
1 Deck, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

why run 8 tap sack lands when this is a life gain deck?

Posted 07 September 2010 at 00:57 as a comment on Graveyard/Lifegain #2


8 fetchlands is 8 lost life, thats crazy

Posted 27 August 2010 at 16:15 as a comment on Vampires


i sideboard 1 felidar but your kill isnt pridemates... its when you have serra accendant and give it +3/+3 with elspeth and swing for 9. i think felidar is kinda to high cost for this deck anyways

Posted 27 August 2010 at 16:14 as a comment on Life gain lifegain "Soul Sisters"


i just built this tonight and it is amazing!!! i've never played mono white but this makes me want to. to bad it goes out in october

Posted 25 August 2010 at 01:27 as a comment on Life gain lifegain "Soul Sisters"


its perfect for vamps. vampires will never be a world championship deck but it wins fnm

Posted 23 August 2010 at 07:11 as a comment on Vampires


for the first guy.... i use the best and most expensive vampires because thats why the are classified THE BEST. you have to pay money in order to win. maybe the combos aren't there but i do have them scared when the see actually how much control i play with even though most of my cards are creatures. you build this deck and you try it and tell me if anything needs to be different. with the fetch lands.... that is to thin out the deck and terramorphics suck a big one. for 1 reason, the land comes into play tapped. if i get to search for a land it will be coming into play so i can use it and who cares about the one life.

for the second guy. you crack me up. ummm this is a vampire deck for one reason... because its all vampires!!! not taking any of your changes seriously because your putting in crappy cards. black night.... good card but not a vampire and i already have white hate if i need it. nantuko shade, nice card but not a vampire and not for my deck. captivating vampire is the best vampire out of m11 and would never get rid of him. the lands wouldnt need for a change. Kalastra Higborn is a mmajor part in my deck. a 2/2 creature for 2! this deck is for fast creatures and not any 6 costing creatures. Abyssal Persecutor is a joke card for this deck lol... how would i get rid of him??? if i have him i cant win dude!!! with Inquisition of Kozilek i can look at his hand on turn 1 and know what he has... what i need to get rid of... its a card that you use to slow the other player down a turn and it is a game changer. tendrils of corruption is to high costing of a card. you dont need grim discovery, thats why you run a full set of each creature that away you have a chance to draw more than 1. sorry if i sounded mean but i've did a ton to this deck and made it to its perfection. build it, try it, and you should do good yourself

Posted 20 August 2010 at 12:04 as a comment on Vampires
