
9 Decks, 50 Comments, 11 Reputation

Some very interesting informat

Posted 21 June 2012 at 06:06 as a comment on Esper Artifacts


I think you will find, in the comment section...

Posted 21 June 2012 at 06:05 as a comment on Esper Artifacts


Hey, check out this link...

Posted 21 June 2012 at 06:04 as a comment on Esper Artifacts


Sometimes my cat tells me lies... I know he's lying because, well, why wouldn't he?

Posted 21 June 2012 at 06:00 as a comment on The Test of the Like, Complete.


Just posted, 'Luminarch Ascending'

Posted 21 June 2012 at 04:22 as a comment on Control without blue [help appreciated]


Give me a day or two to post it. I'll let you know in this comment section when it's up.

Posted 21 June 2012 at 03:38 as a comment on Control without blue [help appreciated]


When i started playing with Luminarch Ascension, initially I was misplaying the "add a counter" rule. Life gain doesn't counter loss of life in a turn. If you take 3 damage, but gain 3 life and you technically didn't lose life at the end of the turn, any one point of damage will stop the counter from being added in the end step. Not sure if this applies, but it happened to me so I fgured I would share.
I happen to think Luminarch Ascension is a great Enchantment. I like it so much that I built a whole deck around it! Be careful if your opponents discover Ratchet Bomb!! A sacrificed Ratchet Bomb with 0 counters on it will wipe the board of any and all token creatures as they have a CMC of 0. I ran a BW token deck in standard for a while and it's something to look out for as it can be cast and sac'd right away.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 18:47 as a comment on Control without blue [help appreciated]


You know what goes great with Undying? Black Sun's Zenith! The ruling on +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on the same creature is that they cancel each other out. With Black Sun's Zenith you could sweep the board and all of your Undying creatures that had +1/+1 counters on them would all regain their Undying ability. Since you are running some black, it should be a great fit.

I currently only run one Undying creature in my deck. If you have a minute check it out and give me some feedback.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 18:24 as a comment on no dying allowed


You should also get 4 Seachrome Coast. They're still standard legal until Fall.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 18:08 as a comment on W/u DELVER needs help


This is definitely a powerhouse list. I don't play this super-annoying deck myself, but have played against it A LOT. Here's how it works... You ideally want Delver of Secrets and at least one Ponder in your opening hand. Turn 1, play island, Delver of Secrets and maybe a Git Probe for 2 life. Turn 2, Set down your hand and pick up your draw, so as to keep it seperate until you determine if you have the trigger to flip Delver (do this every draw until Delver flips). Any instant or sorcery will do. If you draw a non-instant, non-sorcery your turn 2 will be play Ponder to set up your turn three draw to flip Delver. If you are really lucky you will also be able to cast a second Delver of Secrets and both will flip on your turn 3 draw. After that you just use Vapor Snag, Gut Shot and Mana Leak to clear the way for/protect your Insectile nasties. Oh, and with Snapcaster Mage you just repeat any of these spells from your graveyard. The Restoration Angel is a great 3/4 flyer you can cast at instant speed on any turn and her Enter the Battlefield ability is great to bounce Snapcaster and reallly abuse his EtB abilty! The Geist of St Traft is really just amazing, especially when you get it out on turn 3 or 4 and use your counter/removal to just beat face with him and his Angel buddy. This deck is dominating standard currently, so put together a good sideboard and you're all set.

Hope my comments helped! If you have a minute check out my current standard deck and give me some feedback. Thanks!

Posted 20 June 2012 at 18:07 as a comment on W/u DELVER needs help


Here's what i would do. I would look at Fiend Hunter and ask myself why i need him when I have 4 O Ring and 4 Journey to Nowhere? Then i would look at Lightning Mauler. His soulbond ability is fantastic! Especially with a creature like Vexing Devil. I have to agree that Dominus of Fealty may not be the best choice, given the 5 red casting cost. I think Zealous Conscripts might be a better 5 drop instead. Sure you only get the "gain control" ability when they come into play, but how many times do you really need to do that before it's game over? I also think Luminarch Ascension is a little weak in this deck. Given the approach of the deck my guess is you draw a lot of hate. How often are you able to go 4 of your opponents turns without taking at least a point of damage? My replacement suggestion may seem a little out of left field, but just hear me out... Gisela, Blade of Goldnight! With her 7 CMC, and legendary status, 2 is the perfect number to run. Now cosider casting her with an upaired Lightning Mauler in play... enough said. Lastly, I would consider Act of Aggression over Act of Treason. It costs 2 more, but it's Phyrexian red, and more importantly, it's an opposed to Treason which is a Sorcery. In my opinion this difference could be a game changer.
Hope my ideas have given you some food for thought. If you have some time take a look at my current standard deck and let me know what you think.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 08:07 as a comment on Control without blue [help appreciated]


I might consider adding Sol Ring and some Mox Opals. Potential turn one: play a land, tap it to cast Sol Ring. use Sol Ring for 2 colorless to cast Painter's Servant. Play Mox Opal for 0, tap for one mana to cast Grindstone. I can't think of a faster way, without spending big money on old-school Mox Jewels and a Black Lotus.
Hope my idea gave you some food-for-thought. If you have a minute take a look at my current standard deck and share your thoughts...

