
3 Decks, 33 Comments, 4 Reputation

Nice looking deck. Maybe you could run some cards that protect kaalia when she attacks? Dolmen gate is especially good. Check out my kaalia edh and see what you reckon

Posted 06 June 2012 at 23:57 as a comment on Soul Reaver


0_0... I got nuthin' lol this deck looks INSANE.

Posted 06 May 2012 at 23:20 as a comment on The Idea


Liliana of the veil could be a nice addition? Other than that, good job mate!

Posted 06 May 2012 at 23:04 as a comment on NOT YOUR TRADITIONAL B/U CONTROLL(standard)


Never been particularly inspired by spiders... But this looks solid. Good job bro, can't think of any advice other than ^ :)

Posted 06 May 2012 at 22:55 as a comment on Arachnophobia!


Arid mesa = deck thinning. The life-loss isn't a problem because of the crazy amount of life-gain in the deck.
I liked the titans, because it was more of an end-game F.U... it doesn't just bring back creatures, but my Honor of the Pure's which alot of ppl wanted to get rid of (before they realised they weren't the real problem lol). But by the time the titans were out, (or emeria) the game had gone on too long anyways.
that being said, I'm sure there's a better card, they were just what I had.
The Faiths' Shield are a great idea! They weren't around when I made the deck, and at the time I had this thing with keeping as much in the set as poss. And another COA would be great, would probably drop emeria for it, but it's so much fun watching you opponent when you drop her!
Thanks dude!

Posted 03 May 2012 at 17:48 as a comment on Lest We Forget... (mono white allies)


Love it! B/W = best colour combo :)

Posted 03 May 2012 at 08:05 as a comment on M. C. Escher


Cool deck man looks fun!

Posted 03 May 2012 at 07:59 as a comment on Hell's trickery(Standard)


Hey just looked over you're deck and I see what you mean about the 1-off spells especially, and the lands. Had heard of Devine reckoning but had forgotten bout that card... Nasty! Lots of food for thought. Great deck tho!

Ps not thinking of running avacyn? I shat bricks when I saw that angel, gotta get my hands on one of them!

Posted 02 May 2012 at 21:42 as a comment on My Girl, Apocalypse Herald


Thanks dude was totally not expecting a reply so soon! Good advice mate, I'll look into changes asap :) Yeah I've got lucky on several cards, also helped by the fact that me and my friends pool cards. We're pretty casual, always building and taking apart decks, but there seems to only be one guy who really has much skill... I will soon dethrone him lol
Never heard of Dolmens Gate and Reconnaisance, but will look into them.

Thanks again!

Posted 02 May 2012 at 10:07 in reply to #252081 on Kaalia of the Vast EDH


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