
0 Decks, 628 Comments, 300 Reputation

Ephara, God of the Polis. The Magemarks only refer to creatures that are enchanted, so unfortunately, not much use here. Ethereal Armor gives enchanted creature +1/+1 for each enchantment you control, + first strike; Helm of the Gods gives equipped creature +1/+1 for each enchantment you control. Sphere of Safety interacts w/ enchantments, but doesn't come out 'til T5. Might be worth splashing B for Underworld Coinsmith, providing the mana-base supports getting it out early (ie, pretty big that point, I'd be looking at B enchantments &/or enchantment creatures, too). I'm unfamiliar w/ the B destroy-all-non-enchantment-creatures card, but if you did add B, that would obviously be good w/ Starfield (though not so much w/ Sigil). My thought is that if a deck requires specific things to happen on specific turns, you either need a god hand, or you're dead...being able to roll w/ the punches (or deal them yourself) is key. But Sphinx's Tutelage alone could turn the trick. +1 for thorough-called-random, & fun. :)

Posted 15 November 2015 at 23:06 in reply to #567779 on UW Enchantments


...& fun does matter..."Games, Spirit! Games!!" If even Ebenezer got it, 'nuff said. :)

Posted 15 November 2015 at 21:54 in reply to #567765 on PURESTEEL METALCRAFT


Quillspike got a call from it's combo...all is forgiven, it's time to come home. :D

Posted 15 November 2015 at 21:36 as a comment on Persist


As long as you're going w/ taplands, I'd suggest Jungle Shrine & Savage Lands (also tri-color lands) in place of some of your dual lands. Very nicely done, +1.

Posted 15 November 2015 at 18:28 as a comment on Undying


There is some synergy, though...Shrapnel Blast + Memnite, et al. = 3/4 Tarmos, & the little 'uns are also fodder for Ravager, as well as sacking Walker providing more targets w/ evasion for Ensoul/Cranial Plating. Given the sac aspect (& what I assume would be the need to play very aggressively), I don't know how comfortable I'd be w/ some of the mana sources, but there's a lot going on here, & I appreciate the thought that went into this. +1.

Posted 15 November 2015 at 17:06 in reply to #567731 on Tarmo-Affinity


Darksteel Plate, Shield of Kaldra. :D Probably only worth it if the creature count goes up, though...

Posted 14 November 2015 at 09:15 in reply to #567700 on Nin's Box of Wonders


I've never played hardcore control, so I'm not the best one to give advice on that...I did do a quick search, though, & there's over 400 UB control decks on the site you could check-out for guidance. One in particular that jumped out at me was "Standard UB Control" by harmonyinclarity; it's tagged both tournament & competitive, so it S/B pretty representative. If it's more hardcore than you're thinking of, you could also look for more moderate builds, such as those that incorporate more creatures. In the meantime, if I think of someone who could better advise you, I'll give them a heads-up. :D Happy hunting!

Posted 14 November 2015 at 05:51 in reply to #567641 on I'll make slaves of your bones


Just found this, & I really like the diversity R brings to the BG build...this is the first Jund Eldrazi deck I recall seeing on this site (I think I've seen everything else except Boros at this point -.-). May I suggest changing one of the deck tags to Jund? More like-minded people might find it if you did. :) +1.

Posted 14 November 2015 at 02:44 as a comment on Jundrazi


B definitely has the most removal options. You could cut Afterlife & Long-Forgotten Gohei to make room (the latter only interact w/ 1 card, anyway...unless I missed something again -.-). I actually kind of like Afterlife, since you could cast it in response to an opponent's removal & get a token out of it, but something else would be better for targeting your opponent's creatures (& much as I love the flavor & synergy of Geist Snatch, unless you really need the token, you might want a faster counter spell). I do think if you go to 3 colors, you'll need to incorporate duo-lands, fetchlands, or both to keep your deck consistent. Of course, you could also stay in UW & add spells like Silkwrap, Oblivion Stone, Path, &/or Anticipate. Have you considered just making this deck smaller (60 cards)? It's got so much synergy that if it plays fast enough, that may be all you need...maybe start there, try it, & then assess what you think is the best direction to go in. Also: Puschkin offered to advise, so don't be shy about taking him up on it...THAT guy would probably make suggestions that would = mind blown. O.O Either way, keep us posted!! :D - & my compliments on a very flavorful, synergistic deck!

Posted 14 November 2015 at 00:51 in reply to #567320 on Budget: Anger of the Dead


GJ, boss. :D

Posted 13 November 2015 at 23:54 in reply to #567607 on The 300th!!!


...& as I've now discovered, there are a LOT of decks tagged as article decks that aren't. -.- Gothy's decks are for real, though...& Jessie did at least one.

Posted 13 November 2015 at 11:31 in reply to #567238 on I'll make slaves of your bones


Congratulations! However...this isn't an article deck. -.- Maybe tag it as "commemorative" instead. Did leave you +1.

Posted 13 November 2015 at 10:38 as a comment on The 300th!!!


Oh,'s in your description. I guess I spaced it off, sorry 'bout that, boss.

Posted 13 November 2015 at 08:11 in reply to #567582 on Mimeoplasm, +1/+1 EDH


THAT is a wicked card (wicked good, that is!). How many, & what would you cut?

Posted 13 November 2015 at 08:00 in reply to #567593 on GR Modern


Some article decks are tagged as such, so there's that. Re forums coming back: YES!!! - finally! I wasn't around for the forums, so I'll be looking forward to that. :)

Posted 13 November 2015 at 07:42 in reply to #567238 on I'll make slaves of your bones


Sorry, it was in the deck when I looked, so I missed that...I hate to see you lose Managorger, but w/ 3 focuses in the deck, it's a very hard call...anything you cut will take away from 1 of them (that's not a criticism, by the way...I'm I firm believer in putting one's eggs in multiple baskets when possible). Black Sun's Zenith is nice w/ infect, but it works against you in a couple ways, so maybe that? BTW, have you checked-out the C15 Ezuri? It could be a valuable addition; you've got a lot of creatures, etc., in here that have synergy w/ it (Ant Queen & Primal Vigor in particular).

Posted 13 November 2015 at 07:09 in reply to #567582 on Mimeoplasm, +1/+1 EDH


Axebane Guardian might be faster than Treespeaker; it works in concert w/ your Battlements, & can give you any color mana, as opposed to just G (on the downside, you lose 4 attackers). Vines of Vastwood could be a nice addition to your SB, especially since you can cast it targeting your opponents creatures in response to combat tricks. Looks like fun! +1.

Posted 13 November 2015 at 06:36 as a comment on Tutor Yourself


Is the idea to cast Splinter Twin targeting Snapcaster, & use his ability to flashback Time Warp? If so, even w/ 4 Warps, that's not infinite, given the flashbacked spell has to be paid for & is then will certainly give you added value, though. Another creature that could be nice here is Lighthouse Chronologist, especially w/ all the protection you have built-in...also, if Blighted Agent is your win-con, 2 more & some buffing could be nice. :)

Posted 13 November 2015 at 06:16 as a comment on Lots of Turns


Maybe use the Drake in place of Sidisi. In terms of mana cost, they're very close, & it seems like you'd get more value w/ the Drake. Nice deck! +1 :D

Posted 13 November 2015 at 05:54 in reply to #567582 on Mimeoplasm, +1/+1 EDH

Permalink is Altar of the Brood.

Posted 13 November 2015 at 04:09 in reply to #565991 on Infinite Mill/Damage Turn 3/4


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