
15 Decks, 14 Comments, 2 Reputation

LOL whoops sorry about that. In that case, don't forget the Bringers (of the W/U/R/B/G Dawns)

Posted 23 February 2017 at 03:57 in reply to #596272 on Mirrodin


I feel like one deck can't really do the entirety of New Phyrexia justice. Maybe make 5 separate decks all focused around one of the Praetors, like a mono blue control themed deck for Jin and a black recursion deck designed to cheat big creatures onto the field for Sheoldred etc. And of course while you're making the deck try and make flavorful card choices.

-EDIT- Unless you're making a commander deck. Then I would maybe use Karona as the commander just for flavor reasons, since she had to do with the Mirrari which led to the creation of Mirrodin

Posted 19 February 2017 at 01:38 as a comment on Mirrodin


Ok, for all the people doin' the h8s what with this deck and all, yeah it may not be designed perfectly, but the _concept_ is really interesting. I've always been a big fan of artifacts, and ramp... and Memnite (I know kill me), so i personally really like this deck not because _it_ is good, but because it's concept is good.

Posted 05 July 2015 at 17:50 as a comment on Rule defying Who needs lands!?


Ok, for all the people doin' the h8s what with this deck and all, yeah it may not be designed perfectly, but the _concept_ is really interesting. I've always been a big fan of artifacts, and ramp... and Memnite (I know kill me), so i personally really like this deck not because _it_ is good, but because it's concept is good.

Posted 05 July 2015 at 17:45 as a comment on Rule defying Who needs lands!?


Love this deck, have a weakness for +1/+1 counters and token creatures, so this satisfies half of those needs xD

Posted 15 November 2014 at 21:25 as a comment on Friday Budget: An Abzan Army


Maybe in a pod deck? (Splash blue of course) Being that you can essentially, cast it for 3 (It just takes 2 turns). Yeah you could do the do with the pod and a card with converted mana cost 9 5th turn. (There are better ways of doing it but hey it'd work) pretty simply too.

2-island/forest/whatever land
3-land, morph Egotist
4-pay 1 life+3 mana for Pod+Flip Egotist
5-Sac egotist, search for a creature with converted mana cost 9, put it on the field

Then maybe next turn sac for Jin Gitaxias or something or other, big things are big.

Posted 12 August 2014 at 05:12 in reply to #493277 on Combo of the Year.


Well, it's also a 2/2 for one blue mana but whatever...

Posted 12 August 2014 at 01:41 in reply to #493277 on Combo of the Year.


I dunno, I honestly don't have a problem with extremely overpowered decks in general, it's just that, generally, infinite combo decks essentially win in the same way. Like, cards like Master Transmute and Unwinding clock are kind of _really really powerful_ and if you run a deck that's centered around them, it's very easy to pull off a win with them, but then again, they're a lot more interesting and there's more that you can do with them than an infinite combo deck (assuming any means of winning with infinite mana is classified as the same).

Posted 08 August 2014 at 06:56 in reply to #492343 on Combo of the Year.


Ugh, there doesn't need to be any more of these decks. INFINITE COMBOS AREN'T FUN TO PLAY WITH OR AGAINST. I know, I made a deck with this exact combo once. It's fun the first few times you play with it, then it's just dull. It takes all the satisfaction out of winning and the people you play against will either complain about it or just give up. Infinite combo decks just have such a high chance of winning if made well that it's just a waste of time to play with them. If you look at this deck and any other infinite combo deck, whether it be mill or infinite creatures, they're all the same. No variation. Nothing interesting, the game doesn't even get to go on for that long, most decks like this will have a 3rd turn win easily. I'm not saying that the decks are inherently wrong, or that you're just a terrible person for enjoying playing with them, but just take a look at any other deck that focuses on an infinite combo and see what might be interesting about those decks and this one. There's no difference. If you're praising this one so much, why not every other one as well?

Posted 07 August 2014 at 22:42 as a comment on Combo of the Year.


Probably my favorite mill decks in the vault, I'm just like wow o.o

Mill is one of my favorite deck types and I'm really bad at building them for efficiency, so whenever i find a consistent deck that isn't the most expensive thing in the world I'm like YUS.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 07:09 in reply to #489746 on [Pauper] Hard Mill


Wow. Really good deck. Efficient, _really_ cheap, good curve (I mean 1-2 drops not much of one anyways but you get my point). More people should see this deck, might should add budget to the tag list.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 02:27 as a comment on [Pauper] Hard Mill


The deck is pretty good but what's the real point of Mikaeus all but one of your creatures has undying. Undying Evil shouldn't even be necessary in your sideboard.

Posted 04 July 2014 at 00:32 as a comment on B/G Undying (Modern)
