Humans are odd.

by Wojtux on 15 June 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (20 cards)

Instants (2)

Artifacts (4)

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Deck Description

We give ourselves a strenght to fight.

"Let the land dwellers know the coast is no longer the border between our realms. A new age of empire has begun."

Think twice might be the way to victory ..

How to Play

Silvergill Douser + Merfolk Thaumaturgist -> killing action
Spreading Seas and Aquitect's Will of course use to islandwalk. You have to think with Spreading Seas which opponent's land change to Island. When opponent controls Islands I used to use Spreading Seas and Aquitect's Will only for draw a cards.
Personally I prefer to have Streambed Aquitects in deck more than Master of the Pearl Trident. I know, MotPT gives all Merfolks islandwalk so we have always unblockable damage, but Streambed Aquitects can difficult opponent's game when he'll have Island insted of only e.g. Plains.
Judge of Currents is so fckin annoying for opponents together with Merrow Commerce. He's a living ambulance.
Harpoon Sniper is our bodyguard. He always defeating the strongest attacking opponent's creature with his ability.
Door of Destinies, we choose Merfolk Type -> immortal Merfolks.

When we have a lot of Merfolk tokens we have so easy. Tapping their to counter spells (next token) and heal for them.
Rest of the cards are simply to learn.


Cosi's Trickster is perfect with Thada Adel. With them we'll get stronger creatures and we'll steal artifacts.
Trepanation Blade on unblockable creature give us a lot of damage.
Konda's Banner I used to use on Thada Adel -> all our aggresive creature get +2/+2
Sigil Tracer to suprise opponent and increase number of new tokens (copy Summon of the School new target -> we)
Wanderwine Prophets + tokens + Streambed Aquitects -> cosmos.
Lullmage Mentor + counter spells and Summon the School help Harpoon Sniper to deal incredible damage.

Deck Tags

  • Merfolks
  • Aggro
  • W/U
  • White/Blue
  • Unblockable
  • combos

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,393 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Humans are odd.

I like it a lot! Its a great idea for a deck. You should check out my merfolk deck on my page. Ignore the top two decks though, they were things that i started but never really got to finish.

Posted 15 June 2013 at 23:13


Thanks for your opinion : )
I'll check your deck : )

Posted 15 June 2013 at 23:18


You got some nice combos here. Seems like a solid deck all in all =) I would suggest Silence over Render Silent. And one combo I really like is Silvergill Douser + Merfolk Thaumaturgist for some killing action. It works wonders in my pauper merfolk deck. Here's a link if you are interested

Posted 16 June 2013 at 23:30


I added them :)

Posted 18 June 2013 at 21:44


this looks like a nice deck. Liking the mix of lifegain/combat tricks you have in there (with the counter spells that are pretty much mandatory for merfolk decks, it's going to break many o enemies hearts)
Liking the mix of spreading seas with aquitect's will, they're both really good cards, although I prefer using a set of 4 spreading seas with ponders (just personal though)
Was feeling like there was a bit too many bannerets to start off, but later realised that you had some token generation in here too, pretty neat.
The one thing I'm pretty iffy about is the Merfolk Sovereign. Any perticular reason for it to be in there? As there are better lords and the fact that you have so much land into island cards available, you should be able to have your whole team unblockable at all times. Guessing you could sideboard in the prophets to give you an infinite combo, but then the sovereign should belong in the sideboard aswell. Something like Merrow Reejerey could fit in there more nicely imo.

Posted 07 July 2013 at 10:16


I have Sovereign for stronger creatures and for unblockable damage. Reejerey is too expensive for me because I haven't him. Thank you for comment : )

Posted 07 July 2013 at 11:56


Wouldn't master of the pearl trident make your creatures unblockable anyways though?

Posted 07 July 2013 at 16:36


Expensive card for me, hmm I should add on the beggining that I wanted non-budget deck.

Posted 07 July 2013 at 21:39


I believe you could swap out the Aquetect's Will(s) for a Rune Snag/ Mana Leak. A counter of your choice. Or a Vapor Snag to be less of a bastard. My reasoning is that Spreading Seas is simply a (slower) miles-better version of Will.

Posted 23 September 2013 at 02:24


There are many ways for the enemy to simply remove spreading seas. As a merfolk player myself, I always go up against someone who has ways of removing them. This is because people will start to figure out ways to remove them. Although it will work in the beginning, you'll find yourself not having enough enemy islands for your army to be unblockable. Having at least 1 Will is neccecary. (3 is too many though, that you are correct with).
Although he doesn't have any way of tutoring them, so he might be better off without them.

Posted 24 September 2013 at 11:29
