
6 Decks, 7 Comments, 2 Reputation

Ditch Knight of the Holy Nimbus, Knight of Dawn, Sigiled Paladin and White knight. Get rid of Light from Within Card its far too costly at 4CC for its effect, armored ascension is just a better drop for the same effect just better for a mono white deck. Get rid of Asha's Favor as well again at 3CC its just not that good. If you need flyers add in some Leonin Skyhunter they work rather well. To replace the other spells take a look at Swords to plowshares, Oblivion ring, and Day of Judgement. To replace the missing creatures take a look at Student of Warfare,Mirran Crusader depending on your meta, and round off Knight of Meadowgrain, Kinsbaile Cavalier, Knight of the White Orchid at a full playset. Thats about all i can think of whilst keeping the cost low.

Posted 07 April 2012 at 06:49 as a comment on knights


This deck currently is mono-white however the problem you run into is that it is too heavily dependent on tempered steel. Its fast as hell, however once you play someone more than once they tend to surgical extract or memoricide your tempered steel, thus losing you the match. I will take a look into Signal pests ,Vault Skirge and Porcelaine Legionaire. Ideally id like to keep it Blue/White so its not entirely dependent on tempered steel.

Posted 06 April 2012 at 16:51 in reply to #245687 on Weenie Artifacts


Is this actually an extended deck because you have things from Lorwyn, time spiral, and morningtide which aren't allowed in that format. Regardless, ditch the knights of the holy nimbus they are good but there is better 2 drops around. Get rid of Hero of Bladehold at 4CC Kinsbaile Cavalier is generally considered a better choice because he can swing the board as soon as he comes into play. Elpseth Knight Errant is also a better 4CC drop. Also consider Mirran Crusader black is a very popular removal color and having a creature with protection from it can be deadly. I really cant say much else until i figure out if this is extended or not, if its not Aether vialx4 is a must in order to remain competitive. While if it is then you are better off going the Puresteel Paladin route. As a closing note ditch the Windbrisk heights, knights generally don't attack in large enough droves to make it a reliable card and it usually ends up just being a burden.

Posted 06 April 2012 at 06:27 as a comment on Extended Knight Deck!


Get rid of the sorin's

Posted 06 April 2012 at 03:42 as a comment on br vamps


In in the original I had some kor outfitters to deal with the problem of the equip cost ,however I completely overlooked Quest for the holy relic. That would be much easier to fit in than the outfitters and mesh a lot nicer. Student of warfare was also in the first version however he did not make the cut, though with the addition of quest for the holy relic he might just make it back in.While the idea is okay using pure steel to get free equipment that would mean I would have to add in many more artifacts to get metal craft to be consistent. Its certainly an idea for another version of this deck however I want to stick with the knight theme for this and making an equip heavy deck would dilute that. Though if i were going to do something like that i would probably start by adding in Umezawa's Jitte because it costs next to nothing and is one of the best equipment's ever printed.

Posted 04 April 2012 at 20:25 in reply to #245257 on Destroy All The Permanents


It hadn't occurred to me at the time that crusade would also effect my opponent nice catch on that. I agree armored ascension is too costly, its really a left over from the last knights deck i had which was mono-white. That however did not work out that well so i decided to splash some green to try and get some more wins in. Brave the elements is not a bad choice imo. You bring an interesting point up about Wilt-Leaf Liege. Kinsbaile Cavalier and his double strike is certainly better at the same mana cost of 4 CMC, however i do think that Wilt-Leaf Liege still has a place in the deck if not the side board, because of the prevalence of discard where i happen to play. Ideally i would like to try something like this a different take on the typical vial knights however vials are really expensive >.<.

Posted 03 April 2012 at 07:27 in reply to #244964 on Knights


I had considered both however its my understanding that Mirran Crusader is strictly better than Paladin En-Vec but of course I have a play-set of neither so its a moot point. I'm also concerned that while Kinsbaile Cavalier is a very nice card he is a tad slow at 4 CMC.

Posted 03 April 2012 at 00:06 in reply to #244930 on Knights
