
15 Decks, 23 Comments, 0 Reputation

It seems like you only way to win is to get deep-sea kraken into play. That's a problem. You can't count on one card to win all your games, and as far as I can tell, you really have no other ways to win games. Kraken comes into play rather late, assuming you even draw it. It is okay as a finisher of sorts, but if you really want to revolve a deck around, at least use draw spells to get it. So, until the kraken comes out, those shapeshifters aren't going to do much.

Posted 20 August 2008 at 17:16 as a comment on delete


15 land? You can't be serious. You won't be able to play 33 creatures with 15 forests. I know you have mana producing creatures, but you won't be able to play them with 15 land. start with 23 forest, 4 llanowar elves, 4 wren's run vanquisher, and 4 imperious perfect, then add what you want.

Posted 20 August 2008 at 02:28 as a comment on TOKEN TOKEN TOKEN


fertile ground is unnecessary. Instead add a forest, one more colossus, and wren's run vanquisher.

Posted 19 August 2008 at 00:59 as a comment on Elf Rock


I agree with Royal Assassin. Also Mortivore from tenth works nicely in any assassin deck.

Posted 18 August 2008 at 18:15 as a comment on rebel assassin


First off, MORE LAND!!!!! Boggart Ram-Gang sucks on turn FIVE!!! Also, unless you are on a budget, add magus of the moon, figure of destiny, and demigod of revenge. Those equal a real win scenario.

Posted 17 August 2008 at 18:37 as a comment on


might as well just play green black elves

it's tried and true and AWESOME!!!!!!!

Posted 17 August 2008 at 02:38 as a comment on Elves Pumping


Seeing how this deck isn't standard anyway.....

grindstone+painter's servant

That's all you need

(tinker, artifact lands and counter spells are used to buy time)

Posted 17 August 2008 at 02:36 as a comment on MonoBlue Mill


I like the idea. I'm looking into it myself. Only I'm thinking of puncture blast and flame jab for my burn. Yes I said flame jab. With the Liege out it can flame javelin for 1 red mana and discarding a land. Still not sure how this would fare but that's what I think. I just don't see flame javelin being efficient in a R/W deck.

Posted 16 August 2008 at 04:27 as a comment on


(Cont.) Although Garruk being able to untap two land when coming into play is probably really helpful for this deck. Also, the sideboard is designed to shut down faeries (who else), or even a possibly a demigod deck, which I saw recently and was amazed by. The terrors are there to replace eyeblight's ending in game two if there are no black or artifacts cards in my opponent's deck.

Posted 15 June 2008 at 22:48 as a comment on Elvish Steroids


Before somebody comments about this, I know I should maybe have 4 garruk's and 2 overrun's. However, garruk is just way two expensive (in terms of actual money, not mana). Also, Garruk can be countered when it is played, or be attacked next turn and die (let's face it, somebody sees a Garruk on the board and they do anything to kill it). Overrun, on the other hand, can only be countered when playing, if it resolves there, there are no if ands or buts.

Posted 15 June 2008 at 22:45 as a comment on Elvish Steroids


Yea, the counter spells and removal could be great to clear the board while you build mana for your game winning creature, but there doesn't really seem like an efficient way to win here. Add something big. Also, I know from personal experience that dash hopes sucks. I thought it would be great when I saw it, then I realized when I am truly counting on a counter spell, m opponent will usually just take the five life.

Posted 12 June 2008 at 02:36 as a comment on Cant touch this


(CONT.) I would run 2-3 overruns, seeing how its the backbone of you deck. Primal command and Wurm's tooth are both great cards, but won't do you any good with just 1 of each. Also, I don't like recollect in this deck, and I would replace doors of destinies with coat of arms. Play test a lot, and try to cut "random cards" that are cool, but you wouldn't play over similar costing cards. Then replace those with more of the other. Just try to cut it down I guess.

Posted 24 May 2008 at 19:45 as a comment on Trample Trample


couple things. I really like the idea. But, you seem a little all over the place. Generally as a rule you want 60 cars in a deck, you are allowed to have more, but having 60 allows for a better chance to get the cards you really want (so fill your deck with a=only worth while cards). So, having 1 of a card is not a good idea, unless you have search. Also, you probably want 24 forests in this deck (more if you run the 66 cards).

Posted 24 May 2008 at 19:40 as a comment on Trample Trample


In response to Blu3_s0ul saying that you need creatures tapped first, when creatures attack, they tap. Sooooooooo.....

Posted 16 May 2008 at 01:54 as a comment on Assassin deck


Journeyer's kite is pointless, you have no basic land here, just artifact land. Infused arrows isn't a great card in my opinion. Also, throw in some more high mana beasts, particularly Darksteel colossus, because those cards would work great with fist of suns. However, you need more low mana creatures. The ones you have aren't that great, just 1/1. I see solarion as the only highlight of this deck.

Posted 26 April 2008 at 00:57 as a comment on Untouchable Sunburst


Not enough straight up burn

Posted 08 April 2008 at 06:03 as a comment on Painful Memories


This deck is an almost exact copy of the famous dragonstorm deck used in the international pro tour. It's a great deck and I love it. But all you did was copy some other deck. Also, your version is worse because you only have 2 dragonstorms. The point of the deck is to get that card into play. You need 4.

Posted 08 April 2008 at 05:53 as a comment on Type 2 Burn


I agree, edge of autumn doesn't belong here
interesting idea though

Posted 31 March 2008 at 05:11 as a comment on


This deck really isn't thought out. You just took some cool dragons and through them together with dragonstorm. You will not survive long enough to play a single creature. You need a lot more burn cards to stay alive long enough, like in the original dragonstorm (which is better and cheaper to make). This deck is really just not smart.

Posted 31 March 2008 at 04:52 as a comment on Dragon storm


The point of the diabolic tutor is for probability. I can use it to get thrumming stone and swarmyard. That way, I kinda have twice the amount of thrumming stones/swarmyards, and can get one out twice as fast. Also, if you throw in one coat of arms, door of destinies, and akroma's memorial each, you can use it to get those.

Posted 26 March 2008 at 04:49 as a comment on


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