
24 Decks, 125 Comments, 14 Reputation

I still think Azorious will be best, because they have answer for evrrything. They will be able to remove all threats with a mixture of detain, bouncing, and countering. Field lock will be easy.

As for all the Golgari hype, I like golgari, I was gonna go golgari untill I started seeing the awesomeness of azorious. Lol troll is an amazing card that will give many decks a run for there money nut im still skeptical. When lol troll hits amd if ur dum enough to drop all creatures in your hand all your opponent has to do is unsummon it. Now u have little to no hand multiple exiled sliterheads and ur opponent only lost one card. If lol troll drops again gurantee it gettings countered. Any creatures who get past countering are getting detained. All the while Azorious will.be flying over pimped out with Runechnaters Pike. Abrupt Decay will stop one creature if u can draw it. Other than the Lol Troll, Corpsejack, and Braska Golgari doesnt have much going for standard.

Posted 11 September 2012 at 22:37 as a comment on Return to Ravnica Discussion


That sounds legit. It will help. Azorius is gonna be the only deck thats gonna be hard as fuck to handle with. It has cards to deal with e.very problem. Toolbox Azorius, top deck im calling it.

Posted 10 September 2012 at 00:54 in reply to #288574 on RTR SPOILER DISCUSSION


True. Dude golgari will rape selesnya and rakdos but it will lose more often than not against azor and izzet. Azor will just detain the lord or whatever u are scavenging up. Thats my idea on golgari. Maybe rtr will drop something to protect the grave from opponent, mayne a rare land or enchantment. I hope so. They need to completely even the field.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 23:17 in reply to #288574 on RTR SPOILER DISCUSSION


It will def be a contender. However with all those cards cycling out its getting hurt a lot. It will also be a lil slow against U/W cuz they can protect them selves. I definitely see a giant clash between izzet and azorius for the bragging rights of top deck.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 23:11 in reply to #288541 on Return to Ravnica Discussion


Yeah U/W is def gonna be top. Golgari dudes I luv golgari too there just not gonna be top contenders. Yes u can get rid of the artifacts and enchantments that mess up the graveyard but izzet and azorius willjust counyer the spell or protect the card. They have a chance with Abrupt Decay tho. And ik awesomeness it sucks with all the anit grave shit. I wouldve ran golgari if it werent for that.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 23:07 as a comment on Return to Ravnica Discussion


Rtr will be Azorius (u/w) Selesnya (w/g) Golgari (g/b) Rakdos (b/r) and Izzet (r/u)

Gatecrash will be Orzhov (w/b) Dimir (b/u) Simic (u/g) Gruul (g/r) and Boros (r/w)

Sinker will release stuff for all guilds.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 22:59 in reply to #288545 on RTR SPOILER DISCUSSION


Dude ik. That combo is just so powerful but its also that fragile. People will just remo be the lich lord when ge hits and tormods crypt/graf diggers cage just shut golgari down. Im skeptical twaords golgari effectivemess in standard, but they do have potential and a fighting chance. There also cool af.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 22:55 in reply to #288574 on RTR SPOILER DISCUSSION


That sounds good. It might be a little chunky tho as in speed. I like the idea tho. Be caeful with that blasohemous act and tormods crypt.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 21:09 in reply to #288514 on RTR SPOILER DISCUSSION


Thats awsome. Im doing azor + orzhov/dimir. It depends on the cards. Rakdos Golgari idk how thats gonna work out. Jund is usually amazing but idk this time.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 21:06 as a comment on RTR SPOILER DISCUSSION


Nahh. Golgari wilk be to fragile to be a top deck. No offense or anything, but all people have to do is side in tormods crypt or a graf diggers cage. If u can getbpast that golgari will be good. I forsee azorius to be thee best. A U/W aggro control. GoST and Snapcaster, then some detaining creatures, and the rest to shut down every other portion of the enemy deck. Like seriously azorious has an answer for every other guild and can easily shut them down. But thats just my opinion. :p tge othrr guilds are really good to.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 19:45 as a comment on Return to Ravnica Discussion


This is really nice. Did u play test it yet?

Posted 27 August 2012 at 01:28 as a comment on Utter Destruction.


Nice deck. Im a little iffy on the the Gravecrawlers cuz u dont have to many zombies. Also instead of bloodthrone why not bloodflow that way u habe one that stays big.

Posted 26 August 2012 at 18:05 as a comment on mono black undying fun


Thanks I appteicate the feedback.

Posted 26 August 2012 at 18:01 as a comment on just ... Dead ...


*insert not bad obama meme*

Posted 25 August 2012 at 08:13 in reply to #284325 on WORLDFIRE!?!? STANDARD!?!?


It will work well in here. I would remove green and sigurda for 1 more jubilation and 3 Requiem Angels. That Way the u can get a lil somethin when ur creatures die.

Posted 24 August 2012 at 22:20 as a comment on Standard Angels!


Lol no problem. Nice deck btw

Posted 24 August 2012 at 18:24 in reply to #284549 on Standard Angels!


Take out restoration angel u have no non-angel creatures. also if u pit in some black u can add in heartlessbsummoning.

Posted 24 August 2012 at 05:57 as a comment on Standard Angels!


Love it. Im currently trying to make a deck like this but im at a stand still of what I need and what I want and what I can afford lol. Try adding in some Skirsdag High Priests, Goblin Arsonist, and some Reassembling Skeletons.

Posted 24 August 2012 at 05:53 as a comment on Just Normal Blood Artist


I like it a lot. Im currently trying to make a deck like this. Its not up on vault yet buts its a mono black benefits off death deck. I want red in it but I need other stuff. For your deck, try adding Goblin Arsonist and Bone Splinters. Along with Skirsdag High Priest you coukd get like turn 4 5/5 demons.

Posted 24 August 2012 at 03:56 as a comment on Blood artist


Yeah, but they only count as 8 if u draw them. Test play it with the creature loot and with the spell loot. See which one u like better. Also test tibalt, this could be the only deck he works in. Also take out Restoration Angel you have no non-angel creatures. Try maybe Herald of War instead.

Posted 23 August 2012 at 23:18 in reply to #284315 on Angels Defy Death


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