
0 Decks, 628 Comments, 300 Reputation

Just for the record, I've heard no reporting of it beyond the immediate aftermath...I don't actually follow the news beyond what comes up on my homepage...& I thought it would have been obvious that I don't see the U.S. as being innocent...believe it or not, I didn't even think that when 911 happened (not everyone in the U.S. is an ignorant ass w/ their head buried in the political sand). There's no discussion, per se...just a world we're all living in. And like it or not, we're all included in that.

Posted 21 November 2015 at 13:07 in reply to #568250 on Library assholes


...which DOESN'T mean I'm senile, so don't even start. It may, however, explain the imperative I feel. It's one thing to have a's another to have a grandchild, & to see the decades marching, w/ so much that's salient being passed by...there's a point at which you really just want to start shaking people. Only to realize, if only someone had shaken you.

Posted 21 November 2015 at 12:42 in reply to #568250 on Library assholes


Oh, yeah...forgot to spam "Advice for the Young at Heart"...but at YOUR age, I'm sure you understand. (Just kidding...I came across a reference on one of your decks to your 40th b-day, & I'm actually somewhat older. -.-)

Posted 21 November 2015 at 12:38 in reply to #568250 on Library assholes


Also, "Advice for the Young at Heart".

Posted 21 November 2015 at 12:33 in reply to #568249 on Budget Decks: Birth & Death


Also: "Advice for the Young at Heart"...all of us, right?

Posted 21 November 2015 at 12:29 in reply to #568247 on Culinary Essentials


Also: "Advice for the Young at Heart".

Posted 21 November 2015 at 12:27 in reply to #568245 on Budget Decks: Landfall Value


So can the win-con be diversified, or is it just a write off?

Posted 21 November 2015 at 12:20 in reply to #568094 on Arcane Denial of Life


And if you didn't already get the message..."Sowing the Seeds", Tears for Fears. Apologies & thank you's, simultaneously.

Posted 21 November 2015 at 11:44 in reply to #568239 on Your Mom Didn't Use Protection


Okay, Puschkin, apologies in advance for spamming your deck...but what could possibly be more appropriate?!? My current mission (which I both created & decided to accept) is trying to get as many people as possible to listen to "Sowing the Seeds", & GIVE THAT SHITE SOME SERIOUS THOUGHT. It's always close, but Paris brought it closer. And since your deck is titled "Library Assholes", & since the song says, "Read it in the books, in the crannies & the nooks, there are books to read..." well, you know I couldn't resist. Happy whatever-day-it-is there, big guy...& may you read whatever you choose to read in good, sweet peace. :)

Posted 21 November 2015 at 11:26 as a comment on Library assholes


OKAY. I've just accepted that I'm not going to make it through the entire HL...time is short, & yonder beckons. Already made apologies to you, Northy...but ditto. All you others, "Sowing the Seeds", by Tears for Fears...go listen, & consider the world you want to live in. That is all...literally. Thanks for your support.

Posted 21 November 2015 at 11:11 as a comment on Budget Decks: Birth & Death


This Hot List is longer than I thought. -.- With apologies to Mek for spamming his deck, "Sowing the Seeds", by Tears for Fears"...go listen, now...the world thanks you in advance for your support. (Yes...I represent the world. Seriously. I do.) :D

Posted 21 November 2015 at 11:06 as a comment on Cutthroat Kitchen [Modern]


4O4Error, apologies for spamming your deck (which you already know I love), but I'm on a minor mission...mainly, trying to get a lot of people to listen to "Sowing the Seeds", by Tears for Fears, & think about it. Looking forward to anything further you the meantime, all you slackers, go listen to it!! (I kid...I kid, because I love.)

Posted 21 November 2015 at 10:57 as a comment on Culinary Essentials


SSDD (different deck): "Sowing the Seeds", Tears for Fears, go listen.

Posted 21 November 2015 at 10:52 as a comment on Budget Decks: 420 Soulbond


Sorry, Northy, for spamming your deck...but I'm on an Infinite Spam mission, & for reasons obvious (ie, your views) you cannot be excluded. "Sowing the Seeds", by Tears for Fears. All receiving this message, listen to it at once!! - & thanks for your support.

Posted 21 November 2015 at 10:50 as a comment on Budget Decks: Landfall Value


?????.....Why did this just come up on the "new" list? Unless...can it be?...IT'S BEEN FLASHBACKED!!! Had NO IDEA you could do that w/ a WHOLE DECK!! O.O Well played, sir...well played!!

Posted 21 November 2015 at 10:16 in reply to #568239 on Your Mom Didn't Use Protection


(& no...I didn't dredge this up, just to make an idiotic comment & leave was on the Active list. grumblegrumblegrumble...jd whippersnappers)

Posted 21 November 2015 at 09:22 in reply to #568239 on Your Mom Didn't Use Protection


How DARE you!!! (grumblegrumblegrumble...+1)

Posted 21 November 2015 at 09:10 as a comment on Your Mom Didn't Use Protection


(For those wondering why I kept saying, " your/an"...the man said "2-6 players" in his description. Above ALL else, we must strive to be grammatically correct, amirite?)

Posted 21 November 2015 at 08:41 in reply to #568237 on Natural causes


First of all, welcome!! As you may have already discovered, Magic is kind of like the Hotel can check out any time you like, but you can NEVER leave. :) I guarantee if you go YEARS w/o playing this game, it will still suck you back. O.O Okay, so that being said...there's no need to apologize for your deck; you got good stuff in here for KT play (which is how I play myself). May I suggest seeking to acquire Asceticism, to replace Archetype? - reason being, the former costs less to cast, & can act to deter/help you recover from creature-specific board wipes. Also, Vines of Vastwood can be kicked to provide the same boon as Titanic Growth, but can also be cast, unkicked, on your/an opponent's creatures, to tank combat tricks. :D Noxious Revival lets get back anything, as opposed to creatures only, & can be cast when you're tapped out (downside being, it goes on top of your library, but cast at the end of your/an opponent's turn minimizes the drawback...& needs be, you can use that to slow your/an opponent down if you cast it targeting something of theirs). Regarding PWs in general, I never evaluate them in terms of their ultimate, as no sane opponent will allow them to survive that long; but Vraska's +1 & -3 are both pretty sweet. Finally, Virulent Swipe is a combat trick that could be nice here, & is in keeping w/ your DT theme. Congrats & GJ on your first deck, & again, welcome!! +1.

Posted 21 November 2015 at 08:27 as a comment on Natural causes


I have no familiarity w/ Commander decks, other than being aware of their existence, & what can be inferred. Does having all 5 give you access to all C15 cards? And where do your predilections lie? I've seen some cards in the set that thoroughly got my geek up, but there's no point me blathering on about that w/o first knowing the answer to those ?'s...I do enough blathering as it is. -.- Oh, & good on you for scoring your decks at a discount...that had to feel good. I've accepted the fact at this point that in the battle between all the cards I still/will want vs. my ability to afford (them w/i the limitations of an average lifespan), I ain't winnin'. :)

Posted 21 November 2015 at 07:15 in reply to #568231 on Naya Zada Pump


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