
11 Decks, 8 Comments, 2 Reputation


Posted 05 February 2015 at 10:05 as a comment on artifact deck


kill yourself

Posted 29 October 2014 at 08:41 in reply to #513898 on Black/White Tokens (the squad)


Went to a serious FNM the other night, tournament report is as follows:
Round 1: R/G tron
Game 1: Cast a turn 1 thoughtseize taking a wurmcoil, nervousness causes me to dismiss a pyroclasm in his hand and I stupidly run a procession into it. I cast bitterblossom but it turns out to be a moot point before he begins beating me down with wurmcoil. He gets enough urzas to cast an Emrakul and finishes the game there.
Game 2: I honestly can't remember too much but I do win this game
Game 3: I open the game with two inquisitions, taking two natures claims from his opening hand. The opponent hits a turn 3 Karn and I exile a land from my hand. He exiles some other cards before I lay down a windbrisk heights, exiling an inquisition and passing. This seems to spook him greatly, causing him to plus the Karn, exiling a smother from my hand and then he pulls the trigger on an oblivion stone, and then ghost quartering the windbrisk. A seriously good start to the game for me. I lay down some enchantments, put my tokens above clasm range and beat him down. Even with a late wurmcoil engine on his side it's still too much damage and I take the game and match.

Round 2: B/W token mirror
This guy was running the modern event deck with some tweaks from his personal collection. This game was a blur somewhat, to be honest. It seemed very dependant on tempo, as whoever went first at the beginning of each game ended up winning. I had a real chance of winning game 3 but getting stuck on 2 lands, and an untimely vault of the archangel (no third white mana source for spectral procession) resulted in a quick loss.

Round 3: Grixis Delver
This was an embarrassing match. First time ever against Young Pyromancer and it showed. I can't remember most of these games either, but I do recall some bad thoughtseize targets (snapcaster instead of pyromancer) ends up with him resolving a shitload of spells, making degenerate amounts of tokens and swinging for the win. In this game I learnt that Treasure Cruise and Young Pyromancer are not to be trifled with, and Zealous Persecution might even make mainboard status. Two of my friends playing that night played against 2 separate delver decks, meaning that this meta is real delver heavy. Persecution seems like the optimal answer to pyromancer, snapcaster and unflipped delvers.

Round 4: UWR Control
Game 1: Opponent resolves an early Geist, I have an amazing start with anthems and token generators. We have a very quick race, and am put onto 9 health very quickly. He makes an attack with the geist while i'm tapped out, and before I declare no blockers I realize that this attack will put me onto 3, an exceptionally scary number against an opponent with untapped mountains. I slaughter pact the angel (really nice surprise value here, I was tapped out) and I take the game.
Game 2: Nothing much to say here. I thoughtseize an anger of the gods from his hand and go to town safely.

Ended up winning 2 rounds losing two. The deck is weak to other decks that can swarm the board safely and disrupt my own threats (i.e. Delver) I want to shore up this matchup my maindecking two zealous persecutions, which I'll probably sort out in the near future.

Posted 23 October 2014 at 16:21 as a comment on Black/White Tokens (the squad)


Yeah just a brew so far, I'm looking to put in a sideboard but I just got sidetracked. I wasn't sure about smallpox since I thought I'd be proactively dealing with creatures with my targeted discard in the first place, but I'll consider it. Thinking about it, it seems with Waste Not on the field it's simply an unfair card. Thanks for the feedback

Posted 02 August 2014 at 11:02 in reply to #489865 on Proactive discard
