
27 Decks, 38 Comments, 6 Reputation

Hi, I made one for post-rotation with just the Khans and Origins block. I'm going to keep it updated once we have spoilers for BFZ. It's in my deck list or can be found at this link:


Posted 30 July 2015 at 13:26 in reply to #557678 on Budget Red Deck Wins


Hi, I like this idea and built an EDH deck around this when I first started playing about 3 months ago. My suggestions are based mostly on focusing on using the +1/+1 counter generation in a more consistent manner without having to shuffle around counters as much. I used your deck and my EDH deck as a reference and built you a budget list here:

Go ahead look, try, test, and let me know how it goes! best of luck!

Posted 17 July 2015 at 13:29 as a comment on +1/+1 Power (opinions needed)


Fellow Dragon-lover here, hoping to help :D
So, some cards to consider that might be fun to try:
--Thunderbreak Regent
--Dragonlord's Servant
--Haven of the Spirit Dragon (mana fixing)
--Frontier Bivouac (Since you're mostly R/G/U)
--Maybe some boardwipes like Anger of the Gods, or Bile Blight, or Drown in Sorrow
--Sarkhan Dragonspeaker
--and if you really want, Sarkhan Unbroken....his ultimate would be insane.

Best wishes!

Posted 17 July 2015 at 12:59 as a comment on 5 colored dragons


Good point, but yeah, you could always prioritize your removal for them. It'd be good to have them though.

Posted 17 July 2015 at 01:40 in reply to #556460 on Budget Agrofacts (Standard)


Not much help for Minotaur creatures outside of Theros block, but I think maybe adding in some Felhide Brawlers will help you get out more Minotaurs since it only costs 2. Same thing with the Gnarled Scarhide. I'd get rid of the Searing Bloods and go with Fiery Impulses (faster and only need 1 mana vs two). You lose the small burn, but get better removal (which you can make up for if one Minotaur gets through because of it).

Same thing that Chiligyro said: I'd lower your curve by dropping the Sorcery cards for lands. (23 total)
For extra help in getting the right color lands you could go with Bloodfell Caves (or even better Temple of Malice), though you want to watch the ratio of ETB tapped lands to non-tapped lands, so maybe only a x4 of those.

My LGS has a Minotaur guy, he's really cool and casual and fun to play with!

Posted 16 July 2015 at 18:07 in reply to #556274 on Current Minotaur (Needs help)


I think the Renowned Weaponsmith is nice, but how good has it been for you? I'd rather play another Thopter Engineer and the Ensoul Artifacts.

Posted 16 July 2015 at 17:17 as a comment on Izzet Artifacts


I'd recommend adding some Thopter Engineers over the Aether Grids and the Phyrexian Revokers

Posted 16 July 2015 at 17:13 as a comment on Budget Agrofacts (Standard)


It's because they're Origins lands, everything else here is Standard legal. MTGvault is still correct in saying you shouldn't be playing with Origins anything yet. ;D

Posted 16 July 2015 at 15:05 in reply to #556441 on Current Minotaur (Needs help)


Hi, I'd be happy to help! But, can you explain more about what you'd like to be helped with? And how has the deck been playing for you? As in, what issues have you seen/been having.

--Just from a glance, it seems you have plenty of Minotaurs, but are you seeing mana problems with only 19 lands?
--Seering blood and Magma Jet both do only 2 damage to creatures, are you having problems killing creatures with 3 toughness to get through? You could put in Roast instead of the Fated Conflagration.

Let me know :D

Posted 16 July 2015 at 13:18 in reply to #556274 on Current Minotaur (Needs help)


No problem, let me know how your endeavors go!

Posted 13 July 2015 at 15:51 in reply to #555758 on Mardu Control


Hi there, I can try to help you build a little more. Have you tried playing this deck or are you just brewing?

The problem that jumps out at me is the curve and lack of ramp. There's lots of nice big green/red creatures to play, but it looks like if you were to play you'd have a hard time getting to them against any sort of highly aggressive deck. Consider maybe adding some cheap Shelteried Aerie or Elvish Mystic to get you going early.

Also, for consistency, it looks like the deck is trying to do too many things at once with a lot of x1 and x2 of cards. I'd consider picking a style/theme you want to focus on for your deck and adding in more copies of the cards you really like. For example, I find the Tribute aspect pretty cool, and with bigger creatures, you won't need to pump up creatures as much. So you can devote some space to killing small creatures your opponents get out and blockers to get damage through. Here's a budget brew I made for you using some of the cards suggested and that you have:

Be sure to read the How to Play :D

Posted 10 July 2015 at 19:08 as a comment on First shot


Hi, I love playing with my Mardu deck and I think Mardu Control will be in a fairly good spot coming in with the Origins rotation. Before I make too many suggestions, I will keep budget in mind as far as suggestions. Are you attached to any particular cards in your list?

