Knights of the Round Table

by Soldier333 on 10 April 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (11 cards)

Creatures (2)

Instants (3)

Enchantments (2)

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Deck Description

Gather around the round table!

Deck Tags

  • Knight
  • Modern
  • Competitive
  • Round Table

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,468 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Knights of the Round Table

Now, we need is King Arthur...
And there is room for one, single card...
Darien, King of Kjeldor? (Purely for flavor.)

Posted 10 April 2014 at 19:53


hahaha the king arthur of this deck or (queen arthur) is Elsepth, idk a girl name for arthur...? is there one?

Posted 10 April 2014 at 20:01


Need some ideas for a decent sideboard... any ideas PEOPLES?!

Posted 11 April 2014 at 02:58


Honor of the Pure?

Posted 11 April 2014 at 05:57


Try adding some more defense against blue or red. I like the circle of protection. Some other great cards are fiendslayer paladin, kor firewalker, or silence. Other than that ... I got nothing.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 14:05


Ohh, you have the most awesome name here dude!
The Knight of Hokey Pokey is absolutely my favourite card from those "Un-sets"!

New around here?

Posted 14 April 2014 at 14:07


This is my second account. I quit my old one to choose an awesome name, plus my old account was bad luck. I did this 2 hr long research into green removal spells for a gnarly modern tree folk deck - which you should check out btw - and it logged me out right before I hit post. What's worse, my computer shut down unexpectedly and corrupted my notepad backup file. =(.

I learned the ropes from my dad's gen 2 decks (circles of protection, then started in M12. Still trying to catch up on all those fun years I missed.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 14:50


And for the record, Northern Paladin is my favorite card - he trolls black decks with his 2 White + tap, "destroy target black creature". Plus, you can call him Aragon like my dad did ... wow, thanks for the reminder NorthernWarrior! Make Aragon, err Northern Paladin, your king! And you may call me K-HP.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 14:57


Keep Elspeth, she's a kick ass Galadriel! Maybe you can add Gimili and Legolas too =).

Posted 14 April 2014 at 14:59


I am here to offer suggestions. I made a mono-white knight aggro deck about the same day as you! Your engine - knight exemplar & brave the elements - is solid beyond belief. Trade out oblivion ring or just take the cap up to 70, so you can include 4 honor of the pure.
It fits nicely into this deck. If you have the cash, try Konda's Banner as well or instead.

As for creatures, Student of Warfare and Hero of Bladehold are beasts. I suggest you replace Knight of Meadowgrain with either Knight of the White Orchard for synergy with Path to Exile or Knight of the Holy Nimbus simply because he is freaking AWESOME. Plus, he works well to soak up attacks (he has free regen and flanking) and with Pithing Needle (which takes away his ability to lose his regen).

Truly ridiculous cards in this deck ... armored ascension, serra's blessing, fortify, righteousness ... basically any card that unexpectedly buffs your creatures with double strike, which is potentially ALL OF THEM. If you are into artifacts ... sword of war and peace, sword of body and mind, sword of feast and famine, 2 more similarly awesome swords I can't think of, banshee blade, or sword/shield/helm of Kaldra.

*pause to clear foaming mouth*

Also, think about adding a flying knight. I suggest Leonin Skyhunter, Skyhunter Skirmisher, or Benalish Knight. Alright, the last one isn't flying, but has flash.

Happy Deck Buildng! Take a look at my deck, Good (K) night!

Posted 14 April 2014 at 14:35

Great article on equipment.
And Umezawa's Jitte is awesome a creature with double strike.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 15:35


Thank you for the suggestions, once i can afford one of the swords i'll add it in, as for taking the deck to 70 cards im gonna keep it at 60 for now, and oblivion ring is so underrated it forces an opponent to waste a counter on it if it doesnt want to see one of its permanents washed away, but i do like honor of the pure i will take a good look into that. Thank you very much

Posted 14 April 2014 at 16:51


Unless your planning on adding something for nyxthos to ramp into, go ahead and remove it.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 16:07


Yeah im going to remove them just havent decided on either adding 2 more plains maybe or something else, thanks.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 16:50


Add Knight of the White Orchard in place of Knight of Meadowgrain. If you go second, play on turn 3, before you play a land. Then play a land in the second main phase, resulting in 2 unused lands, and cast another 2 CMC Knight. Combined with a 2 CMC knight on turn 2 and possibly student of warfare, that's 7 devotion on turn 4. Play Nykthos next turn, and that's 9 + whatever devotion you get from casting creatures this turn mana on turn 4 (7 from Nyhthos + 4 from land - 2 Nykthos cost). Dude, that's EPIC. I mean, even if you get 6 mana on turn 4 that's really good. And it's sustainable. And what if you get another Nykthos.

To use all that mana, I suggest you drop in an instant/sorcery with x in it's cost, since it's flexible. If that's not your thing, add some serious draw. Or maybe some deck search with beefy creatures like Pentarch Paladin, beefy enchantments like Conviction of the Pure (lol, everybody gets double strike and lifelink), or beefy equipment like darksteel plate.

Now, if you do drop Nykthos, I suggest you capitalize on the indestructibility of your creatures. Pop in green, so you can have Knight of the Reliquary and Indrik Umbra (this + Mr. Holy Nimbus w/ regen and flanking = mass murder of tokens and even creatures + an even harder to kill 6/6 with auto regen, first strike, and regen from sacrificing the armor if you ever need to). For the lulz, Day of Judgement or Hour of Reckoning or Catastrophe or any other similar card (search MTG gatherer for white cards with text "destroy all creatures") Bring along Indestructibility if you choose the latter. If you bring along Indestructibility, make sure to consider Champion of the Parish as well.

I also suggest that defense against milling is added in the sideboard - Elixir of Life - and some more global enchantments - Serra's Blessing - are added. These cards will really make your deck shine.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 17:04


Thank you again, well lets break this deck down :)

After play testing i do extremely well against aggro, i beat its face in tbh, all my guys have first or double strike and are beefy so i eat there creatures up then finish pretty fast,

Control: If i can get a student of warfare out i usually can ping them to death especially if i can protect it with a brave the elements if they try to remove it. Otherwise i usually can outlast them and win.

Now Knight of the white orchid does sound like a great card, i think im gonna remove of the nykthos and add 2 of them, i did consider champion of the parish but i love student of warfare as my 1 drop, and for adding in green i am going to consider it just gotta play around with the build a little :)

Thank you again for your suggestions:)

Posted 14 April 2014 at 17:09


07 happy to help. Trust me though, if you find an outlet for Nykthos, this deck is over the top. And don't forget to add a creature with flying.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 20:31


made some additions, lemme know what you think

Posted 14 April 2014 at 17:18


Hmm, now that you are not mono white devotion, replace/sideboard mirran crusader for knight of the Reliquary.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 20:34


And Indrik Umbra.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 21:28


A card I love that you could use is Coat of Arms.

Posted 31 May 2014 at 03:00
