
13 Decks, 25 Comments, 1 Reputation

that's a great idea, im gonna put that on my deck list

Posted 04 May 2011 at 21:53 in reply to #159558 on UB poison aggro-control


with only 5 sources of red mana, pillage won't too much effect i think. even if vesuva can be counted as a mountain, it will only happen if you draw a mountain first. also, what happens if you dont draw crucible of the world. as you destroy your opponent's lands, your lands get destroyed as well so you wont be able to cast anything as well. so i think you will have a problem with other land destruction decks that are very fast and other decks that have ramps. i suggest you lessen you're sac lands and just replace them with dual lands for a more reliable mana base. lessening strip mine would also be advisable and adding tutors instead. if you have crucible of worlds, you can just tutor the strip mine or vice versa. so add a vampiric tutor and/or demonic tutor to the deck. oh and btw, 4 stripmines is illegal in all formats. you can't play stripmine in legacy and in vintage stripmines is restricted to 1. sinkhole is also a must in all black land destruction decks. in the end, i think that having land destruction spells is better than sac lands that destroy lands if partnered with the proper mana acceleration spell. but then, it's only my opinion and im no pro so just think of what i said as a suggestion nothing more :D

Posted 03 May 2011 at 09:35 as a comment on u get no lands


im facing a similar deck that my friend plays and this deck is really sick. some things you can consider, im not sure if it will be better for you but it worked for my friend.

for mana base, he plays shock lands instead of cave of koilos.

for spells, he plays 4 hand disruptions spells like inquisiton of kozilek. first turn: dark rit, sink hole inquisition is really a killer

for creatures, he plays 2 world quellers which is really a versatile card. if needed he will choose creatures to remove all creatures and if the board is clear, he would choose lands.

his killer combo: crucible of worlds+stripmine = unlimited land destruction spells - he would tutor whatever he did not draw.

crucible of worlds + world queller or crucible of worlds + armaggedon also works for him in some situations.

Posted 03 May 2011 at 08:25 as a comment on Desecrated Ground v2


thanks for your suggestions. i would consider replacing my 4 CC spells and 4 CC spells. based on my experience this deck has no problem with turn 2 casting of land destruction via mana acceleration from my creatures.

Posted 03 May 2011 at 08:14 as a comment on RG Land Destruction (comments pls)


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