
19 Decks, 14 Comments, 0 Reputation

Well, the inkmolth+runechanters alternative win-con is more of an "I cannot decide which one I prefer more". As its more of a casual think I'm not sure if working with a sideboard is worth the effort. Ink+Rune would be better against creature-light decks, and... yeah, people that figure out not to play creatures until they get a Shatter. Hmm, better add a man-land or something to actual be able to win without the opponent :)

The land-bounce is mostly to get a running-start on the op. It's hard/unlikely to last for many rounds, but Shackles+Synod does make good use just a bit of tempo-control.

But, yeah. The griefer-aspect is sorta putting me a bit off on this deck. I hoped it could be U-control without the grief of "I counter - everything!", but this too has a big portion of a "grief or suck" quality.

But as you say, land-bounce seems to have a good money-for-grief ration :)
(disregarding the few expensive cards here...)

Posted 07 August 2012 at 16:06 in reply to #279475 on Land Bounce (Mdn)


Maybe Harabaz Druid would fit better? One cmc slower, but gives way more mana.

Posted 12 March 2012 at 13:58 in reply to #230077 on Changelings Are Not Fair


Hmm, the Deft Duelist actually works against me with the shroud. Replaced with Sejiri Merfolk. Also the Azorius Guildmage is out for a more consistent draw (but might come back).

Posted 19 February 2011 at 06:39 as a comment on Only birds allowed


Hehe, Im a big fan of Squadron Hawk, but the object here is not as much to have lots of creatures as it is to control.
I do like your deck, however, so maybe ill end up stealing some of your ideas :)

Posted 17 February 2011 at 12:55 in reply to #130578 on Only birds allowed


For discarding you hand: Breakthrough (blue) or One with Nothing (black).

You could make this deck with defensive creatures to make it more durable against combat damage. Giving you more time to set up the Barren Glory combo.

I dig the idea!

Posted 05 January 2011 at 03:21 as a comment on Trial Creatureless Deck v1


Nice, maybe add a Dizzy Spell for the transmute to get Quest for Ula's Temple (or ideally more of them) ?

Posted 02 January 2011 at 04:03 as a comment on Blue stomp


Sorry if I was coming on as advertising, that wasn't my intention -decklinking was only for referencing.

I still haven't quite learned how the legality of types works, so apologies for being illegal.

I do, however, believe that the idea of counter-moving in leveller-decks could be useful - ie with Fate Transfer.

Posted 01 January 2011 at 08:55 in reply to #110714 on WU Levelers


Well, I have used Leech bonder+Paradise Mantle in my +1/+1, -1/-1 deck to move counters around. I haven't playtested though, so I don't know precisely how it works.
You can see the deck here:

Posted 30 December 2010 at 14:29 in reply to #110714 on WU Levelers


The deck is heavely updated - maybe I should just have added a completely new deck.

The transmute ability is now helping getting the cards needed and the tap/untap trick more emphasised.

Posted 28 December 2010 at 14:45 as a comment on Untapped/untouched


Hmm, Gilded Lotus + Aphetto Alchemist w/Pemmin's Aura would give infinitive U.

It's a bit expensive in both money and CMC, but a viable "end-game" tactic. - Basically it likely equals infinitive damage (and maybe you drawing all your cards ;) )

Posted 21 December 2010 at 09:56 as a comment on Untapped/untouched


Coolio! Good ideas, ill put em in the sideboard and see if playtesting will show me what I can substitute them for.

Posted 17 December 2010 at 07:13 in reply to #105856 on Untapped/untouched


Duly noted! A good point - I had somehow hoped that Sigil of Sleep would take care of all the creature-hassle ill meet, but that might be an illusion.

Ill test and see if more counter-likes can do the trick or maybe some steal cards.
Powerful enchantments/artifacts also seems to be a potential hassle.

Posted 16 December 2010 at 02:04 in reply to #105856 on Untapped/untouched


Thx for the comment! Not harsh at all :)

Im not that strong on the whole "what goes on the stack when"-thing, but wouldn't I be able (ideally) to either ping the RA or untap and make his ability useless? I mean, as a response to the RA's ability.

Posted 16 December 2010 at 01:26 in reply to #105856 on Untapped/untouched