Posted 20 June 2012 at 07:08 as a comment on Epic Mill!


If you have 2 Knight Exemplars in play they protect each other. Unless someone exiles one you're all good!

Posted 20 June 2012 at 06:56 in reply to #266448 on Exemplary Knights


You should know that Death Baron is not standard-legal. I only mention it because the rest of the deck appears to be, and if you are going to run this in a tournament, or at FNM, it will need to be.
Other than that, I might consider adding the fourth Geralf's Messenger and possibly adding something like Mortarpod so you can sac the Messenger for 1 to your opponents face, trigger the Undying ability, bringing back a bigger Messenger and 2 more to the face!
Hope my thoughts gave you something to chew on. If you have a minute check out my current standard deck and let me know what you think...

Posted 20 June 2012 at 06:52 as a comment on ZOMBIES!!! THEY ARE BACK


I might consider taking out Dead Weight altogether and replacing it with Vampire Interloper. It's a 2-drop, so it won't mess with the curve too much. Not to mention a 2/1 flyer for 2 mana is pretty nice. Another spell to look at is Bump in the Night. It's a 1-drop. Basically black direct damage. And, though the flashback is a little expensive, late-game it could be the difference.
Hope my suggestions provided some food-for-thought. If you have some time, please check out my current standard deck and let me know what you think!

Posted 20 June 2012 at 06:27 as a comment on RTR Standard Vampires Pro Deck


Like I told you earlier today, this deck is legit. In standard right now the deck is running Ranger's Guile, but I love Vines of Vastwood! It is a superior choice, given your lack of restrictions and multi-player format. You are also running Distortion Strike where standard is running Artful Dodge. Again, i feel you have a better spell in D Strike with it's +1/+0 bonus. I would definitely drop the solo pike for a 4th Livewire Lash, as we talked about earlier. Also, consider Natural Predation. Perhaps in place of Groundswell. Groundswell is a nice spell, but with Vines of Vastwood you already have a spelll that pumps +4/+4. While Natural Predation only gives +1/+1, the trample effect could be a game-changer. I would also consider running the full set of Wild Defiance. With such a low curve, you could even drop to 21 lands (lose 1 Forest and 1 Island) and be just fine, so as to not lose any creatures or spells. Another possible addition could be Gutshot. It's phyrexian mana cost makes it a great fit in this build. With Wild Defiance out you could even Gutshot your own creature just to make it bigger withhout needing to spend any mana! All in all I this is a great deck, and I love that you're running it! Hope my suggestions helped make it even more brutal! :)

Posted 20 June 2012 at 05:37 as a comment on Simic Syphilis


Thanks. I actually was only able to get my hands on one at the time I put this together. I haven't playtested this deck yet, so it may prove that you are correct. Time will tell...

Posted 19 June 2012 at 04:31 in reply to #265928 on Rippling Relentless Rats...


I remember this deck well, my friend! It has defeated me, and countless others, many times over the years. And now you've gone and added Tezz. Anyone who doubts the devastation this deck can wreak should sleeve it up and give it a try! Warning: not for the novice player, this deck requires skill and patience to pilot successfully, as I'm sure it's builder can attest to. But used correctly it can become a juggernaut, an unstoppable force, sure to drive your opponents mad! And I say that as one of the driven!!!

Posted 19 June 2012 at 01:37 as a comment on Esper Artifacts


Pristine Talisman is just amazing. It ramps, it gains you life, in this deck it really shines. If you're in a meta with a lot of burn, I might suggest Witchbane Orb. That shuts down all direct damage against you. It won't save Tezzeret, but he's not the only way the deck wins. I find the beauty of this build to be that it's really interchangeable. Most of the 1-drop artifacts are in there because ot the specific decks I face at my local FNM. But, you can use almost any artifacts in those slots. I've even considered a 1-of Omen Machine to slow down all the draw/control out I said, choose what works best for your situation and go with that. If you're not limited to the Standard format (like I am), then your options are endless...

Posted 18 June 2012 at 23:51 in reply to #265476 on Tezzeret control


Also, Tezzeret shows up on turn 4 and makes a 5/5 beater that usually draws the burn away from me. I only need a couple turns before the deck gets out of hand. Also an unchecked Tezzeret can ultimate for 4 loyalty counters and I can have 4-7 artifacts out by then which provides some substantial life gain.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 04:39 as a comment on Tezzeret control


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