
7 Decks, 49 Comments, 8 Reputation

mass polymorph is good and would give your deck more consistency.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 09:43 as a comment on poly poly polymorph


idk why ur not running lantern spirits they're spirits and they hella bad ass chump blockers for when ur building ur army, you just assign a creature as blocked and boom, pop the lantern spirit to your hand, no one gets hurt, lol

Also, i'd think about switching out two of the divinations for vivisections, just so you have a way of getting rid of ur doomed travelers.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 09:37 as a comment on Spirits


the hex mage is hella side board material, and instead i'd run painful quandries.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 09:25 as a comment on Sorin's Control


it would be cool to throw in some light mine fields, norn's annexs, and circle of flames.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 09:20 as a comment on Pacify


i'd throw in some altar's reaps so you can sacrifice your creatures in response to a kill or burn spell, with 22 lands and all those cheap creatures ur bound to have some extra mana open for when they try to kill ur creatures.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 09:17 as a comment on BRDW


If ur running infect i'd switch out the mana leaks for corrupted resolves, also grim aflictions are a nice little kill spell to accomadate infect.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 09:09 as a comment on Someone's poisened the watering hole!


parralell lives are a must have for this deck. and Pentavus might work better than Mikaeus.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 09:04 as a comment on Make Babies!!!


lol, just realized i said "sign in tezzerett's gambits", i was thinking about sign in bloods, but realized for just one more mana you could have the option to proliferate.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:59 as a comment on *Vampire Weenie*


it looks like ur deck takes off after you have 5 vamps, like the guy said before bloodghasts would help, but ya they cost monies, a cheaper route would to go with vampire lacerators, 2/2's for one black.

Also, feast of blood's are too conditional of a kill spell, i'd run 2 more urge to feeds, and either 2 sign in tezzeret's gambits or two grim afflictions, the gambits will help drop more vamps and the afflictions will kill or permanently weaken a creature and with both you get to proliferate the counters from ur swords or ur urge to feeds.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:56 as a comment on *Vampire Weenie*


a nice card for anyone with indestructibles are World Slayers

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:47 as a comment on Indestructible deathtouch


grind clocks and tezzeret's gambits are unholy for mill and it looks like ur taking a slight aggro take on mill, so i'd throw in some mind cranks as well. Also sword of body and mind is good too.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:39 as a comment on U/B Mill Standard


Zombie infestations would be good for early game for when you get those 5 land hands, and great late game for when your hand's full of unused control spells.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:34 as a comment on they come from the ground


i like the idea of throwing out some free walls with the option of having reach to stall the game for some titans and preators, but i found it to be more vicous with some acidic slimes awesome for some early game land desruction and acts as a way better spot removal than beast within, and it lives through heartless so you can have a nasty little death toucher.

also instead of blacksun, i'd do massacre worm.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:17 as a comment on Power Destroy


Also consider running runescar demon instead of the diabolic tutor, it's about the same with heartless on the field and you get a nice little flying beatstick.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:09 as a comment on Heartless Inferno


i'd sub the reassembling skeletons for perilous myrs, they're a free shock if you have heartless summoning out and an ok chump blocker if you don't.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:07 as a comment on Heartless Inferno


Also, i ran a bloodthirst deck, and the problem i kept running into was pop backs, it flooded my hand and got rid of their precious bloodthirst counters, what i did to combat this was to sideboard some surgical extractions, so they could only pop 1 creature.

Also, throw in some crimson mages, they give creatures haste, they give ur gutshots a perpose for bieng there, otherwise you could just swing with an existing creature and play the bloodthirster on ur 2nd mainphase.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 08:03 as a comment on RB Bloodthirst


the heavy hitter you need is some bloodlord of vassgoths, they have bloodthirst so they fit with the theme and give all other vampires bloodthirst 3, i know i know ur vamps already have bloodthirst, well here's the cool part, it stacks!!!

Posted 11 October 2011 at 07:57 as a comment on RB Bloodthirst


slag storms instead of pyroclasms, definately, just because if you don't need the board wipe it doubles as some player damage.

Also, if ur gonna go control/burn, go with shrines of burning rage so you can transition burning creatures into player damage, and some Chandra's pheonix's for some dependable constant damage.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 07:53 as a comment on im baaaaack


also might wanna consider gutshots for the manaleaks, runic repetitions for the silent departures, and 2 shrines of burning rages for the disperses, if ur running burn, you wanna be as aggressive as possible especially if ur running no creatures.

and if u ever decide to run creatures, think about either chandra's pheonix, like you were thinking snapcaster mages, Galvanoths, and/or charmbreaker devils.

Posted 11 October 2011 at 07:46 as a comment on Burning Vengeance sans Snapcaster


Desperate ravings instead of dream twist, it's red draw power with a blue flashback, awesome for the colors ur running and has a point

Posted 11 October 2011 at 07:38 as a comment on Burning Vengeance sans Snapcaster


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