
7 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

Keep in mind that tokens go into the graveyard before being removed altogether. It's in the rules so don't let a "Rule Nazi" Tell you otherwise.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 18:32 as a comment on Chain with negitives


Use the worms from creakwood liege to be the targets trying to keep one alive using only 2 on it. If Quillspike is on the field it makes managing it easier and makes it that much easier to kill an opponent. Considering it costs one black or green to remove a -1/-1 counter and it gets +3/+3 if you have 7 mana you can boost it to a 24/24 easily able to kill an opponent that hasn't gained life. But whenever is that the case.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 18:31 as a comment on Chain with negitives


Using scar early manages to keep the little creatures your opponent uses at bay for a long time. Seedborn muse is a counter measure to keep your creatures, lands, artifacts untapped to allow you to chain more if needed. When and if you run out of scars to place -1/-1 counters on creatures gnarled effigy allows you to do the same for a lot more of a cost. Also when your opponents run out of creatures for you to kill your own creatures must be the targets of blowfly infestation.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 18:28 as a comment on Chain with negitives


With Necroskitter and Lillana Vess you can bring back any creatures that you killed of your opponents. If your opponent uses an Immaculate magistrate to keep a creature alive and neutralize your counters use royal assassin to kill the magistrate and hunter of eyeblights to kill the pumped creature. The use of spring cleaning can be switched out for a naturalize to kill artifacts. This deck can run without ward of bones. It is just there if your opponent uses a lot of different things.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 18:24 as a comment on Chain with negitives


You may want to make this a green white for the bonus of pallid myconids that or if you plan on keeping it green only put gaeas anthem in it only so someone can't pull a wojek embermage and kill all of your saps with one shot taking away power from your scions of the wild. Just try to keep the mana costs low or if you can't put utopia mycon in that way you can get mana from your saps.

Posted 05 October 2007 at 04:58 as a comment on Green Saproling Token comment please


You should put in a sporesower Thallid so you get saprolings every turn from all fungus you control.

Posted 05 October 2007 at 04:50 as a comment on massive saprolings life gain
