 and get an untapped land out of it. Just a thought and I haven't tested it, but you might want to consider it. Also, Green/White/Blue is traditionally called Bant, just saying in case you want to save some time typing.

Posted 12 November 2011 at 22:58 as a comment on [MODERN] Bant


That is what an Enchantress deck should be like. This is entirely different from an Enchantress deck.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 20:19 as a comment on Enchantress


Pretty sure the only creature this works with is Ball Lightning, in this deck at least. The other 3 state at the end of the turn, not during the end step.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 02:47 as a comment on [Ruling Help] Sundial Aggro Burn


From my knowledge of EDH, Sliver Overlord makes a better general than Sliver Queen anyways, unless you're going for some kind of insane combo deck.

Posted 08 November 2011 at 01:03 as a comment on Slivers Commander


Show and Tell will let you get Niv-Mizzet into play faster.

Posted 05 November 2011 at 17:12 as a comment on Fireminded



Subliminal messaging.

Posted 04 November 2011 at 03:40 as a comment on Illegal first turn


First problem, Myr Enforcer is too slow for Legacy. He is a 4/4 and you will likely only have to pay 2/3 to get him out, but creatures like Goyf and KotR are consistently bigger than him. With the 3 extra slots, I would recommend an extra Mox Opal, as with Ravager it doesn't matter that it's legendary as you can sac it if you get extras, an extra Memnite as it's never a dead draw, and an Ancient Tomb as it allows you to be even faster than you already are. I would also cut a Glimmervoid for another Ancient Tomb since you rarely need more than 1 colored mana, and they both play around Null Rod.

Posted 31 October 2011 at 01:13 as a comment on Constructed - Tezzeret Affinity - Legacy


This seems like what you're trying to do. What happens with Stax is that you use cards like Trinisphere (Making all their spells cost at least 3 mana) and Chalice of the Void (Countering all their one drops) to stop them from playing anything, and then you play Smokestack and Armegeddon to slowly kill all of their stuff.

Posted 30 October 2011 at 19:11 as a comment on Stop Right There!


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