Disclaimer: I've only been playing competitively for about 3 months now, but I have won 1 FNM with my Mardu deck. It's changed quite a bit since I started, but is in a pretty good spot right now.

IMO-Mardu is best built as a Control deck that lies fairly close to the Midrange end of the spectrum. Or visa-versa. You don't have the card options to deal with out-control the premium Esper/Abzan Control, but it's much easier for you than them to go full aggro after sideboard.

Here are my thoughts specifically and in no particular order:
1) If your looking to go more control, just by glancing at your list, the first thing that pops out is the amount of x2 and x1 cards you have. Splashing is good, but I think it's best to have as many copies of good/utility cards as you can. Too many of 1 off and 2 offs lead to inconsistency.

2) Swift Warkite must whiff a lot, you only have Pitiless Horde x1 that it can bring back. I would either take this out or put in more creatures it can hit. On the same note, control usually has very few creatures (<8) whereas Midrange/Control has around the 12 you have.

3) Mana...with Mardu, mana screw is real and it's very tricky to get what you want when you need it. I recommend playing with 25 lands and try to get some scry lands (Temple of Malice/Temple of Triumph). If you're going control route, it's okay to have tap lands, but don't go overboard, I'd go for a 50/50 mix of tap/normal. I'd try x4 Nomad Outpost, x4 Temple of Malice, x4 Temple of Triumph, and the rest Mountains/Swamps/Plains and work from there.

4) Instead of trying to curve out all 3 colors equally, I'd pick two to focus on and have a hint of the third. IMO, build R/B and splash white for Crackling Doom (which you should have 4 of since it's a seriously amazing card). Red gives you access to efficient creatures (and some awesome Dragons) and Black will give you very nice control options.

5) Similar to the Warkite, your Butcher won't be able to shine unless you have creatures to sacrifice with it. I'd definitely recommend getting some sort of token generating action going (Dragon Fodder for example) or someway to steal an opponents creature (Act of Treason in Origins for example).

6) Control in Mardu colors is all about killing creatures. With Butcher, you can take over your opponents creatures to sacrifice them, and Black gives you lots of killing creatures options. The cool thing that I love most about this is THE one and only Dragonlord Kolaghan (which I highly suggest you buy at least 1 cuz he's sick). Kill a copies of your opponent's creatures, drop down Kolaghan, and bam they can't cast any other copies unless they want to take 10 to the face.

Building on these points here's a list I built just for you using yours as a template :D

Posted 10 July 2015 at 14:17 in reply to #555758 on Mardu Control


Ah, thanks, I will update :D

Posted 07 July 2015 at 14:51 in reply to #555462 on [EDH] Tariel's Limbo


Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I've only been able to play this once so far, but I had fun when I did. Looking forward to playing more now. :D

Posted 07 July 2015 at 14:49 in reply to #555037 on Control EDH: I'll take that.


Would it be worth it to bring in Dragon Tempest for the fun combo of turning all your 1/1 tokens into Dragons with haste that do X damage to the other player? I had a guy drop Descent with 4 tokens on the board. Dropping me -16 before even attacking with x4 flying 4/4 dragons.

Posted 08 May 2015 at 13:40 as a comment on R/W Aggro &more!


I agree, unless you have a Warbringer out, Sprinting Warbrute is a little of a drawback, but I'm going to playtest to see how it works in my deck. :D

Posted 08 May 2015 at 12:37 in reply to #548695 on Dashing Tremor


Wow, I'm impressed with your explanations in the current meta. I've just started to try to play seriously and plan on attending FNM at my LGS consistently. Would you mind looking at my two decks I came up with using the cards I have (one is a dash R/B, one is a Dragons similar to yours) and offering some suggestions on maybe some more budget-friendly tweaks I could make? If you click my username it'll take you to my decks. :D Thanks!

Posted 08 May 2015 at 02:43 as a comment on RB Dragons (DTK Standard)


So, I'm a little newer to building Midrange decks. Would you mind checking out the Midrange Dragons I made based off yours and offer some tips? (Just click on my username to see my decks). Thanks!

Posted 08 May 2015 at 02:37 as a comment on B/R dragons


From play testing my dash/tremors, I've found screamreach brawler doesn't do too much. I'd recommend bringing in 4 Sprinting Warbrute's instead or 4 Brutal Hordechief. If you don't mind, would you take a look at my deck (click on my username to see it) and offer a suggestion on how to make it more adaptable/competitive?

Posted 08 May 2015 at 02:35 as a comment on Dashing Tremor


So, I have a non-budget dash deck that I hope to use. Any pointers would be much appreciated. (just click my username to see).

Posted 08 May 2015 at 02:30 as a comment on Dash & Slash (Budget)


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