
25 Decks, 6 Comments, 5 Reputation

Wouldn't Erebos fit in the deck better than Thassa? You said you need draw power, and I think drawing a card and losing one life is much better than just scrying - especially if your opponent has no board presence (which is ultimately the idea of your deck, making them sacrifice everything). Also, all of your creatures give massive devotion towards black, so he'd be a creature more often than not.
Also, while Consuming Aberration is cool, I don't see how it fits with the deck - I think something like Grey Merchant of Ashpodel would work better (while still being a cheap card in terms of real money).
Finally, Swan Song is NOT good unless you're playing against a legacy combo deck - so unless you find yourself losing on turn 2 or 3 all the time you should take it out of the sideboard and put something else in.

Posted 13 October 2013 at 23:46 as a comment on Never Ending Sacrifice


Ok, looks pretty good! Now you'll just have to test it against some people to see how it works.
If you find yourself getting run over by creatures early, you could replace some slower cards (like jace's erasure) with walls like Wall of Frost and Fog Bank (both of which I think are superior to hover barrier). If you always have too few cards in your hand and lose because you can't do enough you can try running Howling Mine. If you always keep getting too many lands... try running with 20. I would never run less than 20 lands, so try not to go below that number.

But that's all up to you, really, now just go and test it out!^^

Posted 26 July 2013 at 01:03 in reply to #382564 on mill mono blue


The less cards you have, the better your deck will be- I'd probably cut one increasing confusion and one scalpelexis. Or just the two hover barriers.

Posted 25 July 2013 at 23:31 in reply to #382564 on mill mono blue


Looking better :)
Now you just need to add 2 islands and get rid of a few cards- I'd start by taking away 2 scalpelexises (you don't need all 4) and some hover barriers (it doesn't do much, jace's phantasm is almost always much better). Dream twist is also pretty weak for a mill card. 4 cancels is also a bit too much IMO.
Remember, always have 60 cards in your deck. Always. This is very important- more than 60 and you're reducing the chance of drawing the best card in your deck for the situtation you're in!

Posted 25 July 2013 at 18:08 in reply to #382564 on mill mono blue


spell pierce sideboard

Posted 25 July 2013 at 18:08 in reply to #382610 on Monoblue Ula's temple


This deck has a few good things going for it, but the problem many mill decks face is that they try to do too many things.

There are two ways to win a game: get your opponent's life total to 0, or mill them out. And you're trying to do both with Talrand - so you should really take all 4 of them out (sorry, I know you like them). Also consider taking out those Elite Arcanists, I know they look awesome and cool... but they're too fragile and take so long to do anything. Plus you don't have too many instants, and copying thought score isn't all that exciting.
Cast through time is too expensive for this deck - notice how most of your spells cost one mana. Cast through time gets better the more powerful and expensive spells you have. You don't have that many, and increasing confusion (and other X spells) don't work at all with rebound (plus you can't use flashback when you exile the card with cast through time!). I'd cut them both out.
The rest are quite fine, but I don't know if you need 4 archive traps. Try it out with just two or three and see what you think. If your friends (or whoever you play with) search their library a lot, run 4. You can do whatever you want with those, really.

As for what you should add:
2 more thought scours- I don't see any reason to not run 4! an amazing card.
4x visions of beyond- the card is potentially amazing for this deck. If you find them sitting in your hand often, you might want to take out a few.
Jace's erasure would also be good. I'd run 2-4.

You will also need something to slow your enemies down. Some cards I'd recommend are Icy Manipulator and Into the Roil. Or claustrophobia if you're still having problems.

And finally, some cool creatures you might want to consider:
Aether adept
Body Double (if you like clone, you'll love that one)
Chancellor of the Spires
...Or any other creatures that work well with mill. Isleback Spawn looks really good, but when your opponent has 20 cards in his or her library, you already have a great advantage.

Oh, and add a few lands: you should almost always have around 24 lands (22-24 for this one, run what works best for you!)

Whew, that was a long post. Hope it helped :)

Posted 25 July 2013 at 17:01 as a comment on mill mono blue
