
96 Decks, 265 Comments, 29 Reputation

oh, I commented on your deck. its pretty cool!

Posted 18 December 2010 at 21:31 in reply to #106867 on My First Stompy


I know, its expensive. But me and my playgroup pulled our cards together to try and make the deck (only 1 grave titan though so we put in demonic tutors to get that one XD). Only 3 deathbringer so we subbed in the final diabolic tutor...2 marsh flats only so we subbed in 1 swamp 1 plains.

I contributed Ajani and all the control ^^

But yah, even then, it owned. Sadly, without grave titan you have no strong attacker and so because we had only one and when it died or got removed etc. you would lose, or be completely reliant on spectral procession + ajani combo.

Its really fun.

Posted 18 December 2010 at 20:58 in reply to #106581 on Grave Titan and Ajani


I've always hated summoner's trap...though I understand how its good. Main reason I hate it is because I have one and ran it in a deck and then i got screwed with liquemental coating + splinter T_T yah, my friend has like 3-4 of each and didn't notice the combo till I saw it here and pointed it out to him.

But that was a one time thing. If more people suggest it I will add it.

Posted 18 December 2010 at 20:54 in reply to #106867 on My First Stompy


with all that noncombat damage Chandra's Spitfire will be extremely powerful and the first target for control spells. Plus, it can easily be blocked. Have you thought about adding whispersilk cloak so that your unblockable Spitfire can deal extreme damage? While asceticism stops the control, the unblockable will be killer!!!!

Also, you think about adding Cinder Pyromancer? Finally: Chandraa Nalaar. Her +1 ability would own with the Spitfire.

And Nice deck!!! I would have left out green and put in more red damage...but I see how the green works in here and its great!

Posted 18 December 2010 at 20:52 as a comment on Flaming Demise!


how do you play Doran?

Posted 18 December 2010 at 20:23 as a comment on Tree-ted!


also, i thought inflitration lense + groundbreaker was better because they either take six damage or more (instants such as primal bellow) or absorb and give me card advantage...and force them to make a choice: more damage or card advatange.

Posted 18 December 2010 at 20:20 in reply to #106854 on My First Stompy


thanks! Yah, I think I should lower lands and add in arbor did I forget arbor elves???

I like groundbreaker because with llanowar elves thats 6 damage on second turn (or about)!!!!

And why 20 max lands?

Posted 18 December 2010 at 20:16 in reply to #106854 on My First Stompy


I make a mill called "quick mill" then I see about 15 other mills like it pop up 2-3 hours later. Then this guy goes and copies someone who copied me and doesn't bother changing the name.

Posted 18 December 2010 at 17:29 as a comment on Neuralyzer


whats the infinite combo? I see strong combos but not infinite...

Posted 17 December 2010 at 15:59 as a comment on myr ball beat down


not to be insult, i'm merely curious.

Posted 17 December 2010 at 15:07 in reply to #106530 on Intereo In Obscurum


Can you explain the strategies in here? I can get ideas of them but i'm not sure I'm getting it right...

Posted 17 December 2010 at 15:06 as a comment on Intereo In Obscurum


yah, ice cage isn't worth it, you just target the enchanted creature with an ability such as "prevent next 1 damage to this creature) and boom, its gone. Get rid of it.

Posted 17 December 2010 at 14:39 as a comment on "Monsters suddenly become peaceful!"


actually, I believe that if elixir is put into the graveyard WITHOUT activating its ability (as in it was milled) then it stays in the graveyard. If you notice, it is an extension of the tap ability, not a separate ability. I was thinking of eldrazi though and didn't know a way to do it...suggestions would be open. And to dtoutain, I'm taking out the traumatize for a new combo i just found...isochron scepter + glimpse. haha!

Posted 17 December 2010 at 13:17 as a comment on Quick Mill Really Effective


I know, but compared to the other stuff I had it was the best thing that could help. I also did not want to add in another color for a single black knight couldn't come in.

Posted 17 December 2010 at 12:50 as a comment on M11 Draft


i want to point out plausible size is 60 cards in the core deck and 15 cards in sideboard...your under the plausible size, you need to add stuff not cut down!

Posted 16 December 2010 at 14:43 as a comment on UBR unfair discard shenanigan deck


I meant megrim + liliana's caress. 6 of them is really a killer. Especially with this deck. And i just noticed...>WHERE ARE THE BLIGHTNINGS!!!!!!!!

Posted 16 December 2010 at 14:42 in reply to #106019 on UBR unfair discard shenanigan deck


cruel ultimatum for one. You also have a very poor win condition and i would put in these creatures: Blazing Specter and Megrim. Maybe Lilianna Vess to get control off all the creatures discarded ^^. But you need a win condition, such as Megrim which deals 2 damage to an opponent whenever he or she discards a card.


Cruel Ultimatum, Blazing Specter, Megrim,


Liliana Vess

Good luck with deckbuilding!

Posted 16 December 2010 at 08:54 as a comment on UBR unfair discard shenanigan deck


More bloodchief ascension and more kalastria highborn. Hexmage should only be sideboard as not everyone plays planeswalkers. Another Vampire Nocturnus (its not a legendary!!!! get your vampires +4/+2) More pulse trackers imo for cheapness and for bloodchief acsension. Assassin isn't needed that much imo (as you are trying to gain control of your opponent's creatures not kill them!!!!!) and neither is revenant, Kalastria Bloodchief. Replace one of those with another Malakir bloodwitch (which seems to be your finisher, an 8/6 if you get both nocturnus on field with ability kicking off). Replace the other one with: Sanguine bond. With highborne, that thing is just way too good! Or replace it with another Nocturnus, because I have 4 and getting all 4 on the field is just amazing! Especially with a nighthawk on the field. I don't have enough vamps to make a GOOD vampire deck only though....

Posted 16 December 2010 at 07:20 as a comment on Ultimate Vampire


done, and thank you for the feedback!

Posted 15 December 2010 at 21:15 as a comment on Naya and Boros


awesome deck!

Posted 15 December 2010 at 15:59 as a comment on artifact blue proliferate


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